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Dec. 9 INTRODUCTION Industrial training is one of the most essential parts of engineering & technical education. This industrial training is included in our syllabus to acquaint us with the practical implementation of the technology studied within the industrial environment. Though it is very helpful & lays the milestone for starting the carrier for fresh Textile graduates. Wet processing which occupies a vast field in modern Textile technology is undergoing many stages of processing. Many problems are generally being encountered during each operation stage starting from desizing to finishing section. Finally from mill training, I learn practical wet processing under industrial environment. I think it will be helpful in my future carrier life. Industrial training is an indispensable part to study of practical knowledge of an industrial unit for student of textile Engineering. YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. is the 100% export oriented industry in Bangladesh. The factory is concerned about knitting, yarn dyeing and knit garments. Due to the changing environment the textile sector faced with challenge, But the YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. will fully prepare to face the situation. I have completed my 6 weeks long industrial training in dyeing and finishing section of YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. These training enable me to avoid the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge. The incumbent is deputed to YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. for practical industrial training program. 3
Dec. 9 Company Profile: Factory Name :YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. Type :100% Export Oriented Yarn Dyeing Industry. Year Of Establishment :01 January 2009 Investors :Md. Address: Factory Address : Plot/23-25,Adamjee-EPZ,Siddirgonj, Narayangonj. Head Office & Corporate Office : Baridhara –DOHS, Banani, Dhaka. Sponsors : Islami Bank, HSBC Bank. 5
Dec. 9 Vision: To establish as a one stop source for the Global knit Apparel market and to satisfy and meet customers expectation by developing and providing products and services on time, which offer value in terms of Quality, Price, Safety and Environmental impact. Assuring complete compliance with the international quality standards and also providing the employees internationally acceptable working condition and standards. To promote the development and to use human talent and equal opportunity of employment. Mission: YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. realizes the need to take out a competitive segment in the changing global market of today through technological excellence and human expertise. YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. is committed to transpose its local success to the world scene. LOCATION: The Project is located at Adamjee,EPZ,Siddirgonj,Narayangonj. It is about 40 kilometers away from Primeasia University,Banani,Dhaka. Main Products: Dyed cotton yarn Viscose yarn Acrylic-cotton blend. 6
Dec. 9 Major Buyers & Fashion Labels: H & M ESPRIT C & A DECATHLON MQ PUMA 7
Dec. 9 Management System: The company has skilled administration, management and marketing team guided by proficient, dexterous & experienced leaders of offer right solution for the consumers with the right eminence & with the shortest lead-time for the export market in Bangladesh. The best use of continuous development of human resources by providing them International standard equal opportunity is the keys for achieving comprehensive competence in all level of the organizational hierarchy. Total Shift : 2 shifts per day. Shift Duration General 9.00 am- 6.00 pm A 8.00 am- 8.00 pm B 8.00 pm-8.00 am 9
Dec. 9 Organogram of Dyeing Section: General Manager Deputy General Manager Manager Deputy Production Manager Asst. Production Manager Sr. Production Officer Production Officer Supervisor Asst. Supervisor Sr. Operator Operator Asst. Operator Helper 10
