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Static and Dynamic Program Analysis: Synergies and Applications

Static and Dynamic Program Analysis: Synergies and Applications. Lecture 23 CS 6340. Today’s Computing Platforms. Trends:. Traits:. parallel cloud mobile. numerous diverse distributed. Unprecedented software challenges:

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Static and Dynamic Program Analysis: Synergies and Applications

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  1. Static and Dynamic Program Analysis: Synergies and Applications Lecture 23 CS 6340

  2. Today’s Computing Platforms Trends: Traits: • parallel • cloud • mobile • numerous • diverse • distributed Unprecedented software challenges: reliability, productivity, scalability, energy-efficiency

  3. A Challenge in Mobile Computing • Rich apps are hindered • by resource-constrained • mobile devices (battery, • CPU, memory, ...) How can we seamlessly partition mobile apps and offload compute- intensive parts to the cloud?

  4. A Challenge in Cloud Computing service levelagreements energyefficiency data locality scheduling How can we automatically predict performance metrics of programs?

  5. A Challenge in Parallel Computing • Most Java programs are • so rife with concurrency • bugs that they work only • by accident. • – Brian Goetz • Java Concurrency in Practice “ ” How can we automatically make concurrent programs more reliable?

  6. Terminology • Program Analysis • Discovering facts about programs • Dynamic Analysis • Program analysis using program executions • Static Analysis • Program analysis without running programs

  7. This Talk • Techniques Synergistically combine diverse techniques to solve modern software challenges Challenges programreliability programscalability staticanalysis dynamicanalysis programperformance machinelearning

  8. Our Result: Mobile Computing • Techniques Seamless Program Partitioning: Upto 20X decrease in energy used on phone Challenges programreliability programscalability staticanalysis dynamicanalysis programperformance machinelearning

  9. Our Result: Cloud Computing • Techniques Automatic Performance Prediction: Prediction error < 7% at < 6% program runtime cost Challenges programreliability programscalability staticanalysis dynamicanalysis programperformance machinelearning

  10. Our Result: Parallel Computing • Techniques Scalable Program Verification: 400 concurrency bugs in 1.5 MLOC Java programs Challenges programreliability programscalability staticanalysis dynamicanalysis programperformance machinelearning

  11. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  12. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  13. Program Partitioning: CloneCloud [EuroSys’11] Offline Optimization using ILP static analysis yieldsconstraints rich app ….……offload………………..………..resume….. …. …... ….. offload • dictates correct solutions • uses program’s call graphto avoid nested migration ………… …….. ……..... resume dynamic analysis yields objective function How do we automatically find which function(s) to migrate? • dictates optimal solutions • uses program’s profiles tominimize time or energy

  14. CloneCloud on Face Detection App • phone = HTC G1 running Dalvik VM on Android OS • cloud = desktop running Android x86 VM on Linux 1 image 100 images energy used on phone (J) • Upto 20X decrease in energy used on phone • Similar for total running time, and other apps

  15. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  16. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  17. From Offline to Online Program Partitioning • CloneCloud uses same partitioning regardless of input • But different partitionings optimal for different inputs • 1 image: phone-only optimal • 100 images: (phone + cloud) optimal • Challenge: automatically predict running time of a function on an input • can be used to decide online whether or not to partition • but also has many other applications

  18. The Problem: Predicting Program Performance Inputs: Program P Input I class Bldg {List events, floors;main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time;}Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…));} } 9 2 1 0 6 2 1 5 5 4 8 7 7 0 java Elev /foo/input.txt Output: Estimated running time of P(I) Goals: Accurate Efficient General-purpose Automatic

  19. Our Solution: Mantis [NIPS’10] program P input I Offline Online performancemodel estimated runningtime of P(I) training inputsI1, …, IN

