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Basic 1 Files C and D

Basic 1 Files C and D. Teacher : Natasha bennett. agenda. File 1C Nationalities/countries Interview – questions and answers Revision of sounds Possessives Speaking. File 1D Vocabulary – classroom objects Revision – vowel sounds Grammar: a/na/this/that/those/these Imperatives

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Basic 1 Files C and D

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  1. Basic 1Files C and D Teacher: Natasha bennett

  2. agenda • File 1C • Nationalities/countries • Interview – questions and answers • Revision of sounds • Possessives • Speaking • File 1D • Vocabulary – classroom objects • Revision – vowel sounds • Grammar: a/na/this/that/those/these • Imperatives • Song

  3. Numbers 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000

  4. 1054 2065 3032 564 62 78 98 10245 234 456 823 345 Onthousandfifty four Twothousandsityfive Threethousandthirtytwo

  5. 758 278 876 976 432 976 5467 9065 257 120 290 162

  6. Brazil • Canada • Italy • Australia • Germany • Russia • Korea • Colombia • The United States • Guatemala • The united Kingdom • Ireland • Spain • Poland • Scotland • China • Lebanon • Japan • Vietnam • Thailand • France

  7. Interview • Hello. • Are you a new student? • Yes, I am. • Sitdown, then. I´mjustgoingtoaskyou a fewquestions. • Ok. • Right. _______yourfirstname? • Mario. • ___________yoursurname? • Benedetti. • Benedetti. _________do youspell it? • B-e-n-e-d-e-t-t-i doublet-i • B-e-n-e-d-e-t-t-i doublet-i • Where are you_________? • I´mfromitaly, Rome. • ________you a student? Yes, I am. Andhowold _________you? I´m 20. ________youraddress? In Rome? Yes. It´s Via Foro 25. What´s _______postcard? Sorry? Isthere a postcode?youknow, a number? Ah yes. It´srome 00132. 00132. great. ___________your e-mail address? It´smario.benedetti@hotmail.com Andwhat´syou ________ ________? My mobile numberormy home number in Rome? Both – home and mobile. Myphonenumber in Romeis____________________ _____________________ Yes. Andmy mobile numberis ______________________ ____________________. That´sgreat, mario. Thankyou. Now come andmeettheDirectorofstudents., weneedtogiveyou a test.

  8. Interview • Questions: • What´syourfirstname? • What´syoursurname/lastname? • How do youspell it? • Where are youfrom? • Are you a student? • What´syouraddress? • What´syourpostcode? • What´syour e-mail address? • What´syourphonenumber? • What´syour mobile number?

  9. Flour • eight • Where • Hour • Father • Power • Bet • Say • Blue • Leg • Five • See • Set • food • heat • air • Eye • Arm • A R • B S • C T • D U • E V • F W • G X • H Y • I Z • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • q

  10. The possessive • What´syourfirstname? • What´syoursurname/lastname? • What´syouraddress? • What´syourpostcode? • What´syour e-mail address? • What´syourphonenumber? • What´syourmobile number?

  11. The possessive • Subject/person • Singular: • I • You • He • She • It • Plural: • You • We • they • Possessives • Singular: • My • Your • His • Her • Its • Plural: • Your • Our • Their

  12. What´s __________first name? • What´s __________surname/last name? • What´s __________address? • What´s ______________postcode? • What´s ____________e-mail address? • What´s _____________phone number? • What´s ______________mobile number?

  13. Where is (I)___________ book? • Here is (we)________________ teacher. • She goes to school with (she) ___________brother. • (They)_____________ father works in a car factory. • (You) _____________laptop is very expensive. • (He)______________ favorite hobby is tennis. • (I)_______________ husband and I want to go to Paris. • We want to see (it)__________ historical monuments. • Leila likes (she) _________dog ! • (It)________________ name is Bobby. _

  14. Two students didn't do___________ mathematics homework. • I have a car.__________ car is black. • We have a dog. ___________name is Pancho. • Nancy is from England.__________ husband is from Australia. • Farid and Nadia go to a high school.____________ little brother goes to primary school. • Mr O'Brian has a van. ______________van is very old. • We go to a high school. _____________high school is fantastic. • I like singing. ____________mother sings with me. • François and Alain are French._____________ family are from France. • Mary likes_____________ grandmother. She often visits her.

