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Is your organization grant worthy?. Laura Beth Tucker Community Partners of GA. Yes , because you can clearly state why your services are needed in your community . who are the clients you exist to serve. w hat are the benefits to your community.
Is your organization grant worthy? Laura Beth Tucker Community Partners of GA
Yes, because you can clearly state • why your services are needed in your community. • who are the clients you exist to serve. • what are the benefits to your community.
Criteria Needed in Proposal • Description of applicant organization • Problem or Need to be addressed • Target population served • Program activities or Project purpose • Funds needed • Staffing and/or Board of Directors • Community collaboration • Accountability and evaluation • Sustainability
Does your organization have the ability to fulfill its mission?
Yes, if your organization has -- • a blend of sound management • strong governance • an efficient system for achieving results
Does Your Organization have a Compelling Mission? • Statement of needs and problems that your organization solves • Statement of something that differentiates you from other non-profits.
Mission statement • Developing your mission statement is a critical first step. Clarify your mission, purpose, general goals, service and beneficiaries. • No matter how clear the mission statement sounds in your head, talk it over with people to make sure it conveys what you want.
Samples of Mission Statements • The Humane Society: Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty • American Heart Association: To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke • Wounded Warrior Project: To honor and empower wounded warriors • CARE: To serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world. • In Touch Ministries: To lead people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church.
Funders look first to see that non-profits are incorporated and have their IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, that their programs/services are headed by a strong executive director, that operational concerns (finances) are accounted forbefore consideration of awarding grant. What are Basics?
What is your Organizational History? • Do you have a track record? • If you are a new non-profit, make sure that your leaders have plenty of experience. • Strategic Planning can help convince a funder that your cause is worthy when your history is brief.
Does Your Organization Have Capable leadership? • Effective Board of Directors (whether elected or appointed) • Qualified, competent staff member(s)
Why do non-profits Need Boards? • To ensure the organization operates within the framework of its mission; • To earn and maintain public trust; • To establish policy • To oversee management of organization, • To provide legal and fiscal oversight; and • To maintain high standards of accountability.
Key Board Responsibilities • Determine mission and purpose Board helps grow and shape your mission and purpose. • Board makes sure organization is not straying too far from the mission.
Key Board Responsibilities • Maintain integrity and accountability — Nonprofits are accountable to the public at large. • The board is the public face of an organization and accountable for its performance and making sure it operates legally and with integrity.
Key Board Responsibilities • Select and oversee chief executive Responsible for hiring, evaluating and if necessary, firing the chief executive. • Lead organizational planning. • Ensure adequate resources. • Strengthen programs or services. • Assess own performance as board members.
Committed board members possess: 3 T’s: Talent, Time and Treasure or 3 W’s: Wisdom, Work and Wealth to dedicate to your organization.
It’s situational for every organization. You want experts in a certain program area, lawyers, accountants, PR people, etc. Talent/wisdom:
Time/Work: People willing to put in time to help the organization be successful. Meetings Volunteer work
Treasure/Wealth: Board members must be able to write checks and find others who can and will as well.
Treasure/Wealth: Personally support the organization — $$$ From a funder’s point of view, if your core stakeholders (your board members) aren’t giving to your organization, why should anyone else? Help bring in other resources — be willing to help fundraise. Establish board policies — conflict of interest policies, disclosure statements; must put loyalty to the organization above personal preferences.
DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION HAVE A GOOD REPUTATION? • You want to build your reputation as a high-quality service provider. • Funders look at your history and your reputation. • Known for delivery of well-regarded, relevant programs or services
Are Your Programs Different than others? • Demonstrate how your programs differ from other non-profits in the same area? • Demonstrate that your programs actually make a difference for those you serve?
Does your organization have Efficient operations and systems? • You deliver on your promises. • You have regular organizational planning and evaluation. • You have adequate facilities, technology and staffing.
What are the Sources of your funds? • Grant funders like to see solid finances with diverse revenue streams. • Fundraising will stay with you for the lifetime of your organization. • Funders don’t like to see you rely on only one or two sources.
Diversity of Fund Sources • Funders want to be reassured that you don't have all your eggs in one basket...especially theirs.
Diversity of Fund Sources • Government/public funding • Membership dues, product/service fees • Private giving — institutional philanthropy (foundations/corporations) and individual gifts (donors/bequests) • Fundraising events The best way for your non-profit to stand out to funders is to ensure your organization has as many of these characteristics as possible before applying for any grants.
