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SMA R T I. Schoolwide Movement to Achieve RTI. PBIS Day 1 and 2. EUPISD. Mary Bechtel Susan Bogart Steve Goodman Anna Harms Sue Mack Norman McIntyre Melissa Nantais Jennifer Rollenhagen Kim St. Martin Brenda Tarsa Stephaine Williams Sheila Williams-White Jerry Zielinski.
SMARTI Schoolwide Movement to Achieve RTI PBIS Day 1 and 2 EUPISD
Mary Bechtel Susan Bogart Steve Goodman Anna Harms Sue Mack Norman McIntyre Melissa Nantais Jennifer Rollenhagen Kim St. Martin Brenda Tarsa Stephaine Williams Sheila Williams-White Jerry Zielinski Content was based on the work of: Rob Horner, Anne Todd, University of Oregon George Sugai, University of Connecticut Acknowledgements The material for this training day was developed with the efforts of…
Welcome School Leadership Teams!
Setting Group Expectations • To make this day the best possible, we need your assistance and participation • Be Responsible • Attend to the “Come back together” signal • Active participation…Please ask questions • Be Respectful • Please allow others to listen • Please silence cell phones • Please limit sidebar conversations • Share “air time” • Please refrain from email and Internet browsing • Be Safe • Take care of your own needs
When you see this, it means. . . This is an important idea!
1 OutcomesBy the end of Day 1, participants will have • A common understanding of what SMARTI is and why the emphasis is placed on integrated academic and behavioral supports. • A common understanding of how strong leadership teams function and the role of the leadership team within SMARTI. • A common understanding of Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). • Developed schoolwide behavioral expectations and created a plan for developing a behavioral matrix and making behavioral expectations visible within the school.
Differentiating your own learning with the “Three Tracks” during “Team Time” Acquisition: Think about how you plan to accomplish the work. Continuous Improvement: Think about how to make it easy, better, more effective. Sustainability: Think about how to continue the practice and ensure sustainability.
2 Agenda • Introduction to SMARTI • Creating Effective Systems • Introduction to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) • Identify and Define Behavioral Expectations
SMARTI Schoolwide Movement to Achieve RTI EUPISD
3 Mission Statement To develop support systems and sustained implementation of a data-driven, problem-solving model in schools to help students become better readers with social skills necessary for success.
3 Research/Philosophy • Scientific knowledge base for reading • National Research Council • National Reading Panel • Scientific knowledge base of human behavior • Applied Behavior Analysis
Prerequisites for SMARTI Implementation Commitment by… 80% of building staff Administration at building and district levels Agreement to implement for at least three years Reading/Behavior one of top three building goals Building team and coach identified
The 3-Tier Schoolwide Model • Model for preventing academic/behavioral failure for most students. • Attempts to match needs of students with appropriate levels of intervention early in order to prevent long-term academic/behavior difficulty. • Moves from “wait to fail” and aptitude/ achievement discrepancy models to a universal assessment and early intervention model. • Calls for a levels-of-intensity model that varies time, programs, grouping structures, and personnel).
3 IntensiveIntervention Individualized, function-based, high specific, for few students • Universal Prevention • Core instruction, preventative, for all students, • Targeted Intervention • Supplemental, to reduce risk, for some students School-Wide Support Systems for Student Success 1-5% 7-15% 80% All students in school
Core Principles of an RtI Framework 4 • We can effectively teach all children. • Intervene early. • Use a multi-tier model of support. • Use a problem-solving method for decision making. • Research-based interventions/instruction to the extent available. • Monitor student progress to inform instruction. • Use data to make decisions. • Use assessment for different purposes. (NASDSE, 2005)
The “Big Idea” of School-Wide Support Systems Goal is to establish host environments that support adoption, sustained use, & expansion of evidence-based practices (Zins & Ponti, 1990) 4
Why look an integrated Behavior and Reading support model • Both are critical for school success • Share critical feature of data-based decision making • Both utilize three tiered prevention model • Both incorporate a team approach at school level, grade level, and individual level • Models of integrated behavior and reading supports produce larger gains in literacy skills than the reading-only model • (Stewart, Benner, Martella, & Marchand-Martella, 2007)
The Link Between Reading and Behavior • Implementation of schoolwide positive behavior support leads to increased academic engaged time and enhanced academic outcomes • High quality academic instruction (e.g., content matched to student success level, frequent opportunity to respond, frequent feedback) by itself can reduce problem behavior • Children who fall behind academically will be more likely to find academic work aversive and also find escape-maintained problem behaviors reinforcing
Why Not Just Focus on the “Few”? 4 Jeffrey Sprague If we only respond to the toughest students, we will never get to all of them, and we may make more! All children and youth need a “village” to return to (school and community) Bystanders (peers, parents/family, teachers, others) are the village! –These are the “primary socializing agents”
Proficiency on 4th Grade and Percent of Major Discipline Referrals from Classroom: 132 Elementary Schools
5 As the magnitude of the problem increases... The required resources to address the problem increases The need to enhance environmental structures increases The frequency for collecting and acting upon information increases Intensity of Supports
5 Harsh Realities of ALL and EACH • Very difficult to do ALL without doing EACH • Getting to 100% requires going through the bottom 20%. • The instructional diet that is designed for ALL, may not work for EACH • Children who are at reading risk face the “tyranny of time” (Kame’enui, 1998). • Assuming students will ‘catch up’ with practice as usual is not wise. Catching up is a low probability occurrence. • The bottom 20% will require a very different kind of effort in both the short and long run.
SMARTI Participation • Increases the skills and knowledge base of the school leadership team • Supports the development of a Professional Learning Community within and across schools • Maintains a relentless focus on improving student outcomes • Provides technical resources related to school improvement processes as they relate to reading and behavior outcomes • Emphasizes the maintenance and function of school leadership teams.
