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Living in Tower Hamlets. Findings and Conclusions from Tower Hamlets JSNA Presentation to HWB Strategy Subgroup Dr Somen Banerjee, DPH 3 rd April, 2012. What is Health?.
Living in Tower Hamlets Findings and Conclusions from Tower Hamlets JSNA Presentation to HWB Strategy Subgroup Dr Somen Banerjee, DPH 3rd April, 2012
What is Health? ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ WHO Constitution, 1946
What will improve health? • Giving every child the best possible start in life • Enabling all to make the most of their capabilities and have control over their lives • Creating fair employment and good work for all • Ensuring a healthy standard of living for all • Creating and developing healthy and sustainable places and communities • Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention
What will make this happen? • Getting vision and strategy clear • High level strategic engagement across the partnership • Making partnership work at all levels • Doing things systematically and at the right scale • Getting the workforce right • Identifying the missing thousands • Meaningful and systematic community engagement • Being ambitious about achievement overall and for those in greatest need • Being driven by high quality information
Top 10 considerations from JSNA (1) • The economic downturn will impact on health and particularly the health of those who already have the worst health outcomes in the borough • Tower Hamlets is not an easy place to be healthy. If it is to become an easier place, health needs to be at the heart of housing and planning strategy • There is a big opportunity to drive more integrated and innovative partnership working at a very local level and to involve local people much more in improving local services • There are 20,000 under 5s in Tower Hamlets and what is happening to them right now will have far reaching impacts on how healthy they will be for the rest of their lives • Education is a major determinant of health. The improvements in educational attainment this year mean that today’s Tower Hamlets school children are likely to have better health in their adult lives
Top 10 considerations from JSNA (2) • Young adulthood is when despite an absence of disease, problems accumulate that manifest in later life. The high levels of smoking, problem drinking, drug use, poor diet and sedentary lifestyles mean people get disease earlier and die younger in Tower Hamlets. • Diabetes outcomes in primary care are improving but numbers are increasing. This is particularly an issue in Tower Hamlets because of ethnicity. Diabetes can be prevented and if this trend continues costs to health and social care services will become unsustainable • Death rates and survival from cancer are amongst the worst in the country and this is driven by both high levels of smoking resulting in lung cancer and also late presentation to health services • One in five over 65s in Tower Hamlets have at least four chronic conditions at the same time. This means services need to be integrated around their needs across health and social care services and wider council services . Patient are asking for better integration too. • Older people in Tower Hamlets are more socially isolated, have higher level of poverty, poorer housing quality and this is manifest in poorer health. There is a lot going on across the PCT and council to support older people but should there be an overarching strategy?
JSNA Process and Accountability Senior level partnership group NHS/LA/THInK Officer group: corporate, adults, childrens, public health
JSNA Products • Summmary • People • Place • Being born, growing up, adult life and growing old in TH • (setting out local picture, evidence base, strategy, recommendations) Disaggregation of data by : Place (locality, LAP, ward) Socioeconomic determinants Equality dimensions Predictive variables (eg social marketing) Provider (eg primary care, CHS, social care, polysystems, acute trusts) What is the local picture? What should we be doing? What are we doing? What is the user/community perspective? What more do we need to know? What are the priorities?