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Dept of Computer Science. Software Engineering Foundations. Summary Object Oriented Concepts. Monica Farrow EM G30 email : M.Farrow@hw.ac.uk Material available on Vision. Key OOP concepts. Basic OOP OOP, objects, classes Encapsulation and data/information hiding
Dept of Computer Science Software Engineering Foundations Summary Object Oriented Concepts Monica Farrow EM G30 email : M.Farrow@hw.ac.uk Material available on Vision F21SF1 Maps End
Key OOP concepts • Basic OOP • OOP, objects, classes • Encapsulation and data/information hiding • Coupling and cohesion • Static • Inheritance • Superclasses and subclasses • Abstract methods and classes • Interfaces • Polymorphism, overloading and overriding.
OOP • OOP – object oriented programming • A style of designing programs based on ‘objects’ • Read the java tutorial • http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/ • Here is a good summary • http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~matuszek/cit591-2011/Pages/o-o-concepts.html • Also • http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/J3a_OOPBasics.html
Objects • An object is often a real-world object such as a car. • An object has • state (attributes/properties/data/fields) • e.g. model name, tank size, fuel in the tank • And • Behaviour (operations/functions/methods) • e.g. • How far can it travel on a full tank • Whether the tank is empty or not • The tank can be filled (amount of fuel in the tank altered)
Class • A class is a template for an object • It describes the attributes (instance variables) and operations (methods) for any object of the class • A class doesn’t define actual objects Car model : String tankSize : int fuelInTank : double getModel() : String getTankSize() : int setFuelInTank (double fuel): void Etc etc
Objects (again) • An object is an instance of the class. • There can be many objects of a class • E.g. Person -> Monica Farrow, Hamish Taylor, etc etc • Objects can be instantiated (created)
How a program works https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/cpp/cp3_OOP.html
Encapsulation • In English ‘encapsulate’ means to enclose as if in a capsule. • In OOP, it means that the attributes and operations for objects of a class are held together. • http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/e881fb/learn-object-oriented-programming-using-C-Sharp-part-5/Images/Encapsulation.jpg F21SF1 Maps End
Data hiding / Information hiding • Encapsulation enables data hiding, also called information hiding. • The internal state of the object (the instance variables) are hidden from objects of other classes. • Their access modifier is private • These variables are then accessible by providing accessor (‘get’) methods • Their access modifier is public • Similarly, they can be modified by providing mutator (‘set’) methods • Their access modifier is public F21SF1 Maps End
Using information hiding • The objects pass messages to each other using the public methods. • The method signature is known (method name, parameters, return type) • This is the interface • The implementation details (what the body of the code does) is hidden, encapsulated within the class F21SF1 Maps End
Coupling • Coupling is about the inter-connected-ness of different classes. • Loose coupling means that changes in one class should not usually require changes in other classes. • Information hiding supports loose coupling • E.g. change the way that a name is stored inside the class, from a single String to 2 Strings for first names and last names • Change the instance variables and the public method bodies • Do NOT change the method signatures (the public interface) • The classes using the methods do not need altering. F21SF1 Maps End
Cohesion • Cohesion is about a class having responsibility for set of closely related tasks. • E.g. • Put a method to get how far a car can travel inside the Car class • Put a method to get the initials inside the Name class • Don’t put lots of methods to manipulate the owner name string inside a Car class – they’re not about cars. F21SF1 Maps End
Coupling and cohesion • An OOP program should have loose coupling and high cohesion. • Separating entities into separate logical units makes them modular, easier to code, understand, analyze, test, and maintain. • The logical units can also be re-used in other programs. F21SF1 Maps End
Static variables and constants • A class may contain static variables or constants. • A static constant has the same value for all objects of the class and never changes E.g. • the number of days in a week • the number of holidays that all Employees can take (if this will NOT change) • A static variable has the same value for all objects of the class and might change during the program run E.g. • number of holidays that all Employees can take (if this might be changed during a program run) F21SF1 Maps End
Static methods • A class may contain static methods • These can only access static variables, constants and other static methods • They often provide useful functionality • They do NOT use instance variables or non-static methods • E.g. method to return the days of the week • E.g. Math.round, String.format, main method F21SF1 Maps End
Inheritance • A class can • Get some characteristics (instance variables, methods) from a parent or superclass. A subclass extends a superclass. A subclass is a superclass. • Provide its own characteristics specific to itself. It is the child or sub-class. • E.g. • Superclass Shape specifies the colour. All shapes have a colour. • Subclass Circle specifies radius, subclass Square specifies side. These attributes are specific to Circle and Square. F21SF1 Maps End
Shape colour:String getColour() : String setColour (String c) :void Inheritance Circle radius:double getRadius() : double Square side:double getSide() : double
Object toString() : String equals(o : Object) : boolean Shape Circle Square Object class • The Object class is the superclass for all classes • It contains default toString and equals methods, based only upon class name and location in memory.
Overriding • Subclasses often provide their own toString and equals methods. • This is called overriding, the method in the subclass is used in preference to the method in the superclass. • The method in the superclass can be called, using ‘super’ e.g. super.toString().
Overloading • Overloading is using the same operation name with a different purpose. E.g. • System.out.println(5); //an int • System.out.println(“Hello”); // a String • Overloading is also used for the + operator in java • int y = 3; int z = y + 2; • String s = “Hel” + “lo”;
Polymorphism • Polymorphism means ‘changing form’ • In Java, this means • Overloading – same method name, different parameters • Overriding – same method name, different subclass
Abstract methods • An abstract method contains no code • An abstract method is a method signature, defining the interface for a method which must be supplied by the subclass. • E.g. • Shape superclass could define an abstract method getArea(). • The implementation is in each subclass.
Abstract class • An abstract class contains • Some abstract methods. No implementation. E.g. Shape getArea() • Some concrete variables and methods, including the implementation. E.g. Shape colour, getColour(). • You can NOT call the constructor of an abstract class directly • You can create (instantiate) objects of the subclass. Their constructors contain a call to the superclass constructor (super() )
Interface • An interface is like an abstract class without the concrete parts. An interface is a specification without implementation. • All variables are static • All methods are abstract • A class can implement an interface. • This means that the class MUST provide (implement) all methods defined by that interface (e.g. actionPerformed in GUIs)
Multiple inheritance • In Java, a subclass can only extend one superclass. • In Java, a class can extend any number of interfaces. • E.g. • class Class extends Superclass implements Interface1, Interface2, .....