Does your nonprofit engage in planning and evaluation on a regular basis? • Need to develop a long-range plan • Need to evaluate your programs to see if they are really working
Quotes from Foundations “We are looking to award funds to an organization who has other sources of revenue, particularly other fundraisers they (staff and board) have personally participated in. We want them to have some ‘skin in the game’." …. from Foundation employee
Quotes from Foundations “I have seen many applications be denied or tabled because they simply haven't supplied enough information. I would highly recommend asking someone outside of the organization to read over the grant application to see what questions have not been answered.” …. From Foundation employee
Quotes from Foundations “Many of the organizations we receive applications from seem to want us to hand over money when they haven't done their part. We look to fund organizations who have a well thought-out plan of implementation, can explain in detail the need for the funds, and have a clear budget of what items are needed.” …. From Foundation employee
Quotes from Foundations • Financial status: If have significant cash in CD’s or on-hand and asking for more funds, not awarded. Also look for fundraising not just grant writing. • Clearly state objective of what the funds are to be used for. • Use funds for intended purpose. • Will funds benefit those intended in service area. • Are employees credible, trust worthy?
grant makers scoring rubric • Demonstration of a real need or problem. Proposal documents or demonstrates a real need or problem (it uses convincing data, case studies, interviews, focus group results, media attention, etc.). • Clear, tangible outcomes. Objectives and outcomes for the project are clear and measurable or tangible (For example, the project will result in improved client status, greater public awareness, etc.).
Sound methodologies. The proposed methods or strategies are realistic, reasonable, effective, outcome-oriented - drawing on best practice and the latest thinking and research. • Organizational credibility. The organization has credibility for this kind of work (strength, name recognition, a history or track record of achievements, related mission and goals, unique position, letters of support).
Staffing. The human resource allocation to this project is appropriate (internal staff expertise, use of external consultants, advisory committee). • Participation. Stakeholders, partners, clients, and beneficiaries will participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the project.
Collaboration. The proposal includes partnerships and a collaborative approach. • Innovation/Creativity/Uniqueness. The concept is innovative and not redundant with other projects within the community.
Multicultural/intergenerational. There is clear recognition of the value of diversity and use of a multicultural and/or intergenerational approach. • Evaluation plan. There is a solid evaluation plan. • Dissemination. The results of the project will be effectively disseminated (e.g., board, media, annual report, web sites, etc.).
Sustainability. The project is sustainable; it will be institutionalized; alternative sources of funding will be pursued. • In-kind contributions. There are in-kind contributions or matches (funding, staffing, equipment, office space, etc.).
Overall value. The overall value of the project (the relationship of benefits to costs) is high. The overhead or indirect rate is reasonable and competitive. • Fit with funder. The project has a clear fit with the funder’s priorities and parameters; it is informed by research on and pre-submission dialogue with the funder.
Proposal clarity, organization, and completeness. The content of the proposal is well organized, there is a logical progression of ideas; the writing style is economical (not verbose or convoluted); the funder guidelines for organization and contents of the proposal are followed. • Visual Presentation. The visual presentation is effective; it includes helpful graphics/charts/tables, exhibits, marketing materials, etc. (pursuant to guidelines)
Why funding proposals are denied? By far, the most frequent reasons that foundations reject proposals are: • They don't have enough funds to accept every request. • The request falls outside of the funder's giving interests. • The applicant didn't follow application guidelines. Source: Foundation Center's Foundation Growth and Giving Estimates, 2004 Preview; based on responses from 878 grantmakers.
When your proposal is not funded, what’s next? It is customarily accepted to call after you receive a declination letter to ask these questions: 1. Is there anything we could have done differently in our proposal? 2. May we resubmit for your next funding cycle? (Note the date and REAPPLY) 3. Are you aware of any other funders that we might approach?
What went wrong? • Number one is not following the guidelines. • If they don't want you to submit a CD - leave it out. • If they want less than 10 pages – keep it under 10 pages of legible or specified font. • Glaring errors -- You say you serve 2,000 clients age 5 – 18 in one paragraph, but in another section you reference different numbers.
8 Step PlanEnsuring that your Non-Profit is Grant-Worthy #1 – Choose funding sources whose interests and priorities are a good match with your organization’s programs and clients served. If possible, call or email the funding source to gauge their interest in what you want to propose for funding.
8 Step PlanEnsuring that your Non-Profit is Grant-Worthy #2 – Do your research on what foundations are funding by reviewing their 990’s. http://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/990finder/
8 Step PlanEnsuring that your Non-Profit is Grant-Worthy #3 – Develop an annual organization budget that shows source and use of funds. • Where are revenues expected to come from • What expenses are expected Develop balanced budget to show fiscal soundness and good planning