  15. 1. The pen belongs to Mr. Grant. It's__________ pen. • 2. The book belongs to Mary. It's_________ book. • 3. The suits belong to the boys. They're_________ suits. • 5. The eraser belongs to Fred. It's__________ eraser. • 6. Those shoes belong to the children. They're______ shoes. • 7. The hat belongs to you. It's _________hat. • 8. The hats belong to you. They're__________ hats. • 910. This pen belongs to Mrs. Williams. It's__________ pen.

  16. Pronunciation • ɜ: aʊ • Turn out • Learn now

  17. Speaking

  18. 1B • ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ • ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ • ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ • ___ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ • ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___

  19. Singular A/AN - Lesson on Articles

  20. Plural • Rule #1 • The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding - s to a singular noun. • lamp lamps • cat cats • fork forks • flower flowers • pen pens • Rule #2 • Nouns ending in s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding - es. • moss mosses • buzz buzzes • box boxes • dish dishes • church churches

  21. Rule #3 • Nouns ending in - y preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing - y to - ies. • Examples: lady, ladies; city, cities; army, armies • Rule #4 • Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plurals by adding - s. • Example: boy, boys; day, days • Most nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by adding es. Example: hero; heroes; grotto, grottoes • The following are among those that add s only • canto solo piano lasso • halo memento albino sirocco • Special Note: • Most nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel is formed into a plural by adding - s. • Example: folio, folios; cameo; cameos; studio, studios; portfolio, portfolios • Rule #6 • Some nouns ending in f or fe are made plural by changing f or fe to - ves. • Example: beef, beeves; wife, wives • The following form their plurals by adding - s. • chief, chiefs fife, fifes mischief, mischiefs hoof, hoofs • roof, roofs grief, griefs kerchief, kerchiefs safe, safes

  22. Exercise • Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns • chair star farm • storm door rock • owner paper cup • Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns • dress brush hex • wish class fox • cross bench bush • ax grass mantis • Exercise: Write the plural of the following words • fly baby pony injury cherry • lady beauty story history berry • city sky duty study theory • Exercise: Write the plural of the following words • day toy essay turkey chimney • play joy valley alley volley

  23. Exercise • Exercise: Write the plural of the following words • motto calico buffalo hero • potato cargo volcano grotto • mosquito* tomato halo* tornado* • buffalo* portico* veto • Exercise: Write the plural of the following words • calf self leaf sheaf life • loaf shelf half wolf knife • elf half thief wife gulf • chief dwarf* proof turf

  24. CLOSE What´sthis? It´s a/an _______ What are these?They are______

  25. FARWhat´sthat? It´s a/an _______ What are those?Theyare______

  26. What are thesounds? • Call • Could • luck • Four • Put • join • Near • Pure • Cup • Here • Boy

  27. Composition • Myfirstnameis Natasha. Mysurnameis Bennett. I am 30 yearsold. I amBrazilian. I amfrom São Paulo. I am a teacher/student. • Myaddressis quadra 9 AR 13 apartament 303, mypostcodeis 73035-090. • My e-mail addressisnatashagb@gmail.com, myphonenumberis 8112-3277. • Herfirstnameis Morgana. Hersurnameis Bennett. Sheis 26 yearsold. SheisBrazilian. SheisfromBrasilia. Sheis na attendant. • Heraddressis quadra 7 conjunto B house 23 herpostcodeis 73035-070. • Her e-mail ismorgana.bennett@gmail .com. Herphonenumberis 8109-4441. Seeyou!

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