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12 th TOK 10/ 16. Finish The Code : Episode 1 (15 minutes ) Viewing Guide (We’ll answer questions as we go… ) The Code Episode 2 (55 minutes) Viewing Guide…
12th TOK 10/16 • Finish The Code: Episode 1 (15 minutes) • Viewing Guide (We’ll answer questions as we go…) • The Code Episode 2 (55 minutes) • Viewing Guide… • Journal: (15 min) Respond to this quote: Mathematics is the abstract key which turns the lock of the physical universe – John Polkinghorne
12th TOK 10/12 • IB FORM SIGNATURES (Mike, Kara, Moony, Je Hee, Brandon, JEREMY) • The Code: Episode 1 (55 minutes) • Viewing Guide (We’ll answer questions as we go…) • Journal: (15 min) Why do you think there is this paradox in mathematics, that is it is a priori analytic, but it seems to work in the real world?
12th TOK 10/10 • IB form and written task DUE! • TOK Math’s Style PowerPoint (15 min) • Why is math difficult for some and easy for others? • What is the difference between applied and pure mathematics? • Introduction to Mathematics Handout (40 min) • At your tables discuss the questions and then answer them individually • Journal: (15 min) Consider your own education and discuss a key moment (or moments) that determined your attitude about math. How did reason, emotion, language, and perception play in to this?
12th TOK 10/9 • JOURNAL (15 minutes): Write a Rough Draft answering the 3 questions on the Presentation Planning Document and Grade yourself using the Rubric • Identification of Knowledge Issue • Treatment of Knowledge Issue • Knowers Perspective • Connections • Official IB Presentation Planning Document: • Fill out entire form • Attach an outline if you wish • Grade yourself using the rubric • Written Task: 700 words in response to the following prompt: • In what ways may disagreement aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences? • IB form and written task DUE NEXT CLASS! • Submit your Written Task to Teacher Dashboard
12th TOK 10/2 • Script and PowerPoint DUE WEDNESDAY!! • Teacher Dashboard or Email • Thanks Paula,Katy, Bea :0) • Reminders: • Must rehearse and stick to time limit (Arrive early to test microphones) • Must give Malou your visuals, following the format guidelines on the blog, 24 hours in advance (next Wednesday night, Thursday morning at he latest. EMBED VIDEOS IF POSSIBLE • Timing: Groups of 2 (11 min, 1 min), Groups of 3 (16 min, 1 min) • ALL STUDENTS will miss E block on Friday (remind teachers) • Arrive changed (office attire) • Written Task: 700 words in response to the following prompt (Will get Tuesday, October 9th to work on this! Due Wednesday Oct 10th): • In what ways may disagreement aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences?
12th TOK 9/28 • Reminders: • Must rehearse and stick to time limit • Must give Malou your visuals, following the format guidelines on the blog, 24 hours in advance (next Wednesday night, Thursday morning at he latest. • Timing: Groups of 2 (11 min, 1 min), Groups of 3 (16 min, 1 min) • ALL STUDENTS will miss E block on Friday (remind teachers) • Arrive changed (office attire) • Presentation Work Time (70 minutes) • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 919, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!! • Written Task: 700 words in response to the following prompt (Will get Tuesday, October 9th to work on this! Due Wednesday Oct 10th): • In what ways may disagreement aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences?
12th TOK 9/25 • Reminders: • Must rehearse and stick to time limit • Must give Malou your visuals, following the format guidelines on the blog, 24 hours in advance (next Wednesday night, Thursday morning at he latest. • Presentation Work Time (70 minutes) • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 919, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!! • Written Task: 700 words in response to the following prompt (Due Tuesday, October 9th): • In what ways may disagreement aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences?
12th TOK 9/19 • Example Presentation (20 minutes) • Presentation Work Time (50 minutes) • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 919, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!! • MUST FINALIZE TITLES BY TODAY
12th TOK 9/18 • Presentation Work Time (70 minutes) • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 919, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!!
12th TOK 9/14 • Presentation Work Time (70 minutes) • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 919, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!! "Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.” -Thomas Dewar
12th TOK 9/12 • Finish Sam Harris Video (15 minutes) • Watch Exemplar Oral Presentation (15 minutes) • Grade Presentation with Rubric • A- Indication of Knowledge Issue • B- Treatment of Knowledge Issue • C- Knower’s Perspective • D- Connections • Presentation Work Time (40 minutes) • Must commit to topics by TODAY!! • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 919, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!!
