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Take a look at the essential facts on burn injuries such as degrees, causes & compensation. Click through and see whether you can viable to claim on a burn.
R E Q U E S T A C A L L B A C K C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M » ABOUT TYPES OF CLAIMS NO WIN NO FEE COMPENSATION CALCULATOR FAQS NEWS CONTACT L A T E S T N E W S F R O M S H I R E S L A W We like to share what's on our mind, from interesting articles we've spotted, to our thoughts and advice on personal injury law, to a selection of our recently won cases. Have you been injured in the last 3 years? Did you seek any treatment for your injuries? Was the incident reported to someone? Answered "YES" to these then you could claim T H E E S S E N T I A L F A C T S O N B U R N I N J U R I E S : D E G R E E S , C A U S E S , A N D C A T E G O R I E S C O M P E N S A T I O N H O W M U C H I S M YC L A I M W O R T H ? Accident at Work Burn injuries have become all too common, whether they are laser burns from a laser hair removal treatment, a burn due to a road accident, a chemical burn from dangerous substances, and more. Burn injuries can range from minor to severe, and if you have suffered a burn injury through someone else’s fault, someone’s negligence, or through the use of faulty products or equipment, then you may be entitled to compensation. But before you make a claim, here are the essential facts on burn injuries: their degrees, causes, and compensation. Burn Compensation S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M Cosmetic and Beauty N O W Holiday Your name Industrial Disease Occupational Stress and Abuse Personal Injury The classification of burn injuries Your email Road traffic Burn injuries are classified into three different categories or degrees. A fourth degree burn is also a category, although the result of this is often a fatality. First degree burns result in damage to the skin’s top layer, and the area may look red as well as patchy or blotchy, but there is no blistering. Although it may be painful at the beginning, the pain quickly subsides. Violence at Work Your number How can we help? LATEST NEWS Second degree burns, on the other hand, can damage the deeper layers of the skin, such as the epidermis and the dermis. Burns appear red and may blister. A third degree burn is the most severe, as it damages all three skin layers. Third degree burns may often require a skin graft procedure, and consequently, third degree burns can cause scarring (permanent) and may take some time before healing. THE ESSENTIAL FACTS ON BURN INJURIES: DEGREES, CAUSES, AND COMPENSATION Please enter these letters Burn injuries have become all too common, whether they are laser burns from a laser hair removal treatment, a burn… Claim Now READ FULL ARTICLE » WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NO WIN, NO FEE AGREEMENTS AND THEIR BENEFITS There may be a point in your life when you become injured through no fault of your own. The injury… The causes As mentioned, there are different causes of burn injuries, including workplace accidents, road accidents, the use of a defective product, the use of faulty equipment or the improper use of equipment such as in cases of burns from laser hair removal, the negligence or ignorance of a professional such as a medical professional, or the negligence or ignorance of a technician such as one from a beauty treatment salon or clinic. READ FULL ARTICLE » WHAT YOU CAN REALISTICALLY EXPECT DURING AND AFTER LASER TREATMENT Those who have gone through successful laser hair removal treatment will tell you that the procedure, in itself, isn’t… Can you make a claim? READ FULL ARTICLE » If you have had a burn injury through no fault of your own or through someone’s negligence, you can claim compensation as long as it has occurred in the past three years. converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
How much you can claim The amount of compensation you can receive will depend on your burn injury’s category or degree, its effect on your life, both in the present and in the future, and the pain and suffering you go through. There are both general damages and special damages which can be awarded. Pain and suffering are categorised under general damages, whilst special damages can cover your expenses related to the injury, such as loss of income, medical costs, travel expenses to hospital, future medical expenses, and so on. In some cases, a first degree burn on the face has resulted in compensation of around £6000. More serious burns to the face can expect compensation of as much as £65000. Regulated and authorised by the SRA number 556074. S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M T O D A Y » C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 Shires Law is a trading name of Shires Law LLP, a limited liability partnership. The case study referred to (above) is a real case, but the image does not show the actual individual involved and their name has been changed [for the purposes of confidentiality]. converted by Web2PDFConvert.com