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Special Preparatory Programme CSF & JROP Building Implementation Capacity CZ 02 IB SPP III September 2003 – October 2004. Writing the programme complement. Programme Complement = Operational Programme implementation Biagio Perretti PAA- SPP 3 team. Agenda: what to know before leaving.
Special Preparatory Programme CSF & JROP Building Implementation Capacity CZ 02 IB SPP III September 2003 – October 2004 Writing the programme complement
Programme Complement = Operational Programme implementationBiagio PerrettiPAA- SPP 3 team
Agenda: what to know before leaving • starting from some examples from the Basilicata PC, a discussion on: • Co-ordination among relevant bodies in the PC drafting • territorial eligibility for thematic measures. • use of information at local level on projects to build a measure. • implication of the envisaged eligibility of expenses from the 1st of Jan 2004 on PC drafting
Examples of measures from the PC of Basilicata • 1.1 ciclo integrato delle acque (water cycle management • 3.1: life long education • 4.5 regimi di aiuto settore turismo (state aids for SMEs in the Tourist sector. • 4.6 insfrastrutture turistiche (infrastructures for Tourism related activities • 6.1 viabilità (regional roads infrastructures)
The structure of the measures in the PC. (A) • description of the measure: Fund, priority,operations, description • Technical content: final recipients, territorial eligibility • Procedures for the implementation: national legal framework, regional legislation • final beneficiary • the responsible body for the implementation.
The structure of the measures in the PC. (B) • Procedures: administrative, technical, financial : • procedures, according to specific or general rules (ERDF -ESF manual) • selection criteria • eligible expenses. • interaction with other measures
The structure of the measures in the PC. (C) • The financial framework:Financial sources: SF, National, regional, private • The financial timetable: • Allocation per year of implementation.
The structure of the measures in the PC. (D) • The ex ante evaluation: • consistency with the priority objectives • relevance of the selection criteria • Physical Indicators of impact: • physical implementation • physical results • physical impact • employment impact
The structure of the measures in the PC. (E) • The evaluation of impact on horizontal issues • equal opportunities • environment • information society.
Coordination among relevant bodies in PC drafting • In the BASILICATA case three approaches for the three funds , a 3 months process: • ERDF • coordination of line ministries by the MA, technical support from the relevant departments of the line Ministries • ESF • coordination of relevant bodies by the ministry of education and culture, technical support from the departments of the Ministry of education • EAGGF • coordination of relevant bodies by the ministry of agriculture and rural development, technical support from the INEA (National Institute of agricultural economics)
Territorial eligibility for thematic measures. • territorial eligibility in the single measure: • the Measure IV 5: territorial systems, areas of implementation of integrated projects, areas of special cultural interest as defined by a regional study. • territorial allocation of the resources of the ROP: • the PIT: a decision from the regional parliament identifies the allocation of resources among the territories of PIT (integrated territorial projects.) • the monitoring committee is responsible for reallocation of resources in case of failure of the single projects.
Territorial eligibility in a single measure • the Measure IV 5: • in the Technical content: final recipients, territorial eligibility • in the selection of projects, priority will be given to projects from: • territorial systems of tourist activities (identified by a decision of the regional government), • areas of implementation of integrated projects for tourist development (identified through a partnership process and based on a contract between Region and local authorities), • areas of special cultural interest as defined by a regional study. (identified by a decision of the regional government),
allocation of ROP resources among sub-regional territories • the PITs: • In Basilicata: 8 territories covering the entire regional territory • 5 PIT in Potenza province (NUTS 3) • 3 PIT in Matera province (NUTS 3) • Identified in the RDP (approved in 2000, to become the basis for the ROP)
allocation of ROP resources among PIT sub-regional territories • The allocation of resources is defined by a governmental decision. • In the PC is defined the allocation of resources to all the PIT from the relevant measures • In the case of grant schemes, the calls for projects define the resources available to private initiatives per each PIT, plus a share available at regional level, through selection criteria. • In the case of public infrastructures, the allocation is granted to the single territories subject to the condition that projects are available and delivered
re- allocation of ROP resources among PIT • The re-allocation of resources is defined by a governmental decision, as the allocation. • In fact, in the PC it is only defined the allocation of resources to all the PIT from the relevant measures, not the allocation among the territories. • Then it is not necessary to revise the PC to change that allocation. • In the case of grant schemes, the reallocation comes automatically from the selection criteria. Priority not exclusivity to projects coming from a specific territory. • In the case of public infrastructures, In case it is needed, reallocation is decided by the regional government and implemented by the bodies responsible for the single measure.
use of information at local level on projects to build a measure. • In the Basilicata region, the future responsible body for the measure was the leading agent in the drafting process. • the bodies responsible have been asked to supply the available information on the project portfolio at the local level in order to draft the measures in the programme complement. • the projects that had already started but still had to be completed were the first to be considered in the measures drafting.
implication of the envisaged eligibility of expenses from the 1st of Jan 2004 on PC drafting • The availability of projects already in implementation have been a fundamental basis for the successful starting of the Programme in Basilicata. • In the case of Basilicata the objective has been to connect the 94-99 programming period to the following one • A governmental decision for the assessment of projects in implementation was issued . • “I progetti in transito.” (running projects)
The ideal project for the “eligibility” period. • projects in progress: • for which 20-30% has been spent from national resources • surely deliverable in the programming period • of relevant financial dimension with respect to the measure allowances • clearly eligible for SF support. • not suffering exogenous causes of stall: legal, administrative, fiscal, ... • coherent with other future projects presented for SF financing.
conclusionsprogramme complement = programme implementation the regional nature of the OPRD can still be born in the Programme Complement The responsibility for the drafting should be the closest possible to the body that will assume the responsibility of implementation The project owners, and other bodies closer to the final beneficiaries, are deeply needed for the drafting of good measures the projects in progress provide the fundamental basis for the fast and effective implementation of the programme, and should be very closely monitored in the PC draft.