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Current Affairs Assignment. You need to become global citizens!. Introduction. The world is changing every second, of every day. With our busy and distracting lives, we often fail to notice some really important things that are going on.
Current Affairs Assignment You need to become global citizens!
Introduction The world is changing every second, of every day. With our busy and distracting lives, we often fail to notice some really important things that are going on. It is important to be aware of the issues in the world around us.
Why? We often ask, “Why should I care?”. The answer is that if you don’t care, then you don’t have the right to complain when things don’t go your way.
Why? • Maybe you didn’t get a course you needed for your high school graduation or university degree? • Maybe you didn’t realize you were supposed to fill out for 407b in order to get funded for school? • Maybe when you went to buy your first home you didn’t realize there were new mortgage restrictions? • Maybe you didn’t realize North Korea was about to use nuclear weapons on your home town?
The point is, you have to care…about something…anything! Or else, you risk caring about nothing, and what is the point to being on this planet when you care about nothing?
Believe that God put us here, or that we evolved from apes, or whatever – our origin of species becomes pointless with no purpose of existing.
With this in mind, your assignment is to do the following: • Decide on an issue that interests you. This issue must meet the following criteria: • It has to have some social significance • It must be current • It has to interest you at some level
You must present this issue to the class. This can be done in any of the following ways: • Through PowerPoint • Video • Prezi • Or other way as approved by me
Your information must come from at least two legitimate sources. These can include: • News articles • Credible blogs • Magazine articles • Background info from a credible source
Your information needs to give your audience a reasonable understanding of the situation, and should generate discussion.
To generate this discussion, the following aspects should be present: • An explanation of the situation • A clear description of why we should care about your issue • Thought-provoking questions to get people thinking
Where applicable, you should include appropriate pictures, and/or video.
Do Not… Do not treat this as a research assignment! You are not expected to give your audience a complete history of your issue.
The Point? History is not the point here. The point of this is to find an issue that you care about, and as a result, create discussions about why we might care about 20+ new issues as a class. This should allow us to be much more knowledgeable about the current issues in our world.
Possible Sources • Cbc.ca • Macleans.ca • Cnn.com • Huffingtonpost.ca • msn.ca • OR see the Interesting Links page on my website.
If you’re stuck… Please see me if you have any questions about what is expected, or if you need clarification. For an example of the expectations of you, see the example on our website.