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Mastering Airplane Maneuvers: Advanced Handling Training

Explore the complete flight envelope during advanced handling training to become a confident and skilled pilot. Develop awareness of attitude and control to enhance safety and proficiency. Learn aerobatics, spin recovery, and acrobatic maneuvers to master the aircraft both in the air and on the ground.

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Mastering Airplane Maneuvers: Advanced Handling Training

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  1. Akroutsjekk og formasjonsflyging Regelverk, videreutdanning og sikkerhet

  2. Om Akroflyging During the advanced handling training you will explore the outer limits of the flight envelope. In doing so you will become more confident and learn to master the airplane in any given situation and flight attitude. This will, in turn, make you a better and safer pilot.

  3. Exploringtheouter limits oftheflightenvelope

  4. To ExperiencetheComplete Flight Envelope Airplanes were designed for three-dimensional flight. Unlike an automobile, train or boat, an airplane can truly move in three-dimensional space, yet most pilots never learn to fully maneuver the aircraft in this 3-D environment. Student pilots learn to takeoff, climb, turn, descend and land, but that’s a very small part of the total flight envelope of which many aircraft – and pilots – are capable.

  5. To IncreaseConfidence and Pilot Skills Pilots who have flown aerobatics develop an instinctive awareness of attitude and the fastest way back to straight-and-level controlled flight. They are able to quickly identify upsets and properly react to them, resisting the urge to pull back on the yoke when an upset occurs. They become familiar and comfortable with the mechanics of spin recovery. Aerobatic pilots develop an increased feel and sensitivity for the controls of their airplane, leading to improved handling of the aircraft both on and off the ground.

  6. Opplæringsprogram i Akroflyging • Unormale stillinger og spin trening (Upsetrecovery training • Akroutsjekk • Opplæring konkurransetrinn (sportsman/ intermediate/advanced) • Opplæring til akroinstruktør • Opplæring for oppvisningspiloter

  7. FOR 2000-12-20 nr 1673: Forskrift om generelle bestemmelser om utstedelse av luftfartssertifikater (BSL C 1-1a)Vedlegg 5 til punkt 9. Akroflyging

  8. FOR 2000-12-20 nr 1673: Forskrift om generelle bestemmelser om utstedelse av luftfartssertifikater (BSL C 1-1a)Vedlegg 5 til punkt 9. Acroflyging

  9. FOR 2000-12-20 nr 1673: Forskrift om generelle bestemmelser om utstedelse av luftfartssertifikater (BSL C 1-1a)Vedlegg 5 til punkt 9. Acroflyging

  10. Nye bestemmelser EASA PART-FCL og akroutsjekk - Draft Opinion PART-FCL

  11. PART-FCL SUBPART A - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FCL.010 Definitions For the purposes of this Part, the following definitions apply: ‘Aerobatic flight’ means an intentional manoeuvre involving an abrupt change in an aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight or for instruction for licences or ratings other than the aerobatic rating.

  12. PART-FCL SUBPART I - ADDITIONAL RATINGS FCL.800 Aerobatic rating (a) Holders of a pilot licence for aeroplanes, TMGs or sailplanes shall only undertake aerobatic flights when they hold the appropriate rating. (b) Applicants for an aerobatic rating shall have completed: (1) at least 40 hours of flight time or, in the case of sailplanes, 120 launches as pilot-in-command in the appropriate aircraft category, completed after the issue of the licence; (2) a training course at an approved training organisation, including: (i) theoretical knowledge instruction appropriate for the rating; (ii) at least 5 hours or 20 flights of aerobatic instruction in the appropriate aircraft category. (c) The privileges of the aerobatic rating shall be limited to the aircraft category in which the flight instruction was completed. The privileges will be extended to another category of aircraft if the pilot holds a valid licence for that aircraft category and has successfully completed at least 3 dual training flights covering the full aerobatic training syllabus in that category of aircraft.

  13. PART - FCL SUBPART J - INSTRUCTORS SECTION 3: FCL.905.FI. FI - Privileges and conditions The privileges of an FI are to conduct flight instruction for the issue, revalidation or renewal of: (a) a PPL, SPL, BPL and LAPL in the appropriate aircraft category; (b) class and type ratings for single-pilot, single-engine aircraft, except for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes, and class and group extensions, in the caseofballoons and class extensions in the case of sailplanes; (c) type ratings for single or multi-pilot airship; (d) a CPL in the appropriate aircraft category, provided that the FI has completed at least 500 hours of flight time as a pilot in that aircraft category, including at least 200 hours of flight instruction; Page 65 of 202 (e) the night rating, provided that the FI: (1) is qualified to fly at night in the appropriate aircraft category; (2) has demonstrated the ability to instruct at night to an FI qualified in accordance with (i) below; and (3) complies with the night experience requirement of FCL.060(b)(2). (f) a towing and/or aerobatic rating, provided that such privileges are held and the FI has demonstrated the ability to instruct for that rating to an FI qualified in accordance with (i) below;

