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Tree Kernels for Parsing: (Collins & Duffy, 2001)

Tree Kernels for Parsing: (Collins & Duffy, 2001). Advanced Statistical Methods in NLP Ling 572 February 28, 2012. Roadmap. Collins & Duffy, 2001 Tree Kernels for Parsing: Motivation Parsing as r eranking Tree kernels for similarity Case study: Penn Treebank parsing.

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Tree Kernels for Parsing: (Collins & Duffy, 2001)

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  1. Tree Kernels for Parsing:(Collins & Duffy, 2001) Advanced Statistical Methods in NLP Ling 572 February 28, 2012

  2. Roadmap • Collins & Duffy, 2001 • Tree Kernels for Parsing: • Motivation • Parsing as reranking • Tree kernels for similarity • Case study: Penn Treebank parsing

  3. Motivation: Parsing • Parsing task: • Given a natural language sentence, extract its syntactic structure • Specifically, generate a corresponding parse tree

  4. Motivation: Parsing • Parsing task: • Given a natural language sentence, extract its syntactic structure • Specifically, generate a corresponding parse tree • Approaches:

  5. Motivation: Parsing • Parsing task: • Given a natural language sentence, extract its syntactic structure • Specifically, generate a corresponding parse tree • Approaches: • “Classical” approach: • Hand-write CFG productions; use standard alg, e.g. CKY

  6. Motivation: Parsing • Parsing task: • Given a natural language sentence, extract its syntactic structure • Specifically, generate a corresponding parse tree • Approaches: • “Classical” approach: • Hand-write CFG productions; use standard alg, e.g. CKY • Probabilistic approach: • Build large treebank of parsed sentences • Learn production probabilities • Use probabilistic versions of standard alg • Pick highest probability parse

  7. Parsing Issues • Main issues:

  8. Parsing Issues • Main issues: • Robustness: get reasonable parse for any input • Ambiguity: select best parse given alternatives • “Classic” approach:

  9. Parsing Issues • Main issues: • Robustness: get reasonable parse for any input • Ambiguity: select best parse given alternatives • “Classic” approach: • Hand-coded grammars often fragile • No obvious mechanism to select among alternatives • Probabilistic approach:

  10. Parsing Issues • Main issues: • Robustness: get reasonable parse for any input • Ambiguity: select best parse given alternatives • “Classic” approach: • Hand-coded grammars often fragile • No obvious mechanism to select among alternatives • Probabilistic approach: • Fairly good robustness, small probabilities for any • Select by probability, but decisions are local • Hard to capture more global structure

  11. Approach: Parsing by Reranking • Intuition: • Identify collection of candidate parses for each sentence • e.g. output of PCFG parser • For training, identify gold standard parse, sentence pair

  12. Approach: Parsing by Reranking • Intuition: • Identify collection of candidate parses for each sentence • e.g. output of PCFG parser • For training, identify gold standard parse, sentence pair • Create a parse tree vector representation • Identify (more global) parse tree features

  13. Approach: Parsing by Reranking • Intuition: • Identify collection of candidate parses for each sentence • e.g. output of PCFG parser • For training, identify gold standard parse, sentence pair • Create a parse tree vector representation • Identify (more global) parse tree features • Train a reranker to rank gold standard highest

  14. Approach: Parsing by Reranking • Intuition: • Identify collection of candidate parses for each sentence • e.g. output of PCFG parser • For training, identify gold standard parse, sentence pair • Create a parse tree vector representation • Identify (more global) parse tree features • Train a reranker to rank gold standard highest • Apply to rerank candidate parses for new sentence

  15. Parsing as Reranking, Formally • Training data pairs: {(si,ti)} • where si is a sentence, ti is a parse tree

  16. Parsing as Reranking, Formally • Training data pairs: {(si,ti)} • where si is a sentence, ti is a parse tree

  17. Parsing as Reranking, Formally • Training data pairs: {(si,ti)} • where si is a sentence, ti is a parse tree • C(si) = {xij}: • Candidate parses for si • wlog, xi1 is the correct parse for si

  18. Parsing as Reranking, Formally • Training data pairs: {(si,ti)} • where si is a sentence, ti is a parse tree • C(si) = {xij}: • Candidate parses for si • wlog, xi1 is the correct parse for si • h(xij): feature vector representation of xij

  19. Parsing as Reranking, Formally • Training data pairs: {(si,ti)} • where si is a sentence, ti is a parse tree • C(si) = {xij}: • Candidate parses for si • wlog, xi1 is the correct parse for si • h(xij): feature vector representation of xij • Training: Learn

  20. Parsing as Reranking, Formally • Training data pairs: {(si,ti)} • where si is a sentence, ti is a parse tree • C(si) = {xij}: • Candidate parses for si • wlog, xi1 is the correct parse for si • h(xij): feature vector representation of xij • Training: Learn • Decoding: Compute

  21. Parsing as Reranking: Training • Consider the hard-margin SVM model: • Minimize ||w||2 subject to constraints

  22. Parsing as Reranking: Training • Consider the hard-margin SVM model: • Minimize ||w||2 subject to constraints • What constraints?

