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Hansjörg Looser CH-9000 St.Gallen

AER eHe@lth Network Meeting MeDI SWISS (Medical Data Interchange) 11th April 2008 Vienna City Hall. Hansjörg Looser CH-9000 St.Gallen. East of Switzerland – Canton St.Gallen. Germany. Austria. Principality of Liechtenstein. St.Gallen. Bürgerspital Geriatrisches Kompetenz- zentrum.

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Hansjörg Looser CH-9000 St.Gallen

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AER eHe@lth Network Meeting MeDISWISS (Medical Data Interchange)11th April 2008 Vienna City Hall Hansjörg LooserCH-9000 St.Gallen

  2. East of Switzerland – Canton St.Gallen Germany Austria Principality ofLiechtenstein Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  3. St.Gallen Bürgerspital Geriatrisches Kompetenz-zentrum Kantonsspital St.Gallen Rorschach Wil H H H SpitalregionFürstenland Toggenburg H Altstätten mit Geriatrischer Abt. H SpitalregionRheintal WerdenbergSarganserland Wattwil mit Geriatrischer Abt.und Übergangspflege H H Grabs H Linth mit Geriatrischer Abt. Walenstadt H Spital Linth Reha-KlinikWalenstadtberg Klinik Valens Rheuma- undRehazentrum Cantonal Healthcare Institutions Flawil Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  4. MeDISWISSNetwork Cardiology • structured data exchange of medical documents along the patient’s path • practitioner  cardiology specialist cardiology clinic Kantonsspital St.Gallen  Universitiy Hospital Zurich  rehabilitation clinic • ensure the mobility of patients • model architecture based on international standards IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) • pilot productive since October 2007 • evaluation by University of St.Gallen in progress • develop a private public partnership to run the platform for other applications Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  5. Selection of Standards Source: ELGA Austria, www.arge-elga.at Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  6. IHE Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  7. Document Consumer Document Source Document Repository Document Consumer Patient Identity Source Document Registry Document Repository Document Repository Document Source MeDISWISS Architecture Need for Cross-Enterprise Clinical Documents Sharingin a Federated Architecture SEARCH MPIMasterPatientIndex MAKE EPA-IElektronischerPatientenAkte - Index 3 Query VIEW 2 Register 1 Provide & Register 4 Retrieve STORE Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  8. Identification Systems • Diagnoses (ICD, ICPC, SNOMED, etc.) • Lab results (Cumul, Loinc) • Tarifs (Tarmed, MiGel, regional&cantonal) • Practitioners (EAN, GS1) • Institutions, hospitals (?) • Patients (?) Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  9. Main Problem > Patient Identification • no unique social security number • each information has an own numbering system with an own primary key • no problem owner for the data exchange process between different domains • no international cross identification Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  10. Patient Identification Cross Reference Domain Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  11. Master Patient Index Service • IHE (Integrating Healthcare Enterprise) • Integration profile „Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing (PIX)“ Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  12. Master Patient Index Domains Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  13. Gesundheitsdepartement Kanton St.Gallen Hansjörg Looser, lic.oec.inform. HSG Leiter E-Health Davidstrasse 27 9001 St.Gallen +41 71 229 47 99 hansjoerg.looser@sg.ch http://www.gesundheit.sg.ch http://www.ehealth.sg.ch Please contact … Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

  14. AER eHe@lth seminar • 8. Schweizerischer eHealthcare Kongress • Konferenz und Fachausstellung • 24./25. September 2008 • http://www.ehealthcare.ch • AER eHe@lth Network Meeting Thursday, 25 September 2008 • GZI Seminar- und Kongresshotel, Nottwil/Luzern Gesundheitsdepartement des Kantons St.Gallen

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