12th TOK 9/11 • Method Presentation Prep time (10 minutes) • Human Science: Method Presentations (20 minutes) • What ethical issues are at play? • What problems with the method can you foresee? • How can we refine the methods? • Presentation Overview (35 minutes) • Blog Documents Overview • Eugenics Video and Moral Landscape • Groups MUST BE FINALIZED BY TOMORROW(W/ TOPIC) • Presentation Preparation Schedule: • 9/12, 9/14: TOK Presentation Planning Document DUE 9/14 • 9/18, 9/20 (BOB), 9/21: Visual Aid Rough Draft DUE 9/25 • 9/25, 9/26, 9/28: Rehearsals This Week – Present to Mr. C for feedback!!
12th TOK 9/7 • Journal (10 minutes): What does “Body Ritual among the Nacirema” say about the importance of the Verstehen Position? • Notes (5 minutes): Problems with Human Science • Reading (20 minutes): “Soft Sciences are often Harder…” Jared Diamond • What does Diamond mean by “operationalize a concept”? • Group Research Project (40 minutes) • Design a survey to give to the rest of the class. • Be sure you Operationalize your terms • Be sure there are clear directions!!
12th TOK 9/5 • NOTES (10 min): Laws vs. Trends & Reductionism vs Holism • Neuroscience Video: VilayanurRamachadran • READING(20 min):The Verstehen Position (Jigsaw) • Mark Text with annotations and questions • Explain the claims to your peers • READING (20 min): “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” • What can we say about this culture? • What can we say about the researcher and his data collection methods? • What is an anagram? • Problems Overview Notes (20 min)
12th TOK 9/4 • JOURNAL (15 min): How would you try to measure wealth, anxiety, leadership, laziness, or promiscuousness? • VIDEO (15 min): “Don’t be fooled…” and TED • READING (optional): “Damned Lies and Statistics” and “Misleading Statistics” • VIDEO(30 min): Problems with Experiment • MilgramExperiment and ZimbardoExperiment. • NOTES (10 min): Laws vs. Trends & Reductionism vs Holism • READING (next class): “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema”
12th TOK 8/31 • New Seating Chart • Table Discussions: (10 min) Natural Science Linking Questions • Emotion/Ethics - Reason/Mathematics - Language/History - Perception/The Arts - Religion/Human Sciences • NOTES (20 min): What is Human Science? VIDEO: “Motivation” & “Education” • Table Discussions: (10 min) Survey Questions (packet) • Questions 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6 (Question 3 as a class) • Measurement (30 min) – How do Human Scientists make measurements? • DISCUSION: Who won the Olympics? • VIDEO: “Don’t be fooled…” and TED • READING: “Damned Lies and Statistics” and “Misleading Statistics” • JOURNAL: How would you try to measure wealth, anxiety, leadership, laziness, or promiscuousness? “We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself.” ~Carl Jung
12th TOK 8/29 • Notes(15 minutes): “Problems” with science • Empiricism, Prediction, Law • Reading: Thomas Kuhn’s Cycle (10 minutes) • Videos (20 minutes): “Digital Rapture”, “The Intelligence Revolution”, TED “Neanderthals” • JOURNAL: How might trans-humanist thinkers be predictive? What role does science fiction play in paradigm shifts? • Science Strengths: Communal & self-correcting • Video: Dawkins “Faith in Science” and “Anti-dogmatism” “10 commandments” • Reading: “20 science attitudes” • JOURNAL: How has science become the dominant paradigm in the western world? “The arrogance of scientists is not nearly so dangerous as the arrogance that comes from ignorance.” ~Lewis Wolpert
12th TOK 8/28 • Notes (15 minutes): Scientific Method & The Copernican Revolution • Observe Nature (planet movement can’t be explained by Ptolemy’s model) • Identify patterns and regularities (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn - retrograde) • Formulate Hypothesis (heliocentric?) • Generalize (heliocentric explains planetary motion relative to earth) • Use hypothesis to make a prediction (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn further from sun; Mercury and Venus closer) • Test extensively (watch planet motions for several years and record data) • Limit or modify hypothesis if necessary (the paths are irregular / not circular) • Retest / Peer Review (Galileo confirms with telescope, but the paths still not fully understood) • Derive a law to explain the hypothesis (Keppler’s Laws of planetary motion) • Theory (Newton’s theory of gravity, includes planets and more) • Paradigm shift (Einstein, Shrodinger – doesn’t erase Keppler or Newton, just gives a fuller picture) • READING (20 minutes): “Childbed Fever” • Journal: What are the strengths and weaknesses of Semmelweis’ method? Why didn’t his peers agree with him? • Problems with Induction (20 minutes): Video / Discussion • READING (15 minutes): Paradigm Shifts & Thomas Kuhn’s Cycle… “The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.” ~William Lawrence Bragg