Dec. 9 Responsibilities of Production Manager : 1. To plan the production schedule with capacity & volume of order. 2. To observe dyeing finishing. 3. To supervise senior production officer & production officer. 4. To rectify any kinds of problems during dyeing. Responsibilities of Production Officer : 1. To check recipe. 2. Batch preparation & pH check. 3. Control of supervisor, operator, astt. Operator & helper of dyeing floor. 4. To match shade as required. 5. To find out dyeing & yarn fault as early as possible. 6. To recover the finished yarn this is rejected from quality department. 7. To register each batch dyeing condition. 8. To check daily production report. 9. To check water level in dyeing stage. 10. To maintain connection with finishing & quality control department. 11. To maintain connection with maintenance department etc. Remarks : There are a sufficient number of Efficient Textile Engineers & Technical persons. This is why they achieved a very good reputation in Knit Dyeing Sector. 11
Dec. 9 MACHINE DESCRIPTION For yarn dyeing process,YASSMA KNITTING & DYEING Ltd. uses state-of-the-art machinery of SSM Brand from Switzerland, FADIS and DETTIN from Italy, and STRAYFIELD from England. Yarn Dyeing Capacity: 20 Tons/day Machine List: TYPE BRAND TOTAL MC. QTY. 86 Nos. 48 Nos. 01 Nos. 02 Nos. 13 Nos. 02 Nos. 10 Nos. 04 Nos. 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 01 Nos. Yarn Dyeing M/C Yarn Printing M/C Soft Winding M/C Soft Winding M/C Hard Winding M/C Hard Winding M/C Hydro Dryer Dryer Sewing Thread Auto Dosing Fongs, China Laip, Italy Fadis, Italy SSM, Switzerland Fadis, Italy SSM, Switzerland Dettin, Italy Stryfield, England Stalam, Italy SSM (Hacoba), Switzerland 13
Dec. 9 Type of Raw Materials : Grey Yarn: Single Ply cotton yarn Double Ply cotton yarn Tree Ply cotton Yarn AC blend yarn.etc Commonly Used Dyes : Name of Dyes Synozol G,Yellow HF 2GR Synozol Red HF 6BN Synozol Black B Synozol Orange SHF RR Synozol Br,Blue R-SPCL Synozol Turquise Blue HFG 266% Synozol Yellow K-3RS Synozol Red K-3BS Synozol Navy Blue K-BF Synozol Yellow 4GL Synozol Yellow 4GR Synozol Red SHF GD Name of Dyes 15
Dec. 9 Synozol Blue K-BR Synozol Ultra Black DR Synozol B/Red BB Synozol Yellow HB Synozol Navy Blue HB Synozol Deep Red HB Synozol Red K-GD Synozol Black HF GR Sun White BVB Syno White 4BK Leucophor BBU Rifazol Orange RN Rifazol G,Yellow 4GR Rifazol Turquise Blue G-165% Rifazol Br,Blue R-SPCL Rifazol Deep Black ED Conc Drimaren Navy CLR Drimaren Yellow HFR Drimaren Blue HFRL Remazol Yellow RR Remazol Blue RR Remazol Orange RR Remazol Turquise Blue G Commonly Used Chemicals & Auxiliaries: 16
Dec. 9 Agent of- Name of items 2UD Chemicals of KBC Co.(Pvt). Eco Imerol PCLF TF-129B Perlavin NDA TF-122B Causic Soda Scouring & Bleaching agent Sabilezer Hydrozen peroxide Acetic acid Peroxide Killer Bactasol Sap Sarabid MIP TF-210 B Sirrix 2UD ladiquest-1097U TF-510B Periquest BSV Antimussol UFD Periwet WDP Glober Salt Lavelling agent Sequestering Agent Antifoaming Agent Salt Refined salt Soda Ash Ladipur RSK Soaping Agent Parlavin SR/SN Optifix EC Fixing agent Perifixan RS TF-234 B Cepreton UCP GTF-445C Perifil 210 Liq Nass-T ( Local ) GTF-442 Sodium hydrosulfite Color Softner White Softner 17
Dec. 9 Source of Raw Materials: Grey yarn is collected from buyers. Dyes & Chemicals are imported from Germany , Switzerland , Singapore , Turkey , India , China etc. Remarks: Price & Monthly consumption are unavailable. 18