Essential Principles in All SMARTI Trainings Create systems, not just programs, to support each and every student Earlier, rather than later Evidence, not opinion
Integration of Four Critical Elements(Sugai, 2001) Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making OUTCOMES SYSTEMS Information PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior
SMARTI Project Expectations Collect information on Discipline and Reading SWIS, DIBELS/AIMSweb, PBS Surveys, etc. Share information with SMARTI project staff School leadership team participate in SMARTI training Principal involvement in SMARTI training School leadership team regular meeting outside of training focusing on behavior/reading support Coaches meet with school leadership teams/ principal at least monthly Grade level team meeting (recommended)
6 Team Time • As a Leadership Team, please consider and discuss the following questions as they relate to your school: • Does your entire school staff embrace the idea that all students can be successful in learning? • Is there recognition that reaching your lowest performing students involves changes in school-wide practices that impacts all staff and students? • On a scale of 1 (not ready) to 3 (very ready) rate your school staff’s readiness to change practices and behaviors toward the goal of improving student outcomes?
SMARTI Schoolwide Movement to Achieve RTI Creating Effective Systems EUPISD
Creating Effective Systems Building Level
Critical Features of Effective School Leadership Teams: Strategies for Guiding implementation • Establish a school leadership team with representative staff • Obtain faculty/staff consensus • Develop plan for implementation • Communicate with staff on regular basis • Develop Systems to support staff around implementation efforts • Monitor implementation activities and use data for decision making • Provide recognition to faculty for their work
6 Ensuring a STRONG Leadership Team • The principal plays a crucial role in establishing a leadership team. • The effectiveness of the team needs to be evaluated and adjusted as necessary
Leading the Leadership Team • Establish meeting mechanics • Supporting tools: • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities • Delegate AND establish an accountability framework and communication loop so tasks are completed timely, efficiently, and communicated to all
Leading the Leadership Team • Plan for team and principal turnover • Build capacity not only within the staff but even within the team (i.e. data guru should be intentional about teaching others how to understand data) • Institutionalize systems and practices
Leadership Team Roles Principal: Create and enhance system of support for staff activities related to SMARTI through secure resources and acknowledge success SMARTI Team Member: Create and implement activities at building level (such as creating plan/evaluating plan) with an emphasis on school-wide implementation Coach: Facilitate the process for school-wide implementation 7
Principal’s Tasks Provide feedback and openly acknowledge successes Make decisions that support the high priority of the behavior and reading support effort Actively participate in activities Increase project visibility and priority through agendas, newsletters and presentations Secure resources Arrange professional development opportunities 7
Coach’s Tasks Meet with team at least monthly Provide technical support Help team maintain momentum Assist team to document and celebrate successes Facilitate team coordination Provide intangible moral support 7
Team Members’ Tasks Represent school staff Participate in regularly scheduled meetings Assist in guiding and evaluating SMARTI activities Communicate to others (e.g., staff, parents, community) 7
8 Common Mistakes • When the team leader is absent, the meeting structure is non-existent • Too much or too little written documentation of the meeting • Too many simultaneous conversations • Tangents or off-topic conversations
8 Effective meetings require work before and after the actual meeting time. • DURING: • Follow agenda & time frames • Review data • Make precision problem statements • Develop solutions • Take notes and set action items • AFTER: • Complete action items • Follow-up on action item status • BEFORE: • Set agenda and send to team • Collect data, review, and prepare summary statements
Sample Building Leadership Team Agenda There are multiple forms for this purpose
8 Functions/Responsibilities: Critical Piece in the Process • Moderator – facilitates meeting content and flow according to agenda • Norms monitor – ensures adherence to the agreed upon meeting commitments • Time keeper – keeps meeting moving toward action plan • Data keeper – organized individual who makes sure the appropriate data is available • Scribe – takes notes during the meeting especially regarding action plan
9 Team Time • Take a moment as a team to review the Functions/Responsibilities for the Leadership Team Meetings. • Discuss who will take on each function/responsibility for the Leadership Team during trainings and meetings for the 2011-2012 school year. • Record the individuals names in your workbook.
Accomplishing What Needs to Be Done Establishing a Good Communication and Integration Plan
9 ExampleCommunication and Integration Flow Chart • SIT provides priorities for action • Work Groups provide monthly data and action reports to SIT. District SIT PLC’s School Improvement Leadership (incl. members from initiatives work group chairs, etc.) SAT • SIT identifies and passes along GL issues to appropriate GL. • GL reports back on action taken, results, & needs. • SIT provide info, training, and reminds staff of • priorities. • Staff informs SIT of needs All Staff GRADE LEVELS/DEPARTMENTS
Attends RtI trainings to learn how to use/implement practices, understand data sources relevant to PBS and literacy, and how to develop systems at multiple to support the implementation towards SIT literacy goals, objectives and behavior SIT strategies Meets 1 x per month to look at all schoolwide data, discuss status on action items, next steps Bldg. Leadership Team/SIT/RtI Management Team PBIS Work Group Content Literacy Work Group Receives priorities from leadership team. Meets to develop a plan to implement schoolwidePBIS strategies in both non-classroom and classroom settings Receives priorities from leadership team. Meets to develop a plan to carry-out those priorities. This group is also referred to as the “worker bees” Developing School Teams Literacy RtI Work Group Meets to support staff in using literacy intervention programs. Team analyzes intervention grouping progress monitoring data to problem-solve the lack of growth. Fidelity checks, on-going training and support, suggestions for alternatives to scheduling, intervention program, and system considerations occurs as well