  20. R = .3 + .5 f4 + .8 f42 Offline Stage of Mantis class Bldg {List events, floors;main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time;}Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…));} } • Instrument program with broad classes of features • Collect feature values and timeon training data • Express time as function of few features using sparse regression • Obtain evaluators for featuresusing static slicing analysis f4+= t; f1++; f2++; f3++;

  21. Static Slicing Analysis • static-slice(v) = { all actions that may affect value of v } • Computed using data and control dependencies

  22. From Dependencies to Slices class Bldg {List events, floors;main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; }Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…));} } f4 += t; static-slice(f4) =

  23. R = .3 + .5 f4 + .8 f42 Offline Stage of Mantis class Bldg {List events, floors;main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time;}Bldg() {floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…));} } • Instrument program with broad classes of features • Collect feature values and timeon training data • Express time as function of few features using sparse regression • Obtain evaluators for featuresusing static slicing analysis • If feature is costly, discard it and repeat process f4+= t; f1++; f2++; f3++;

  24. Offline Stage of Mantis • Instrument program with broad classes of features • Collect feature values and timeon training data • Express time as function of few features using sparse regression • Obtain evaluators for featuresusing static slicing analysis • If feature is costly, discard it and repeat process dynamicanalysis trainingdata profiledata rejectedfeatures machinelearning staticanalysis chosen features

  25. Mantis on Apache Lucene • Popular open-source indexing and search engine • Datasets used: Shakespeareand King James Bible • 1000 inputs, 100 for training • Feature counts: • instrumented = 6,900 • considered = 410 (6%) • chosen = 2 • Similar results for other apps prediction error = 4.8% running time ratio = 28X (program/slices)

  26. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  27. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  28. class Bldg {List events, floors;main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time;}Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…));} } f4 += t; Static Analysis of Concurrent Programs Data or control flow of one thread can be affected by actions of other threads! Either prove these actions thread-local ... … or include these actions in the slice as well

  29. Bldg Elev floors events floors List List floors elems elems Elev Object[] Object[] 0 1 0 1 BP Floor Floor BP v The Thread-Escape Problem • thread-local(p,v): Is v reachable from single thread at pon all inputs? class Bldg { List events, floors; main() { Bldg b = new Bldg();for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; } Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…)); } } p: a program state at p = local = shared

  30. The Thread-Escape Problem • thread-local(p,v): Is v reachable from single thread at pon all inputs? • Needs to reason about all inputs  Use static analysis

  31. The Need for Program Abstractions • All static analyses need abstraction • represent sets of concrete entities as abstract entities • Why? • Cannot reason directly about infinite concrete entities • For scalability • Our static analysis: • How are pointer locations abstracted? • How is control flow abstracted?

  32. Example: Trivial Pointer Abstraction thread-local(p, v)? class Bldg { List events, floors; main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; } Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…)); } } Bldg Elev floors events p: floors List List floors elems elems Elev Object[] Object[] 0 1 0 1 BP Floor Floor BP v class List {List() { this.elems = new Object[…];} }

  33. Example: Allocation Sites Pointer Abstraction thread-local(p, v)? class Bldg { List events, floors; main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; } Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…)); } } Bldg Elev floors events p: floors List List floors elems elems Elev Object[] Object[] 0 1 0 1 BP Floor Floor BP v class List {List() { this.elems = new Object[…];} }

  34. Bldg Elev floors events floors List List floors elems elems Elev Object[] Object[] 0 1 0 1 BP Floor Floor BP v Example: k-CFA Pointer Abstraction thread-local(p, v)? class Bldg { List events, floors; main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; } Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…)); } } p: class List {List() { this.elems = new Object[…];} }

  35. Complexity of Static Analyses precise scalable H = allocation sites, I = call sites L = program points, F = fields Challenge: an abstraction that is both precise and scalable Our Static Analysis: Q = queries

  36. Drawback of Existing Static Analyses • Different queries require different parts of the program to be abstracted precisely • But existing analyses use the same abstraction to prove all queries simultaneously • ⇒existing analyses sacrifice precision and/or scalability P P⊢Q1? static analysis Q1 abstraction A P⊢Q2? Q2

  37. Insight 1: Client-Driven Static Analysis • Query-driven: allows using separate abstractions for proving different queries • Parametrized: parameter dictates how much precision to use for each program part for a given query Q2 Q1 static analysis static analysis abstraction A2 abstraction A1 P P⊢Q1? P⊢Q2?