Dec. 9 Production Parameters: PH: For Scouring & Bleaching Before Enzyme Before Leveling After Leveling 6 for Black, Red, Deep Color. Before Dyes After Salt After Soda After Acid wash Before Softener Temperature: For Scouring & Bleaching For Cold Wash For Hot Wash For Cotton Dyeing 600C (For Cold Brand) For Polyester Dyeing Time: For Scouring & Bleaching 50 minute for Critical Color For Reactive Dyeing Remarks: Critical colors are Green , Turquoise Blue , Brown , Dark grey . : 10-11 : 4.2-4.5 : 5.5 (All Color) 6 for Black, Red, Deep Color. : 5.5 (All Color) : 5.5 & 0.2 : 5.5 & 0.2 : 10.5-11.5 : 5.5-6.5 : 5.5 : 105°C : 40-550C : 80-950C : 80-900C (For Hot Brand) : 1300C : 30-40 minute for Normal color : 60-90 minute. Material &Liquor ratio: For Reactive Dyeing Material & Liquor Ratio is maintained in Between 1:8 20
Dec. 9 Production Flow Chart: Grey yarn Collection from Grey store ▼ Winding on hard package ▼ Yarn loading to m/c ▼ Scouring & Bleaching ▼ Bio polish ( Enzyme Treament) ▼ Dyeing ▼ Soaping ▼ Fixing ▼ Softening ▼ Unloading from dyeing m/c ▼ Drying ▼ Inspection ▼ Winding on soft package ▼ Final inspection ▼ Packaging. Grey yarn inspection section: Object of inspection: To check the actual count of yarn To identify the yarn faults To ensure about the yarn quantity 21
Dec. 9 Yarn fault: 1.Slub 2.Neps 3.Thick & thin place 4.Patta / Barre 5.Yarn contamination 6.Yarn hairiness Batch Section Function or purpose of the batch: Order sheet (Received from buyer) To receive the grey yarn package from soft section or other source To send the grey yarn to the dyeing floor by trolley with batch card To prepare the batch of yarn on the carrier Dyeing shade (Color or white, Light or Dark) M/C capacity Yarn structure. Yarn type, etc To keep records for every previous dyeing. Keeping the no. of batch as less as possible for same shade, etc. Minimizing the m/c washing time or preparation time. Batch management: Primary batch is done by the dyeing manager. Batch section in charge receives this primary batch plan from dyeing manager. Then the works is adjusting, according to m/c condition. Remarks: Proper batch can minimize the batch to batch shade variation. It can near or same dyeing condition for every batch of same shade. Thus it improves the dyeing quantity & minimizes a lot of dyeing cost. 22
Dec. 9 Scouring-Bleaching Process: Scouring-Bleaching is carried out in the same bath and at the same time simultaneously. Scouring-Bleaching Chemicals Used in a batch: Agent Brand Name TF-129 B TF 510 TF 122 Alkafoam AF-10 Caustic soda H2O2 Bactasol Sap Acetic Acid g/l 0.70 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.8 2.5 o.85 0.6 Wetting agent Sequestering agent Stabilizer Antifoaming agent Alkali Bleaching agent Peroxide Killer Acid N.B :Amount of Chemical varies according to yarn consumption . 23
Dec. 9 Procedure of Scouring-Bleaching : At first required amount of water is taken into the m/c. Then the yarn is loaded Then Wetting, Sequestering, Stabilizer is added by inject at 500C. Then Temperature is raised to 600C. Then Caustic soda is added by linear dosing for 6 minutes. Then temp rised to 70°c .Then H2O2 is added by linear dosing for 8 minutes. Then. Temp raised to 1050C. Runtime 60 minutes. Then temp.is decreased to 900C.Rinse at 900 Then Hot wash at 900 Then Rinse at 900 - Then Bayreduct PRN is added by transfer at 900C × 10΄ Then Rinse at 900 Then Drain out. Fill water. Acid treatment for neutralization at 70°c °× 10´ & PH is checked. Then rinse at 55°c× 10΄ Then Primafast-100 is transferred at 55°c. Run time 20-50 minitues. Then Hot wash at 800 Finally drain out N.B : 1. In case of critical color after loading water & yarn first hot process is carried out with sequestering agent & detergent to get better result. Rest of processes are same as usual. 24
Dec. 9 White dyeing process: Batch No : 27942 Machine No : 02 Batch Date : 22.04.09 Water : 5600 Lit Liquor ratio : 1:7 Customer : United Count : 32/2 Color : White 10-100 Recipe : Yarn Weight : 1000.00 kg Name of the Chemicals Amount (g/l) Feloson NOF 0.40 Exstab BRH 0.40 Feloson NOF 0.50 Exstab BRH 0.40 Antisil CONZ Caustic soda 0.60 2.50 Hydrogen per Oxide 6.00 Singo white-2BX 0.10 % Singo white-BHV 0.33 % Invatex-CS 0.10 % 25
