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Let’s Talk About Your Students. What do you know?. What is learning style?. Learning styles are a combination of many biological and experientially imposed characteristics that contribute to learning, each in its own way and all together as a unit. Another Way To Think About It.
What is learning style? Learning styles are a combination of many biological and experientially imposed characteristics that contribute to learning, each in its own way and all together as a unit.
Another Way To Think About It Learning style is the way a student begins to concentrate on, process, internalize and remember new and difficult information. R. Dunn
A Comprehensive Model With 21 Elements
Let’s Process • How is this activity an analogy for what happens in many classrooms? • Consider this definition of fairness: Fairness is not necessarily giving every student the same thing; fairness is giving every student what they need to grow as much and as fast as they possibly can. • More thoughts about fairness?
Motivation • Desire to succeed academically • Changes rapidly • May depend on perceived ability to succeed
Persistence • To break or not to break • May be related to processing style and very difficult to change
Responsibility • Responsibility – Conformity • Our definition – Desire to do what he/she ought to do, according to society • Strongest factor in incarcerated youths • More non-conforming boys than girls • Most non-conforming group – G/T • May not want to take responsibility for own learning
Periods of Non-Conformity • Age 2 • 6th – 8th grade • 32 – 35 years of age • 50 years of age
Things to Try • Tell the student why the task is important to YOU. • Give the student choices of how to show what he/she has learned. • Don’t speak authoritatively.
Structure • Establishment of specific rules for working on or completing an assignment • Limit the number of choices • Typically – about 20 – 30% need structure; about 20 – 30% don’t need structure; others can go either way
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What were the differences in the first experience and the second experience?Please take a few minutes to reflect on this activity then we will talk.