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EE 5340 Semiconductor Device Theory Lecture 13 – Spring 2011. Professor Ronald L. Carter ronc@uta.edu http://www.uta.edu/ronc. Doping Profile. If the net donor conc, N = N(x), then at x, the extra charge put into the DR when V a ->V a + d V a is d Q’=-qN(x) d x
EE 5340Semiconductor Device TheoryLecture 13 – Spring 2011 Professor Ronald L. Carter ronc@uta.edu http://www.uta.edu/ronc
Doping Profile • If the net donor conc, N = N(x), then at x, the extra charge put into the DR when Va->Va+dVa is dQ’=-qN(x)dx • The increase in field, dEx =-(qN/e)dx, by Gauss’ Law (at x, but also all DR). • So dVa=-xddEx= (W/e) dQ’ • Further, since qN(x)dx, for both xn and xn, we have the dC/dx as ...
Example • An assymetrical p+ n junction has a lightly doped concentration of 1E16 and with p+ = 1E18. What is W(V=0)? Vbi=0.816 V, Neff=9.9E15, W=0.33mm • What is C’j0? = 31.9 nFd/cm2 • What is LD? = 0.04 mm
Reverse biasjunction breakdown • Avalanche breakdown • Electric field accelerates electrons to sufficient energy to initiate multiplication of impact ionization of valence bonding electrons • field dependence shown on next slide • Heavily doped narrow junction will allow tunneling - see Neamen*, p. 274 • Zener breakdown
Reverse biasjunction breakdown • Assume-Va = VR >> Vbi, so Vbi-Va-->VR • Since Emax~ 2VR/W = (2qN-VR/(e))1/2, and VR = BV when Emax = Ecrit (N- is doping of lightly doped side ~ Neff) • BV = e (Ecrit )2/(2qN-) • Remember, this is a 1-dim calculation
Ecrit for reverse breakdown [M&K] Taken from p. 198, M&K** Casey 2model for Ecrit
Table 4.1 (M&K* p. 186) Nomograph for silicon uniformly doped, one-sided, step junctions (300 K).(See Figure 4.15 to correct for junction curvature.) (Courtesy Bell Laboratories).
Junction curvatureeffect on breakdown • The field due to a sphere, R, with charge, Q is Er = Q/(4per2) for (r > R) • V(R) = Q/(4peR), (V at the surface) • So, for constant potential, V, the field, Er(R) = V/R (E field at surface increases for smaller spheres) Note: corners of a jctn of depth xj are like 1/8 spheres of radius ~ xj
E - - Ec Ec Ef Efi gen rec Ev Ev + + k Direct carriergen/recomb (Excitation can be by light)
Direct gen/recof excess carriers • Generation rates, Gn0 = Gp0 • Recombination rates, Rn0 = Rp0 • In equilibrium: Gn0 = Gp0 = Rn0 = Rp0 • In non-equilibrium condition: n = no + dn and p = po + dp, where nopo=ni2 and for dn and dp > 0, the recombination rates increase to R’n and R’p
Direct rec forlow-level injection • Define low-level injection as dn = dp < no, for n-type, and dn = dp < po, for p-type • The recombination rates then are R’n = R’p = dn(t)/tn0, for p-type, and R’n = R’p = dp(t)/tp0, for n-type • Where tn0 and tp0 are the minority-carrier lifetimes
Shockley-Read-Hall Recomb E Indirect, like Si, so intermediate state Ec Ec ET Ef Efi Ev Ev k
S-R-H trapcharacteristics* • The Shockley-Read-Hall Theory requires an intermediate “trap” site in order to conserve both E and p • If trap neutral when orbited (filled) by an excess electron - “donor-like” • Gives up electron with energy Ec - ET • “Donor-like” trap which has given up the extra electron is +q and “empty”
S-R-H trapchar. (cont.) • If trap neutral when orbited (filled) by an excess hole - “acceptor-like” • Gives up hole with energy ET - Ev • “Acceptor-like” trap which has given up the extra hole is -q and “empty” • Balance of 4 processes of electron capture/emission and hole capture/ emission gives the recomb rates
S-R-H recombination • Recombination rate determined by: Nt (trap conc.), vth (thermal vel of the carriers), sn (capture cross sect for electrons), sp (capture cross sect for holes), with tno = (Ntvthsn)-1, and tpo = (Ntvthsp)-1, where sn,p~p(rBohr,n.p)2
S-R-H net recom-bination rate, U • In the special case where tno = tpo = to = (Ntvthso)-1 the net rec. rate, U is
S-R-H “U” functioncharacteristics • The numerator, (np-ni2) simplifies in the case of extrinsic material at low level injection (for equil., nopo = ni2) • For n-type (no > dn = dp > po = ni2/no): (np-ni2) = (no+dn)(po+dp)-ni2 = nopo - ni2 + nodp + dnpo + dndp ~ nodp (largest term) • Similarly, for p-type, (np-ni2) ~ podn
References 1 and M&KDevice Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2 ed., by Muller and Kamins, Wiley, New York, 1986. See Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, by Pierret, Addison-Wesley, 1996, for another treatment of the m model. 2Physics of Semiconductor Devices, by S. M. Sze, Wiley, New York, 1981. 3 and **Semiconductor Physics & Devices, 2nd ed., by Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Theory and Device Physics, by Shyh Wang, Prentice Hall, 1989.