Dec. 9 Procedure: At first required amount of water is taken in the m/c.& the yarn is loaded simultaneously. Then Wetting agent, Sequestering agent is added for first hot at 600C × 10´. Then Temperature is raised to 800C × 10´. After then Rinse for 10´ & decrease temp. to 40°c . Drain out. Filling new water & Wetting agent, Sequestering agent & Stabilizer is added by inject at 40°c × 5΄. Then Caustic soda is added by linear dosing for 10΄ . Then temp. is raised to 60°c & Then H2O2is added by linear dosing for 10΄. Then temp. raised to 70°c & Invatex-CS, Singo white-BHV, Singo white-2BX are added by linear dosing for 20΄. Then temp is raised to 100°c at 2°gradian for 35΄ (Check sample after each 20΄) If white shade is matched then temp is decreased to 90°c at 3°gr with Ringe wash. Then to 80°c at 2°gr & Rinse for 10΄ .After then to 70°c at 5°gr. Bath drain. Fill with new water & temp is set to 80°c × 10´ Then temp is decrease to 50°c with Rinse wash & continue for 5´-7´. Acid is added for neutralization by inject & running for 10´ Again Rinse wash is performed for 10´ at 55°c. Enzyme is added at 570C × 60´. If OK then temp is raise to 70°c & Runtime 10´. Down temp. to 500C. Rinse for 10´. Add Softener at 450C. Runtime 10´ Then Unloading. . 26
Dec. 9 Dyeing Procedure for all color without Turquoise, Brown, Khaki, Chocolate Color: At first required amount of water is taken in the m/c.& the yarn is loaded simultaneously. Then Felosan NOF and ExstabBRH are added by inject at 500C . Then Temperature is rised to 800C and Runtime 10-15´. Then Rinsing at 80°c×10΄ Then water is drained out and filling new water as required at 50°c Then Felosan NOF, ExstabBRH and Antisil CONZ are added by inject at 500C . For s/j anticreasing agent is added. Then temp. is raised to 60°c and NaOH is added by linear dosing for 6´ Then temp rised to 70°c .Then H2O2 is added by linear dosing for 8 minutes. Then. Temp rised to 1050C. Runtime 50 minutes. Then temp.is decreased to 900C at rate of 2°gradian /min and Rinse at 900 Then Bayreduct PRN is added by inject at 900C and Runtime 10΄ Then Rinse at 900C* 10and decreasing Temp. to70°c at a time. Then Drain out. Filling new water. Acid treatment for neutralization at 70°c °× 10´ & PH is checked. Then rinse at 70°c× 10΄ and decreasing Temp. to55°c at a time. Then Primafast-100 is transferred at 55°c For enzyme treatment. Run time 50΄ Then Hot wash 800 Finally drain out Then filling new water as required and temp. is raised to 60°c. Then Seragal CFTR is added by inject and for singal jersey Primasol JET is added. Runtime 5-6´. Then salt is added by inject and Runtime 10΄. In case of deep shade salt is added two times. Then PH is checked & maintained within 5.5-6. and dye solution is added by linear dosing for 20΄ and Runtime at 60°c×20΄ Then Soda is added by progressive dosing for 35΄ and Runtime at 60°c×60΄( After each 10΄ sample is cut and matched to swatch.) Then temp. is cooled down to 50°c and Rinse at 50°c×15΄ After completed rinsing water is drained out and filling new water as required. Then temp. is raised to 60°c and Avolan IS is added by inject Then temp. is raised to 100°c and Runtime 10΄ Then temp. is felt down to 95°c with rinsing and Runtime 10΄ Then temp. is felt down to 80°c with rinsing and Runtime 20΄ Then sample is cut if ok then temp. is felt down to 50°c with rinsing . After completed rinsing zelasal fix is added by inject at 50°c and Runtime 5´. Acetic acid is used to maintain PH Then Alcamine CWS is added by inject and Runtime 10΄ Then temp. is felt down to 45°c with rinsing and Runtime 6-7΄ Then unloading 27
