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Exams have been elevated to monumental events in our society. The stress from examinations seems to grow as a child passes through school and then college. Parents can feel the heat from exam stress too.
Things you should not say to your kids during exam season Exams have been elevated to monumental events in our society. The stress from examinations seems to grow as a child passes through school and then college. Parents can feel the heat from exam stress too. Maybe you have flashbacks from your own childhood. International schools in Bangalore Parental anxiety and expectations inevitably transfer to the child, who apart from working to face the examinations, must now live up to a certain standard set by their parents. In fact, the whole family might be solely focussed on the children's’ examination, affecting other priorities. When tempers are short and anxiety runs high, we might end up exchanging words we may regret and cause long term harm to our child’s self-esteem. Top international schools in Bangalore These may be good intentioned words that can make your child feel undermined at this crucial juncture of their school year. Staying calm can be a challenge during this season, but it is well worth the efforts. Sitting down with the teachers of your child’s international school may be a great way to get a clear perspective on your child’s strengths and challenges. Schools in Bangalore Here are some things you must avoid saying, not just during exams, but at any point: 1. Why are you being so lazy? / Shouldn’t you be studying?: Like any name-calling, labelling your child as lazy will not motivate them to work harder, at least not willingly. It is a label that is the opposite of successful, respectable, hard working and many other things that our society holds in high regard. Being labelled lazy can cause much more harm than you might expect. ICSE schools in Bangalore There could be many factors why your child may not be studying. Instead of being vague and blunt, consider these alternative scenarios: Is your child tired from putting in too much effort? Are they too stressed out ? Are they suffering from health issues? Are there so many things on their plate right now that they are distracted? Sit down with them and figure out the problem before prematurely labelling them as lazy or incompetent. www.trioworldacademy.com admissions@trioworldacademy.com