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  1. 117 Ways Questions 117 Ways Questions 117 Ways Questions 117 Ways Questions 117 Ways Questions 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Which has a greater density: a 500 kg gram sample of sulfur or 1 kg gram sample of sulfur?

  3. The same substance always has the same density

  4. During a football game, the quarterback fumbled the ball and all the other players jumped on top of him to try to get the ball. As the pressure on the ball increased, in theory, what should happen to its density?

  5. As pressure increases, density increases

  6. Smoke from a fire rises because of this?

  7. As temperature increases, density decreases, causing the smoke to rise.

  8. Which is the best model of the Earth? A B C D

  9. The true shape of the Earth is an Oblate Spheroid, but from space it looks like a sphere. The best model of the Earth is a sphere A

  10. You graduated high school and decided to go to Binghamton University, which oddly enough is located in Binghamton NY. You are talking to your significant other on the phone and tell them Polaris has this altitude in the sky.

  11. The altitude of Polaris equals your latitude. Locate Binghamton on your ESRT. What ever latitude Binghamton is, will be the altitude of Polaris. 42°

  12. What type of line would this be considered: latitude or longitude?

  13. Latitude lines go east-west, just like the equator, but measure distances north or south FYI: Longitude lines go north-south, but measure distances east or west.

  14. Longitude lines are based on this?

  15. Longitude is based on observations of the sun

  16. Schools closed. Its snowing. You want to go sledding. Which hill will allow you to go the fastest? A B C

  17. The closer the isolines (contour-isobar-isotherms-) are the steeper the slope or gradient Hill A

  18. The Earth rotates in this direction.

  19. The earth rotates from west to east (24 hours) FYI: The earth revolves counterclockwise (365 1/4 days)

  20. Why do we have moon phases?

  21. The moon has phases because of the angle at which we view it (remember though that half is always lit)

  22. When is the summer & winter solstices?What about the spring and vernal equinoxes?

  23. Summer solstice is June 21st Winter solstice is December 21st Equinoxes: Mar. 21st Sept. 23rd

  24. In order to obtain your longest shadow, what position should the sun be in?

  25. The lower the altitude of the sun, the longer the shadow it casts

  26. What two things can we use to help prove the Earth rotates?

  27. Foucault's pendulum and the Coriolis effect prove the earth rotates

  28. In the New York, what season is the Earth closest to the sun?

  29. Earth is closer to the sun in winter

  30. A B C Where would the planet orbit the fastest?

  31. The closer the planet is to the sun the higher it's velocity, so choice C. FYI: The further the planet is from the sun, the slower its velocity, so choice B

  32. Compare the radioactive half-life of a 15 gram sample of Carbon-14 to a 600 gram sample of Carbon-14.

  33. The half-life of a radioactive element can't be changed so it’s the same.

  34. What is continental crust made up of?What is the ocean crust made up of?

  35. Ocean crust is thin and made of basalt Continental crust is thick and made of granite

  36. Energy flows from an area of _____ to an area of _____

  37. Energy moves from source to sink: high to low

  38. What are the ideal conditions for chemical weathering?

  39. Chemical weathering occurs mostly in warm, humid climates

  40. What are the ideal conditions for physical weathering?

  41. Physical weathering occurs mostly in cold, humid climates (good for frost wedging) 

  42. Sketch the movement of air around a High pressure system and a Low pressure system.

  43. Air moves clockwise and outward around a high & Air moves counterclockwise and inward around a low

  44. What causes wind and how do winds blow?

  45. Wind is due to air pressure differences and wind blows from high to low pressure

  46. A wind is blowing from North to South. Name the wind.

  47. North wind. Wind is named from the direction that it is coming from

  48. Describe the weather found in a high and a low pressure system.

  49. Highs are cool and dry; lows are warm and wet

  50. If something takes a very long to heat up, how long should it take to cool down?

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