Dec. 9 Dyeing Procedure for Brown, Khaki, Chocolate Color, Grey Series: At first required amount of water is taken in the m/c.& the yarn is loaded simultaneously. Then Felosan NOF, Exstab BRH are added by inject at 500C. Then Temperature is raised to 800C.and Runtime 6 minutes Then Rinsing at 80°c×10΄ Then decreasing temp. to 50°c with rinsing and Drain out Then filling new water as required at 50°c and Felosan NOF, Exstab BRH and Antisil CONZ are added by inject at 500C. For s/j anticreasing agent is added. Then temp raised to 60°c and NaOH is added by linear dosing for 6 minutes. Then temp raised to 70°c and H2O2 is added by linear dosing for 8 minutes. Then. Temp raised to 1050C. Runtime 60 minutes. Then temp.is decreased to 900C. at the rate of 2° gradian/min and rinsing at 900 Then Bayreduct PRN is added by inject at 900C and Runtime 10΄ Then Rinse at 900 Then Drain out. Filling new water. Acid treatment is carried out for neutralization at 70°c °× 10΄ & PH is checked. Then temp.is decreased to55°c with rinsing Then Primafast-100 is transferred at 55°c for enzyme treatment and Runtime 50-60 minitues. Then Hot wash at 800C Then temp.is decreased to 450C with rinsing and drain out. Then filling new water as required. Then Seragal CFTR is added by inject and for singal jersey Primasol JET is added. Runtime at 45°c×10΄. Then PH is checked which must be 5.5-6 and color is added by linear dosing for 30´ and Runtime at 45°c×20΄. Then half salt is added by progressive dosing for 15´ and Runtime at 45°c×5΄. Then rest of salt is added by progressive dosing for 15´ and Runtime at 45°c×5΄. Then. Temp raised to 600C and Runtime at 60°c×25 minutes. Then soda ash is added by progressive dosing for 55΄ and Runtime at 60°×60΄ ( After each 10΄ sample is cut and matched to swatch.) Then temp. is decreased to 50°c with rinsing and Runtime at 50°c×40΄ Then drain out and filling water as required. Then. Temp raised to 550C and Acetic acid is added and run at 55°c× 10 minutes After completed rinsing water is drained out and filling new water as required. Then temp. is raised to 60°c and Avolan IS is added by inject Then temp. is raised to 70°c and Runtime at 70°c×10΄ Then temp. is felt down to 50°c with rinsing and Runtime at 50°c×10΄ Then sample is cut if ok then zelasal fix is added by inject at 50°c for deep shade and Runtime 5΄. Acetic acid is used to maintain PH Then Alcamine CWS is added by inject and Runtime 10΄ Then temp. is felt down to 45°c with rinsing and Runtime 6-7΄ Then unloading. 28
Dec. 9 Stripping Process : Recipe: Full Stripping for Light Colour : TF-129 B - 0.65 g/I Soda - 1.0 g/I Caustic soda - 1.0 g/I Hydrose - 2.0 g/I Full Stripping for Deep Colour : TF-129 B - 0.75 g/I Soda - 1.0 g/I Caustic soda - 1.50 g/I Hydrose - 3.0 g/I Machine Wash : Recipe : Hydrose 4 kg Caustic soda 4 kg TF-129 B 2 kg N.B :Amount of m/c wash chemical depends on m/c size. Process : Required amount of water is taken in the m/c. Then temp.is raised to 1300C. Then Relosan NOF, Caustic soda, Hydrose is added. Runtime at 130°c×30 minutes. Then temp. is decreased to 900C. Decreasing temp. to 450C with rinsing and Runtime at 45°c×10 minutes. Then Drain out. 29
Dec. 9 Dyeing Fault: Dyeing faults are given below - 1. Patchy dyeing effect: Reasons: Faulty injection of alkali. Faulty color. Due to hardness of water. Due to improper salt addition, etc. 2. Roll to Roll variation or meter to meter variation: Reasons: Yarn lot mix Faulty heat setting. Hardness of water. Faulty m/c speed, etc 3. Dye –stain: Reasons: Un dissolved caustic soda particle in bath. Un dissolved salt particle in bath. 4.Rub mark: Reasons: Due to reel cranking. Due to sharp delivery. Due to sharp delivery roller, etc 30
Dec. 9 Quality Management System: The Quality Assurance Department is assigned to maintain consistently uniform quality of the material in process and various stages of its manufacturing. Objects of quality control: Research. Selection of raw materials. Process control. Process development. Product testing. Specification test Quality management system: Off-Line Tests: All the Off-Line tests for finished fabrics can be grouped as follows: Physical tests Chemical tests Physical Tests: Count of yarn. Abrasion/pilling resistance Rubbing test 32