  14. PART - FCL SUBPART J - INSTRUCTORS SECTION 3: FCL.910.FI. FI - Restricted privileges (a) An FI shall have his/her privileges limited to conducting flight instruction under the supervision of an FI for the same category of aircraft nominated by the training organisationfor this purpose, in the following cases: (1) for the issue of the PPL, SPL, BPL and LAPL; (2) in all integrated courses at PPL level, in case of aeroplanes and helicopters; (3) for class and type ratings for single-pilot, single-engine aircraft, class and group extensions in the case of balloons and class extensions in the case of sailplanes; (4) for the night, towing and/or aerobatic ratings.

  15. PART - FCL SUBPART J - INSTRUCTORS SECTION 5: FCL.905. CRI. CRI - Privileges and conditions (a) The privileges of a CRI are to instruct for: (1) the issue, revalidation or renewal of a type or class rating for non-complex nonhigh performance single-pilot aeroplanes, when the privileges sought by the applicant are to fly in single-pilot operations; (2) a towing and/or aerobatic rating for the aeroplane category, provided the CRI holds the relevant rating and has demonstrated the ability to instruct for that rating to an FI qualified in accordance with FCL.905.FI(i).

  16. PART - FCL SUBPART J - INSTRUCTORS SECTION 2: FCL.905.LAFI LAFI - Privileges and conditions The privileges of a light aircraft flight instructor (LAFI) are to conduct flight instruction for the issue, revalidation or renewal of: (a) a basic LAPL, in the case of aeroplanes; (b) an LAPL, in the appropriate aircraft category; (c) class or, type or group extensions to be endorsed on an LAPL, in the appropriate aircraft category; (d) the night, aerobatic and towing ratings in the appropriate aircraft category, provided that the instructor is qualified to fly at nightholds the appropriate rating or qualification and has demonstrated the ability to instruct at night for that rating or qualification to an instructor qualified in accordance with (e);

  17. EASA CRD to NPA 2008-17B At this time the Agency does not intend to introduce new elements like this one proposed by you (introduction of a specific aerobatic instructor course) as the published proposals were based on an evaluation of the existing national requirements and such a course was not considered necessary so far. This could, however, be part of a future rulemaking task. We suggest that you present a proposal to the Agency.

  18. Formasjonsflyging

  19. Formasjonsflyging FOR 2003-02-07 nr 252: Forskrift om lufttrafikkregler

  20. Formasjonsflyging • Hvordan forholder klubbene seg til formasjonsflyging? • Flere klubber har henvendt seg til NLF om råd • NLF/Akromiteen utarbeidet en tilrådning sendt klubbene. • Borg flyklubb har vurdert og fastslått at klubben ikke har operasjonelle prosedyrer eller opplæringsprogram som gir kompetanse til å utføre formasjonsflyging med forsvarlig sikkerhetsnivå. Denne avgjørelsen er tatt pr. 13.04.2009 av klubbens leder samt operativ leder i samråd, utelukkende av sikkerhetsmessige årsaker. Avgjørelsen er senere bekreftet av et samlet styre.

  21. Formasjonsflyging • Ingen formelle krav til opplæring • Likevel svært krevende • Økt risiko (flere ulykker worldwide i 2011-2010) • Egnet materiell og utrustning (fallskjerm?) • Prekvalifikasjon (akroutsjekk?) • Opplæring/trening • Forberedelse og disiplin under utførelse

  22. Formasjonsflyging NLF ved Akrokomiteen er av den oppfatning at faremomentene ved løs formasjonsflyging i liten grad er forstått av klubbmedlemmer som gjennom egenopplæring utøver denne aktivitet. Samtidig erkjennes det at uten formelle myndighetskrav, kan det være vanskelig for den enkelte klubb å gjennomføre en for restriktiv linje gjennom et totalforbud. Likevel anbefales at klubbene gjennom operativ leder og skolesjef regulerer den operative virksomheten og opplæringen i egen klubb også mht aktiviteter som løs formasjonsflyging. Reguleringen i klubben kan innebære individuell vurdering av aktuelle fartøysjefer, lokalt opplæringsprogram og operative begrensninger for utøvelsen. Her bør det også vurderes om klubben vil tillate om formasjonsflyging skal kunne utøves med passasjerer om bord. Revisjon av NLF skolehåndbok ift PPL-A opplæring: Advarsel mot å fly formasjon uten noen form for opplæring og faremomentene formasjonsflyging innebærer bør innarbeides i PPL-A skoleprogram.

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