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Are you seeking a scarless hair transplant technique? Practically speaking there is no such term as “scarless hair transplantation”. FUE Hair Transplant is considered as a minimally invasive technique but even it is not a scarless procedure. - See more at: http://thehairtransplantcenter.com/hair-transplant/how-fue-hair-transplant-process-works/
How FUEHairTransplant ProcessWorks? FUE Hair Transplant is a simple process that involves extractinghairfolliclesindividuallyfromdonorarea.Are you seeking a scarless hair transplant technique? Practically speaking there is no such term as “scarless hair transplantation”. FUE Hair Transplant is considered as a minimally invasive technique but even it is not a scarless procedure. You will end up with tiny, pinhole scarsatthedonorarea,buttheyarebarelyvisiblefrom distance. If you want to know how FUE hair transplant works, continue reading.
In FUE or follicular unit extraction a specially designed punch tool is used to make a tiny, circular hole at the donorsitetofreethehairfolliclefromsurroundingscalp tissue. This punched follicle is then carefully extracted fromthescalpandstoredinanartificialstoragemedium like a saline solution. The surgeon keeps repeating this punching procedure untilenoughnumberofhairfollicleshasbeenextracted. Thismay take2to3 hours.
Once enoughfollicles have been extracted, the surgeon moves on to plantation phase. The recipient site is first prepared by carefully crafting tiny incisions at specific angles.Theangleofincisiondeterminesthedirectionof transplanted hairso thismust be done verycarefully.The surgeonthencarefullyinsertsthepreparedfolliclesinto these incisions to complete the FUE hair transplant surgery. FUE hair transplant is a slow and lengthy procedurethattakesseveralhoursforitscompletion.In case of severe baldness, it may take several sessions spanned over several days to achieve the fuller and thicker look.
Recovery from FUEHairTransplant: RecoveryprocessafterFUEhairtransplantationissimple and quick; given you follow the post-procedural instructions of your surgeon. Immediately after the surgery your scalp will be sore and tender. Using cold compressionsmayhelprelievethesymptoms.However, be gentletothe scalp when applying coldcompressions. Avoid washing your scalp for 24 to 36 hours after the surgery. You will be able to resume routine, non- strenuous activities after 2 to 3 days. It will take 6 to 8
months before you will start noticing growth of transplantedhair.Fullhairgrowthmaytakemorethana year. Automationin FUETreatment: Hair transplant surgeons in Dubai are using automation which is a newer trend in hair transplant. Motorized punching has successfully replaced manual punching as more surgeons are using a small instrument for
extracting hair follicles instead of doing the task manually.Thisadvanceddonorhairextractiontechnique isreferredtoasStemCellFUEorDirectAutomatedFUE. Previously, the rate of damaged hair grafts used to increase in large hair transplant sessions. But Stem Cell FUE has made this minimally invasive hair transplant techniquemoreefficient.Nowusingmotorizedpunching allowsthesurgeonstoextractmorehairgraftssafelyand in a lesser time. Automation has also made the extractionphaseeasieronthesurgeon’spart.Now,the surgeon does not exert manual force to separate hair follicles andtaking them out.
WhoisanidealcandidateforFUEhair transplant? FUE is appropriate for individuals who want to have a short hairstyle after hair transplantation. Contrary to traditional FUT procedure, FUE does not leave a linear scar and so the individual does not need to wear long hair to cover the scar. Also, it is a useful method for those who want to resume their routine activities soon after thesurgery. SomeindividualsdesireFUEsimplybecausetheyarenot suitable candidates for FUT due to their tight scalp. In such patients taking out hair follicles directly from the scalp is the only possible method for hair transplant. People who have healed poorly from a previous hair transplantcan also benefit from FUE hairtransplant. SomehairlosspatientschooseFUEsimplybecausethey heard that it is minimally invasive and non-surgical. In fact,FUEisminimallyinvasivebutitisnotnon-surgical. FUE is definitely a surgical method. The depth of the incisionsinFUEisthesameasitisinFUT,thedifference
isonlythatinFUEtheseincisionsareofpinholesizeand the incisionsitesarescattered over a largearea. FUE hair transplant is a very effective and popular method that is practiced by the best hair restoration surgeonsaroundtheworld.TheHairTransplantCenteris oneoftheleadinghairrestorationfacilitiesofferingFUEhair transplant in Saudi Arabia. Fill in our free online consultation form to discuss your case with our experts andfindoutifyouareacandidatefortheprocedureor not.