Dec. 9 Chemical Tests: Fastness to washing. Fastness to light Fastness to heat Fastness to Chlorinated water Fastness to water spotting Fastness to perspiration Online Tests: Dyed yarn Shade check Wash fastness Water fastness Crocking fastness Quality standard: Mainly this mill follows ISO standard for testing. But testing standard depends on buyer requirements. 33
Dec. 9 Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a plant by which waste water is treated in order to make the waste water environmental friendly. Effluent Treatment makes sure that water releases meet Bangladesh Environmental Association water quality standard. It is very important and essential to keep the environment pollution free. Now a day ETP is the most important term to set a textile industry. Government, Environmental Association and foreign buyers are creating pressure to set ETP in every textile industry. So to ensure the proper growth of textile sector and pollution free environment every textile industries have to set up an ETP. Details on ETP : There are three effluent treatment plants which are : Physico-chemical treatment plant Chemical-biological plant Biological treatment plant. Chemical treatment plant : In this process effluent water are mainly converted into sludge of metal complex by chemical reaction. Then it is separated from the water and dried and dipped into soil. But the sludge remain activate which is harmful. Biological treatment plant: This process is mainly build up by using micor-organism. This is Bacteria. Amoeba, and Protozoa. Bacteria are two types, one is Anerobic & Aerobic.. First one is hazardous for our environment and second one is friendly for our environment. In here Bacteria break the bond of harmful chemical by enzyme secretion. As a result harmful chemical converted into environmental friendly. The sludge produces by this process is also used as different functions such as fertilizer, fuel in the brick field. 35
Dec. 9 Micro organism is the main raw material for Biological plant : Bacterial Amoeba Protozoa Bacteria : Bacilli Cocci Beggiatoa Spirillum Vitereoeilla Protozoa : Paramecium caudatum Euplotes Coplidium Amoeba : Rotifiers Collities Novcotidia 36
Dec. 9 Comparisons between Chemical-Physical and Biological ETP TYPE OF INSTALLATION CHE-PHY BIOLOGICAL General purifying yield > 90% COD/BOD Reduction 50-60% 90-95% Color Elimination Yes Yes > 90% Ammonia Elimination No Yes >95% Nitrogen Elimination Total 30% >95% Phenol Elimination No >90% Final Salinity With Respect Water To be purified Higher then input Same as Input Sludge produced per m3 of Effluent Treatment 6 kg 0.1-0.2 kg Sludge produced per Kg of COD 1.8 kg 0.2 kg Sludge character Toxic Non-Toxic Sludge disposal Very Difficult Very-Easy Running cost per m3 of Effluent Treatment TK.25.0-30.0/- TK.3.5-4.0/- Initial cost (Chemical-Physical Base 100) 100 200/220 Space Occupied For 1000 m3 /day 300-350m3 At least 600 m3 Reliability 30% 80% Possibility Fish Life Directly In Purified H20 No Yes Possibility Reuse of Purified Water for Irrigation No Yes Compliance With European Laws (very strict) No Yes all Produced of bad smell Yes No Treatment Quality Improper, < Proper,European Bangladesh Standard Standard 37
Dec. 9 ETP PROCESS DIAGRAM Waste water from dyeing machine or incoming Under drain Screening Unit H2O2 tank Storage & Homogenization Tank Under hole By pump H2SO4 by dosing Neutralization Unit Antifoam feeding by dosing pump Distribution Unit By over flow Manually feeding Biological Oxidation Tank Bacteria for proper living on By over flow Decolorant dosing for coloring remove Sedimentation feeding tank By under hole path By pump Sedimentation or clarifiers irrigation or river or pond Treated water used in Under drain pipe Sludge recirculation pit By pump Poly electrolyte feeding by dosing pump Sludge thickener tank Sludge drying naturally at Sludge drying bed Sludge out as fertilizer used in crops field or burning at brick field after natural drying 38
