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Scrutiny Accommodation for vulnerable adults and older people

Gary Heathcote, Head of Accommodation Solutions, leads the development and delivery of a comprehensive Accommodation Strategy for vulnerable adults and older people, aiming at diverse accommodation options with good design, facilities, and location to enhance VFM and manage additional costs in various service areas.

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Scrutiny Accommodation for vulnerable adults and older people

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  1. ScrutinyAccommodation for vulnerable adults and older people Gary Heathcote Head of Accommodation Solutions

  2. Accommodation Solutions “ responsible for the development and delivery of the Accommodation Strategy which covers all vulnerable adults and older people”

  3. Why? • We need a range of accommodation options for all client groups that will deliver the right outcomes for them • Good design • Good facilities • Good location

  4. Why? • Achieve VFM • Additional cost for Older People services in 14/15 (from 11/12) is £9.3m • Additional cost for Learning disability services in 14/15 (from 11/12) is £16.8m • Additional cost for Physical disability services in 14/15 (from 11/12) is £2.3m • Additional cost of Mental Health services in 14/15 (from 11/12) is £1m

  5. Where are we now? • Older People • Residential 2369 ( 978D) • Nursing 904 (250D) • Flexicare 849 (27D) • Total 4008 (1255D) Nov 2011 • Total beds in County = 4867 Residential & 1808 Nursing

  6. Where we are now? • Learning Disabilities 18-64 1543 (Units= 695R 34N 1050SL) • Physical Disabilities 18-64 161 (79 R, 82N) • Mental Health 18-64 157 (145 R, 12N)

  7. Whats going to happen next? • Population growth – particularly 85+ • 17% increase in the age group we primarily deal with • A third of residential placements could be getting ICS or flexi • 3% inc in LD population, JCT LD Strategy predictions & current void capacity

  8. What we want in 5 years • Residential 1994 • Nursing 1144 • Flexicare 1627 • Total 4765 • Learning Disabilities 18-64 1679 (320R 53N 1306SL) • Physical Disabilities 18-64 228 (118R, 110N) • Mental Health 18-64 157 (145R, 12N) • Of the cohort in accommodation shift from 63% in residential care homes to 41% otherwise 2991 residential places needed • Flexicare and other community support from 13% to 34% • LD Shift from 49% residential to 18% • Increase In Supported living to 78% % movements based on actual April 11 figures

  9. What are we doing? • Programme of works with Quantum care • Flexicare opps/ review sheltered housing • Learning Disabilities Workplan • Physical Disabilities Workplan • Work with Joint Commissioning Team on Mental Health accommodation • Work with District Councils

  10. Local Accommodation Boards • Linked to double districts • Each Board meets quarterly and has a lead within AST • Membership • District heads of housing and planners, • HCC Planners • Health • Local community groups • HCS teams • Housing associations

  11. The future • Strategies that are flexible • Take advantage of opportunities that arise • Listen to community groups, clients and providers • Innovation

  12. Thank you

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