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A broad collaborative New Zealand initiative to meet our education aspirations & obligations

A broad collaborative New Zealand initiative to meet our education aspirations & obligations. Schools are in the human rights business. Schools exist to fulfil the right of every child to an education that respects and helps realise their human rights and those of others.

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A broad collaborative New Zealand initiative to meet our education aspirations & obligations

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  1. A broad collaborative New Zealand initiative to meet our education aspirations & obligations

  2. Schools are in the human rights business

  3. Schools exist to fulfil the right of every child to an education that respects and helps realise their human rights and those of others

  4. “Every person...is entitled to...free education at any state school during the period beginning on the person's 5th birthday and ending on the 1st day of January after the person's 19th birthday.” New Zealand Education Act 1989

  5. “Everyone has the right to education” Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 article 26

  6. “Every person, whatever his level of academic ability, whether he be rich or poor, whether he live in town or country, has a right as a citizen to a free education of the kind for which he is best fitted and to the fullest extent of his powers.” Annual Report of the Department of Education 1939

  7. Education shall be directed to: • development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential; • preparation for responsible life in a free society. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 29

  8. Article 26 Everyone has the right to education

  9. Article 23 Everyone has the right to work

  10. Article 21 Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country

  11. The New Zealand Curriculum (2007)

  12. School focus Good teaching practice Human rights based education Effective citizenshipin and beyond school Respect for self, others & learning • Delivering on education aspirations and obligations

  13. The Hampshire experience Greater achievement Supportive learning environment Respect for self, others and learning Community learning about human rights & responsibilities, reinforced through constant use across life of school

  14. School charter & policies School decision making All learning areas Teaching styles, strategies& actions Community participation & input Student participation & input Teaching & learning materials School culture /hidden curriculum Assessment Extra/co-curricular activities Pastoral programme

  15. To help young people develop to their fullest potential and be effective local, national and global citizens To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities Recognise human rights mission Learn about human rights & responsibilities Apply a rights & responsibilities lens

  16. “As a community we acknowledge the right of our young people to an education that respects and helps realise their human rights and those of others. “Committed to the right to education for all, Auckland Girls’ Grammar School is the lead school for a Teen Parenting Unit for young mothers from the greater Auckland area.... “Respect – All members of the Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Community will honour the unique qualities that every student and staff member brings to the school. They will show respect at all times for themselves, others, human rights, and the environment. “Empathy – All members of the Auckland Girls’ Grammar School Community will have an understanding of the feelings of others based on an understanding of their inherent dignity and rights “Contributing to these strategic directions, our school will develop as a community that knows, promotes and lives human rights and responsibilities.”

  17. To help young people develop to their fullest potential and be effective local, national and global citizens To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities Recognise human rights mission Learn about human rights & responsibilities Apply a rights & responsibilities lens

  18. To help young people develop to their fullest potential and be effective local, national and global citizens To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities To develop education communities that know, promote and live human rights and responsibilities Recognise human rights mission Learn about human rights & responsibilities Apply a rights & responsibilities lens

  19. School charter & policies School decision making All learning areas Teaching styles, strategies& actions Community participation & input Student participation & input Teaching & learning materials School culture /hidden curriculum Assessment Extra/co-curricular activities Pastoral programme

  20. School charter & policies School decision making All learning areas Teaching styles, strategies& actions Community participation & input Student participation & input Teaching & learning materials School culture /hidden curriculum Assessment Extra/co-curricular activities Pastoral programme

  21. School charter & policies School decision making All learning areas Teaching styles, strategies& actions Community participation & input Student participation & input Teaching & learning materials School culture /hidden curriculum Assessment Extra/co-curricular activities Pastoral programme

  22. Level 5 achievement objectives Students will gain knowledge, skills, and experience to understand... How the Treaty...is responded to differently by people in different times and places How people define and seek human rights

  23. Article 2: economic, social & cultural rights Article 3: equality New Zealand’s Magna Carta?

  24. “Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her royal protection and imparts to them all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects.”

  25. Magna Carta 1215

  26. English Bill of Rights 1688 “WHEREAS the late King James the Second by the assistance of diverse evill Councellors Judges and Ministers imployed by him did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the lawes and liberties of this Kingdome.”

  27. Human rights education resources can be found on the web in almost every language.

  28. Recognise instances of discrimination and act responsibly to support their own rights and feelings and those of other people (level 4 AO) Rights to health, rest & leisure

  29. “In science, students explore how both the natural physical world and science itself work so that they can participate as critical, informed, and responsible citizens in a society in which science plays a significant role.” Article 27 Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

  30. “the use of practical and intellectual resources to develop products and systems (technological outcomes) that expand human possibilities by addressing needs and realising opportunities” “Students...learn to consider ethics, legal requirements, protocols, codes of practice, and the needs of and potential impacts on stakeholders and the environment.”

  31. Governance decision making Why we exist What’s important to us What we want to be Our game plan Team/individual objectives, measures, targets Management decision making

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