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Queen Elizabeth. Student Name. Historical Question. Why was Queen Elizabeth important?. Thesis. Queen Elizabeth moved Europe into a Golden age by promoting the arts, encouraging trade in other countries, and being a kind and fair ruler. Queen Elizabeth’s History.
Queen Elizabeth Student Name
Historical Question • Why was Queen Elizabeth important?
Thesis • Queen Elizabeth moved Europe into a Golden age by promoting the arts, encouraging trade in other countries, and being a kind and fair ruler.
Queen Elizabeth’s History • Queen Elizabeth was born on 1533 to Henry the VII and Anne Boleyn. Her Childhood was kind of weird, because first her dad had her Mother beheaded and then had her stepmothers beheaded or divorced too. Her title of Princess was taken away until she moved in with Henry’s last wife, Katherine Parr. After Edward VI died Elizabeth finally became Queen.
Reason 1 Queen Elizabeth encouraged the arts. “The Elizabethans loved music, and Elizabeth was no exception. She was a skilled musician and played the virginals and the lute. She enjoyed musical entertainments, encouraged musicians and composers, and was especially fond of dancing.” (Elizabethi.org) She also enjoyed watching plays. In fact, she attended Shakespeare's first performance of “A Midsummers Night Dream”. (Royal.gov.uk) Queen Elizabeth supporting the arts meant that more people could enjoy them, and since the queen did them they were not frowned upon at all.
Reason 2 • “During her reign it built up its sea power and ships sailed across the seas to trade in the New World. At that time Spain controlled much of the trade in the New World. Elizabeth sent Sir Francis Drake and other sea captains to raid Spanish ships and seize gold and other treasures that the Spanish had captured.” (english-online.at) The Queen encouraged trade in other countries which allowed Britain to expand its influence and become wealthier.
Reasons 3 • Elizabeth was a strong leader, and a good queen.“The accomplishments and achievements of Queen Elizabeth I have given her the reputation of the greatest monarch of England. The Elizabethan era is often referred to as the Golden Age.” (elizibethan-era.org) some things she did to earn this reputation was to create religious freedom, be a kind and fair ruler, and make Britain stronger. She also protected England from the Spanish armada, and she was very smart. • “Queen Elizabeth I claimed to have the heart and stomach of a king, but it was her sharp and cunning mind that secured her livelihood, guided her judgments, ruled her actions, and led to one of the most celebrated eras in English history” (newberry.org)
Political • Prevented Mary, queen of Scots from taking her Throne. • She used not being married to protect England by telling her enemies she would marry THEIR enemies, or using it to draw in her foes • She got England through economic depression and high prices.(royal.gov) • She ended the war with France, and avoided wars with Spain and France for most of her Rein. (biography.com)
Cultural • Elizabeth loved music, dancing and watching plays. The arts grew during her time, including works by William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. (biography.com) • She was very religiously tolerant and did not support religious persecution. (elizabethi.org) • She was a kind and fair Ruler. She was loved by her subjects and was sometimes known as “Good Queen Bess”. • “The reign of Queen Elizabeth I also saw significant expansion overseas. Great explorers were encouraged such as Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Richard Greenville (elizabethan-era.org)
Economic • She established the “Poor law of 1601”. She distinguished the “able-bodied (who could work but did not) from the 'impotent poor' (those too old or sick to provide for themselves).” (history.wisc.edu). The First group was not given help, and were even punished. The second group, “the deserving poor,” were supported, and often given material to make something, like spinning or weaving. That helped many people in England because at the time there were some economic problems and many poorer people.
Conclusion People who were influenced by the Elizabethan era, like William Shakespeare, still are important today. Shakespeare's work is still performed. Also, many explorers during that time made colonies in other countries possible. So Queen Elizabeth did have a lot of influence on the world.
Bibliography • "Childhood of Queen Elizabeth I." The. Elizibethan Era.org, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/childhood-of-queen-elizabeth-i.htm>. • "Queen Elizabeth 1." Queen Elizabeth 1. Brittania, 2011. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. <http://www.britannia.com/history/monarchs/mon45.html>. • "Elizabeth I." Elizabeth I. American Library Association, 20 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <http://publications.newberry.org/elizabeth/forthemedia/elizhistory.html>. • "Elizabeth 1- Last Monarch of the Tudors." Elizabeth I. English-Online, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <http://www.english-online.at/history/elizabeth-i/elizabeth-i-tudor-monarch.htm>.
Bibliography • "Elizabeth I's Pastimes." Elizabeth I's Pastimes. Elizabethi.org, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <http://www.elizabethi.org/us/pastimes/>. • Marilee. "Queen Elizabeth I: Biography, Portraits, Primary Sources." Queen Elizabeth I: Biography, Portraits, Primary Sources. Englishhistory.net, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <http://englishhistory.net/tudor/monarchs/eliz1.html>. • Sommerville, J. P. "Elizabeth I - Parliament, Church and Economy." Elizabeth I - Parliament, Church and Economy. Wisc.edu, n.d. Web. 03 May 2013. <http://faculty.history.wisc.edu/sommerville/361/361-16.htm>. • "Queen Elizabeth I Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, 2013. Web. 03 May 2013. <http://www.biography.com/people/queen-elizabeth-i-9286133?page=2>.
Bibliography • "History of the Monarchy The Tudors Elizabeth I." History of the Monarchy The Tudors Elizabeth I. The Royal Household, 2009. Web. 03 May 2013. <http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensofengland/thetudors/elizabethi.aspx>. • "Elizabeth I." Elizabeth I. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <http://tudorhistory.org/elizabeth/>.