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Learn about strategic approaches to improving software performance and the importance of performance engineering. Discover how to set performance targets and allocate budgets for different components of the system.
Right – Googling for “Performance” gets you everything from Lady Gaga (http://justjared.buzznet.com/photo-gallery/2003211/lady-gaga-explosive-performance-03/ ) to a weird bicycle (http://www.rankfunny.com/Automobile/Exotic/Performance_Bicycle ) to a cloud database comparison (http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/processors/c7/ ). CSSE 477 – A bit more on Performance Steve Chenoweth Friday, 9/9/11 Week 1, Day 2
Today • Each team explain design changes and results (5 min. presentations with before / after demo.) • More about performance, now that you’ve tried improving it!
Software performance - Strategic things to consider • A mistake to wait and try to tune a big, new system at the end. • You can get by with this if you’re doing incremental changes to an existing system. • The big, new system needs software performance engineering. • Using a spreadsheet • Can move from there to queueing models or discrete event simulation of key parts
Your assignment – not easy • On the project you selected to work on, “Improve the performance by 100%.” • But this happens in industry – • What if we grow to twice as many customers, all using our servers? • Or, some part of the system has new, competing uses – like other types of people using its data?
When do you need to know performance? • For a new system: • Could be months ahead, as you are building it. • Customers need to budget for and order servers. • For an existing product offering: • You probably know more, from existing customer experience. • But also need to predict system needs for customers’ growth in usage.
What are the aspects of performance requirements? • Capacity – how big a system has to be, or how fast • Like disk capacity or bandwidth • Throughput – How many things per unit of time it can do • Like how many transactions per second • Latency – How much delay can be tolerated • “Jitter” is a close relative of this • Some of these terms differ in usage in the software industry!
Example of where to start TIME WARNING CABLE • Client is Time Warning, and wants a new system to handle pay per view subscriptions. • These come in via set-top boxes, within their network. • They have 5 million customers in their biggest metropolitan service area. • Maximum “take rate” for any PPV event is 3%. • Half of those who subscribe do so in the hour before the show starts. • For a single CPU to handle all this, what’s the maximum CPU time that could be spent booking one customer?This becomes a performance “target” based on requirements.
Bass’s Performance Remedies Review - From a week ago -- • Look at: • Resource demand • Resource management • Resource arbitration • If you had a user interface based system, then speeding up the user activity was another alternative.
But, what do you worry about? • Use 80 / 20 rule – • Look for the 20% of the functions of your system that will use up 80% of the resources. • Don’t worry about the rest, unless you have to. • This means, for instance, don’t waste your time “shining” all the code for performance. • Decide first what code deserves taking extra time to optimize it.
And how do you worry about it? • Find peak periods – like we did in the example. • Make assumptions, until proven wrong. Like: • Little’s Law – commonly used in statistics of performance: Occupancy of a resource = Arrival rate x Mean service time, or Total seconds used = events / sec x # sec for each
What do “targets” turn into? • You know Time Warning wants a system that will “handle” 20.83 transactions per second peak. • You need to know what that “means” to your system – • Do you only book the customers for billing? • Do you actually have to enable their set-top boxes • Do you have to allocate the cable system’s bandwidth, and stop when it runs out?
Make sure you know what the performance requirement “means” • Some of these tasks would be much harder than others! • Is the bottom line that Time Warning is out of bandwidth, and the probably really isn’t in the system that books customers at all? • If they already have a system to do the required task, start by studying what it does.
Then start designing… • Pick an architectural style that fits what the system has to do. • More on styles coming up next week! • Like client/server or pipe-and-filter • Then “allocate budgets” across the components of the architecture: • Like on the spreadsheet from last Friday • “How much time can be spent in this box?” • “How much of that in this software task?” • The budgets help decide proper design!
Performance Engineering with a Spreadsheet Typical new system design analysis – For a network management system Note: These are all resource consumption estimates Note: Having everything add up to only 60% allows for some “blocked time”
Budgets become vs Estimates which become Measurements • As people do detailed design, they know if they can make those numbers or not. • You keep looking at the budget, because that’s what tells you if the whole thing will run fast enough. • As pieces of the system hit the lab, you can measure what really happens.
Typical remedies for bottlenecks • Look for inefficiencies in the software • Like repeated database calls, waiting to synchronize results, wrong priorities • Bugs like deadlocks and timeouts • See link to case history, in notes for this slide • Multi-thread the software • Get rid of competing tasks on the system • Add processors and distribute across • Add servers and distribute tasks
What do performance experts add? • Most experts have some specific type of skill, like: • Software performance engineering • Queueing studies • Discrete event simulation studies • You should already be close to knowing how the system will work, call them for a refined view or for confirmation. E.g., • If the system already is too slow, then the effects of queueing make it even worse!
Queueing example • Single-server “M/M/1” model “queueing curve”: Response Time Utilization
Translating queueing-related requirements • Requirement: “Response time less than 3 seconds, 95% of the time”. • If you have an M/M/1 distribution of incoming work, what should the average response time therefore be?Rp = R.50 x loge (1/(1-p)) • So, 3 = R.50 x loge (1/(1-.95)), andR.50 = 3/2.995 = 1 sec, more or less.