  38. h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 Example: Client-Driven Static Analysis thread-local(p, v)? class Bldg { List events, floors; main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; } Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…)); } } h1: Bldg Elev floors events p: floors List List floors h2: elems elems Elev h3: Object[] Object[] h4: 0 1 0 1 h5: BP Floor Floor BP h6: v class List {List() { this.elems = new Object[…];} } h7:

  39. Insight 2: Leveraging Dynamic Analysis • Challenge: Efficiently find cheap parameter to prove query • 2^H choices, most choices imprecise or unscalable • Our solution: Use dynamic analysis • parameter is inferred efficiently (linear in H) • it can fail to prove query, but it is precise in practice and no cheaper parameter can prove query H inputsI1... In static analysis dynamic analysis Q P⊢Q? abstraction A P

  40. Bldg Elev floors events floors List List floors elems elems Elev Object[] Object[] 0 1 0 1 BP Floor Floor BP v h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 Example: Leveraging Dynamic Analysis thread-local(p, v)? class Bldg { List events, floors; main() { Bldg b = new Bldg(); for (…) BP v = b.events.get(i); int t = v.time; } Bldg() { floors = new List(); for (…) floors.add(new Floor()); for (…) Elev e = new Elev(floors); e.start(); events = new List(); for (…) events.add(new BP(…)); } } h1: p: h2: h3: h4: h5: h6: class List {List() { this.elems = new Object[…];} } h7:

  41. Using Dynamic Analysis for Static Analysis • Previous work: • Counterexamples: query is false on some input • suffices if most queries are expected to be false • Likely invariants: a query true on some inputs is likely true on all inputs [Daikon (Ernst et al.’01)] • Our approach [POPL’12]: • Proofs: a query true on some inputs is likely trueon all inputs and for likely the same reason

  42. Benchmark Characteristics

  43. Precision Comparison Previous Approach Our Approach • Pointer abstraction: • Allocation sites • Control abstraction: • Flow insensitive • Context insensitive • Pointer abstraction: • 2-partition • Control abstraction: • Flow sensitive • Context sensitive

  44. Precision Comparison Previous Approach Our Approach • Previous scalable approach resolves 27% of queries • Our approach resolves 82% of queries • 55% of queries are proven thread-local • 27% of queries are observed thread-shared

  45. Running Time Breakdown

  46. Sparsity of Our Abstraction

  47. Feedback from Real-World Deployments • 16 bugs in jTDS (JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server) • Before: As far as we know, there are no concurrency issues in jTDS • After: Probably the whole synchronization approach in jTDS should be revised from scratch • 17 bugs in Apache Commons Pool (object pooling library) • Thanks to an audit by Mayur Naik many potential synchronization • issues have been fixed -- Release notes for Commons Pool 1.3 • 319 bugs in Apache Derby (relational database engine) • This looks like very valuable information … could this tool be run • on a regular basis? It is likely that new races could get introduced • as new code is submitted ” “ “ ” “ ” “ ”

  48. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  49. Talk Outline • Overview • Seamless Program Partitioning • Automatic Performance Prediction • Scalable Program Verification • Putting It All Together

  50. Program Analyses as Building Blocks applied to partitioning,but also applicable for better scheduling, etc. performance analysis partitioning analysis slicing analysis call-graph analysis pointer analysis datarace analysis applied to datarace analysis, but also used for deadlock detection, etc. applied to slicing, but can also yield simpler memory models, etc. thread-escape analysis may-happen-in- parallel analysis CHORD: a versatile program analysis platform[PLDI’11 tutorial]

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