  23. Parsing as Reranking: Training • Consider the hard-margin SVM model: • Minimize ||w||2 subject to constraints • What constraints? • Here, ranking constraints: • Specifically, correct parse outranks all other candidates

  24. Parsing as Reranking: Training • Consider the hard-margin SVM model: • Minimize ||w||2 subject to constraints • What constraints? • Here, ranking constraints: • Specifically, correct parse outranks all other candidates • Formally,

  25. Parsing as Reranking: Training • Consider the hard-margin SVM model: • Minimize ||w||2 subject to constraints • What constraints? • Here, ranking constraints: • Specifically, correct parse outranks all other candidates • Formally,

  26. Parsing as Reranking: Training • Consider the hard-margin SVM model: • Minimize ||w||2 subject to constraints • What constraints? • Here, ranking constraints: • Specifically, correct parse outranks all other candidates • Formally,

  27. Reformulating with α • Training learns αij, such that

  28. Reformulating with α • Training learns αij, such that • Note: just like SVM equation, w/different constraint

  29. Reformulating with α • Training learns αij, such that • Note: just like SVM equation, w/different constraint • Parse scoring:

  30. Reformulating with α • Training learns αij, such that • Note: just like SVM equation, w/different constraint • Parse scoring: • After substitution, we have

  31. Reformulating with α • Training learns αij, such that • Note: just like SVM equation, w/different constraint • Parse scoring: • After substitution, we have • After the kernel trick, we have

  32. Reformulating with α • Training learns αij, such that • Note: just like SVM equation, w/different constraint • Parse scoring: • After substitution, we have • After the kernel trick, we have • Note: With a suitable kernel K, don’t need h(x)s

  33. Parsing as reranking:Perceptron algorithm • Similar to SVM, learns separating hyperplane

  34. Parsing as reranking:Perceptron algorithm • Similar to SVM, learns separating hyperplane • Modeled with weight vector w • Using simple iterative procedure • Based on correcting errors in current model

  35. Parsing as reranking:Perceptron algorithm • Similar to SVM, learns separating hyperplane • Modeled with weight vector w • Using simple iterative procedure • Based on correcting errors in current model • Initialize αij=0

  36. Parsing as reranking:Perceptron algorithm • Similar to SVM, learns separating hyperplane • Modeled with weight vector w • Using simple iterative procedure • Based on correcting errors in current model • Initialize αij=0 • For i=1,…,n; for j=2,…,n • If f(xi1)>f(xij): • continue • else: αij+= 1

  37. Defining the Kernel • So, we have a model: • Framework for training • Framework for decoding

  38. Defining the Kernel • So, we have a model: • Framework for training • Framework for decoding • But need to define a kernel K

  39. Defining the Kernel • So, we have a model: • Framework for training • Framework for decoding • But need to define a kernel K • We need: K: X x X  R

  40. Defining the Kernel • So, we have a model: • Framework for training • Framework for decoding • But need to define a kernel K • We need: K: X x X  R • Recall that X is a tree, and K is a similarity function

  41. What’s in a Kernel? • What are good attributes of a kernel?

  42. What’s in a Kernel? • What are good attributes of a kernel? • Capture similarity between instances • Here, between parse trees

  43. What’s in a Kernel? • What are good attributes of a kernel? • Capture similarity between instances • Here, between parse trees • Capture more global parse information than PCFG

  44. What’s in a Kernel? • What are good attributes of a kernel? • Capture similarity between instances • Here, between parse trees • Capture more global parse information than PCFG • Computable tractably, even over complex, large trees

  45. Tree Kernel Proposal • Idea: • PCFG models learn MLE probabilities on rewrite rules • NP  N vs NP  DT N vs NP  PN vs NP DT JJ N • Local to parent:children levels

  46. Tree Kernel Proposal • Idea: • PCFG models learn MLE probabilities on rewrite rules • NP  N vs NP  DT N vs NP  PN vs NP DT JJ N • Local to parent:children levels • New measure incorporates all tree fragments in parse • Captures higher order, longer distances dependencies • Track counts of individual rules + much more

  47. Tree Fragment Example • Fragments of NP over ‘apple’ • Not exhaustive

  48. Tree Representation • Tree fragments: • Any subgraph with more than one node • Restriction: Must include full (not partial) rule productions • Parse tree representation: • h(T) = (h1(T),h2(T),…hn(T)) • n: number of distinct tree fragments in training data • hi(T): # of occurrences of ithtree fragment in current tree

  49. Tree Representation • Tree fragments: • Any subgraph with more than one node • Restriction: Must include full (not partial) rule productions • Parse tree representation: • h(T) = (h1(T),h2(T),…hn(T)) • n: number of distinct tree fragments in training data • hi(T): # of occurrences of ithtree fragment in current tree

  50. Tree Representation • Pros:

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