12th TOK 8/24 • 10 Most Wanted Pseudoscience Promoters (10 minutes): • Why does belief often trump science? • The Dice Game (10 minutes): • Use the scientific method to figure out how I am calculating the total number • Monty Python and Scientific Method Made Easy (10 minutes): • What is the scientific method? • Group Work (20 minutes): How was the scientific method employed during the Copernican revolution (geo-centric to helio-centric solar system)? Explain the 9 steps (Packet) • READING (20 minutes): “Childbed Fever” • Journal: What are the strengths and weaknesses of Semmelweis’ method? Why didn’t his peers agree with him? ”Science is a way of thinking more than it is a body of knowledge.” —Carl Sagan
12th TOK 8/22 • JOURNAL (10 minutes): Draw a picture of a scientist and label key elements. • Video: Felix and Mad Mickey (10 minutes) • Read “Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know” (20 minutes): • What are the stereotypes about scientists? Where do they come from? How does perception affect people’s attitudes about science? • Watch “Bad Science” & Dawkins vs. Chopra (30 minutes): • Why are people willing to accept pseudo-science even when there is little evidence?Is it ethically right to use scientific principles as a metaphor for religion? ”Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.” —Adam Smith
12th TOK 8/17 • 300 word reflection (2 Paragraphs): • Take a real life dilemma and consider which Ways Of Knowing (Reason, Emotion, Language, and Perception)have most informed your ethical decision making. • Presentation Time: (2=12 min, 3&4=17 min) • Begin Natural Sciences on Wednesday!! “Man’s brain lives in the twentieht century; the heart of most men still lives in the Stone Age” —Erich Fromm
12th TOK 8/15 • Radio Lab: A scientific approach to studying morality (50 min) • How does emotion, reason, and science relate to ethics? • Linking Questions for Ethics: Handout • HOMEWORK: Think of a real-life, personal dilemma you have faced to write a 300 word reflection onnext class. Presentation Time: (2=12 minutes, 3&4=17 minutes) “I cannot see how to refute the arguments for the subjectivity of ethical values, but I find myself incapable of believing that all that is wrong with wanton cruelty is that I don’t like it” —Bertrand Russell
12th TOK 8/14 • The TOK Presentation(10 minutes) • An overview of the parameters, expectations, and support materials • Justice Video: (20 minutes) What does the Trolley Car example teach us about the conflict between Deontological and Teliological ethics? • Reading: “Thinking Ethically” (15 minutes) • Review the 5 approaches to ethical reasoning • “Jim and the Indians” & “An American Story” (20 minutes) • Jigsaw: Each table apply one method to both stories to decide what is ethical • NOTE: Ethical does not equate to “morally right” Morals are PERSONAL. Ethics endeavors to: 1. Understand how we make moral judgments (Meta-Ethics), 2. Develop new ethical systems (Normative Ethics), and 3. Examine dilemmas in an effort to establish rules and/or laws (Applied Ethics) “The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation” —Jeremy Bentham
12th TOK 8/10 • JOURNAL (15 minutes): If faced with the dilemma presented to the son in Vertical Limit, what would an Absolutist (or Categorical, or Deontological thinker) do and why? Do you agree? Why or why not? (Journal Rubric) • Human Rights Articles (20 minutes) • Write your articles and post them on the wall for discussion • Remember “The Veil of Ignorance” – John Rawls Toward a Theory of Justice • "Imagine that you have set for yourself the task of developing a totally new social contract for today's society. How could you do so fairly? Although you could never actually eliminate all of your personal biases and prejudices, you would need to take steps at least to minimize them. Rawls suggests that you imagine yourself in an original position behind a veil of ignorance . Behind this veil, you know nothing of yourself and your natural abilities, or your position in society. You know nothing of your sex, race, nationality, or individual tastes. Behind such a veil of ignorance all individuals are simply specified as rational, free, and morally equal beings. You do know that in the "real world", however, there will be a wide variety in the natural distribution of natural assets and abilities, and that there will be differences of sex, race, and culture that will distinguish groups of people from each other." • Do you see any articles that are contradictory in your peers “Declaration of Rights”? • Do you see any articles you can think of exceptions to? • Kant-Categorical (Deontological) vs Bentham-Utilitarian (Teliological) • What does the Trolley Car example teach us about the conflict between Deontological and Teliological ethics? • HOMEWORK: Read “Thinking Ethically” “Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end.” —Immanuel Kant
12th TOK 8/7 • Introduction / Icebreaker (10 minutes) • About Mr. Cook • “Never have I, ever…” • Course Outline, Rubrics, Ethics Unit, Supplies (10 minutes) • Pass/Fail (completion w/ exempted IB marks) • Only 2 weeks for Ethics Unit! • Only need a binder, paper, and small journal for this class • The Blog (5 minutes) • “Vertical Limit” (10 minutes) • What would you do and why? When is it OK to kill somebody? • “Ethics… an introduction” (35 minutes) – Various Activities • Begin Human Rights Articles (8-10) • HOMEWORK: Buy a binder and a journal for next class!! “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.” – Albert Camus