Dec. 9 Required Chemicals of Biological ETP : 98% H2S04. Function : Neutralize the waster water by controlling ph. It is auto dispensed in the neutralization tank. Polyelectrolyte. Function : Used for sedimentation/sludge coagulation and also killing bacteria. [ Coagulation in water treatment, the use of chemicals to make suspended solids gather or group together into small flocks.] It is used auto/manually in sludge thickener tank. Decolourant. Function : Used for removing color. It is used auto/manually in sludge thickener tank. Anti foaming agent. Function : Used for reducing/controlling foam. It is used auto/manually in the distribution tank. Sodium hypochlorite. Function : It is used to killing harmful bacteria. It is used in the Biological Oxidation tank. 39
Dec. 9 Standard value of effluent by : USEAPA-United State Environmental Protection Agency IWRA-International Water Resources Association GOB-Government of Bangladesh . Tank Clarifier (treated effluent) Parameter Phosphate, PO4 Ph Colour BOD COD Ammonia, NH3 Nitrate, No3 Nitrate, No2 Sulphate, So4-2 Chlorine, C12 Chloride, CI Total suspended dissolve solides Total dissolve solides Unit Ppm - APHA Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Ppm Standard value 5 to 14 6 to 8 220 to 250 29 to 60 250 to 300 5 to 10 10 to 15 Less than 1 1000 1 500 to 600 60 to 80 2100 Functions of different unit of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) 1.Screening unit : Threads Pieces of yarns Small metal pieces etc. In this unit a rotating brush is used for cleaning the pores of screen. A motor is used here for rotating the brush. The brush rotates periodically. 2.Storage and Homogenization tank :Different waste water from various processes is stored and makes a homogeneous mixture by mixing different concentric waste water. 40
Dec. 9 3.Neutralization tank :Neutralization of waste water is performed by dosing 98% H2S04 as required to control the ph of waste water. PH range : 6.5 to 7.5. 4.Distribution tank : It distributes the water to the biological oxidation tank. Continuous aeration is supplied here. Antifoam is dosed here to control the foaming in the oxidation tank. 5.Biological oxidation tank : It is the heart of ETP. The entire harmful chemicals are damaged here by breaking their bonds. This is done by bacteria. To ensure the proper functional work & growth of bacteria few conditions must be maintain. Temperature : 350 to 370C PH : Maximum 7.5 Dissolved oxygen : 4 ppm [Dissolved Oxygen-a measure of the oxygen dissolved in water expressed in milligrams per liter.] 6.Sedimentation/Biological feeding tank :Treated water is overflowed here from oxidation tank. Decolourent is used here to destroy the color of waste water. 7.Clarifiers : Settling tank, sedimentation basin. A tank or basin in which waste water is held for a period of time, during which the heavier solids settle to the bottom and the lighter material will float to the water surface. In this tank sludge is immersed and the harmless water is discharged to drain on ponds, land, river, Lake Etc. 8. Sludge thickener tank :Sludge is taken here from clarifier. Polyelectrolyte is dosed to coagulate the sludge. After one hour of polyelectrolyte dosing aeration is stopped and fresh water discharge to drain when sludge is thicken. The thickened sludge is transferred to the sludge thickener bed. 9.Sludge thickener tank :Here sludge is dried which is used as good fertilizer as well as fuel of brick field. Sludge is dried under the sunlight. Airation : The process of adding air to water. In waste water treatment, air is added to freshen waste water and to keep solids in suspension. Remarks: Utility service is sufficient to run this project. More projects can be run by the existing Utility services. 41
Dec. 9 Frequently inventory control: Monthly inventory control. Annual inventory control. The type of inventory carried in this mill is as follows : Grey yarn: Imported/Own factory. Dyes and Chemicals: Important. Spare parts and Consumables: Local/Imported. Packing materials: Local/Imported. Finished yarns: Good/Reject. The prime responsibility for the inventory management function in the company including the estimation of consumption quantities of raw materials over the forecast period and initiation of a purchase requisition keeping in view quantities is transit and an order and the adequacy as otherwise of material coverage during lead time is as follows : The Procurement Department is responsible primarily for the sourcing of raw material. Inventory system of Raw materials : Grey yarn is stored in the Grey store. The batch is prepared by taking Grey yarns from Grey store. There is a separate store for Dyes & Chemicals. Various types of Dyes & Chemicals are stored here according to company's storing criteria. The operator takes Dyes & Chemicals from this store according to Recipe Sheet. Remarks: Inventory management is good & satisfactory. 43
Dec. 9 Costing of the product: Costing system mainly describes how the cost of the final product is fixed by the company/beneficial. According to buyer/customers requirement at first the fabric is collected from local and foreign suppliers. Then it id calculated how much dyestuff and chemical is required to the end of the processing of that specific fabric .After that, the final cost is fixed including some profit. Then the unit price is offered to the buyer for approves it. Costing of the prodsuct is done by the consideration of the following factors: Amount raw materials consumed. Direct Labour Indirect Labour Factory Cost Officer and administrative cost Sales and distribution cost Profit, etc. Remark: The costing of product is a secret matter of the industry. They are not interested to flash the cost related data. So we could not collect the price of product and costing of the product. 45
Dec. 9 Buyer of the Products : H&M Puma C & A G-Star Wal-Mart Decathlon Esprit etc Importing Countries : Germany Switzerland Turkey Singapore China India Exporting Countries : European Countries. USA . Canada . 47
Dec. 9 Utility Services of ATN: Here the following utility services are available- 1.Water 2.Electricity 3.Compress air 4.Steam 5.Gas 6.other 1.WATER Water for a textile plant may come from various sources. These include surface water from rivers and lakes, and subterranean water from wells. In PPC they collect water from Under ground. Natural and pretreated water may contain a variety of chemical species that can influence textile wet processing in general, and dyeing in particular. The various salts present in water depend on the geological formations through which the water has flowed. These salts are mainly the carbonates (CO32- ), hydrogen carbonates or bi-carbonates ( HCO3- ), Sulphates ( SO42- ) and chlorides ( Cl- ) of calcium ( Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) . Although calcium and magnesium carbonates in limestone are relatively insoluble in water. So in this reasons, water hardness can be divided into two ways- 1) Temporary hardness : Ca(HCO3)2 , Mg(HCO3)2 , Fe(HCO3)2 . 2) Permanent hardness : CaCl2 , CaSO4 , Ca (NO3)2 , MgCl2 , MgSO4 , Mg(NO3)2 . 49
Dec. 9 Standard water quality for dye house: Parameter Permissible concentration Color Color less Smell No bad smell Water Hardness <5 ppm PH value 7-8 (Neutral) Dissolve solid < 1 ppm Inorganic salt < 500 ppm Iron(Fe) < 0.1 ppm Manganese(Mn) < 0.01 ppm Copper (Cu) <0.005 ppm Nitrate(NO3) < 50 ppm Nitrate(NO2) < 5 ppm 2.Electricity: Sl. No. Name of Machine Capacity Quantity Brand Origin 01 Gas Power 1125 KVA 02 sets Waukesha USA 02 Generator 490 KVA 01 set Caterpiller USA 03 Generator 490 KVA 01 set Cummins UK 04 Generator 150 KVA 01 set Volvo Sweden 05 Generator 250 KVA 01 set Weifeng China 06 Generator 650 KVA 02 sets Caterpiller USA 50