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Lawyers for serious injury compensation claims. We operate on a No Win, No Fee basis.
R E Q U E S T A C A L L B A C K C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M » ABOUT TYPES OF CLAIMS NO WIN NO FEE COMPENSATION CALCULATOR FAQS NEWS CONTACT H A D A S E R I O U S I N J U R Y ? L E T U S H E L P If you or a family member have suffered what is often termed a ‘catastrophic injury’ life is likely to become challenging. It is imperative that you seek out the services of a solicitor who has experience dealing with these types of claims. Have you been injured in the last 3 years? Did you seek any treatment for your injuries? Was the incident reported to someone? Answered "YES" to these then you could claim S E R I O U S I N J U R Y C L A I M S T Y P E S O F C L A I M S H O W M U C H I S M YC L A I M W O R T H ? Serious injury claims Having your life affected by a serious injury following an accident can be devastating. Spinal, brain and amputation injuries can change your life and that of your loved one’s forever. There will be many changes to your lifestyle for you and your family, it may be difficult to cope. Road traffic accident claims S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M Accident at work Compensation N O W Industrial disease claims Your name You will be rightly concerned about how your injuries are going to affect your ability to ever work again, let alone go back to your old job. The process of dealing with these types of claims requires specialist skill. Care and support may be needed and specialist medical practitioners will be required to assist at the outset to ensure that as far as possible your needs are taken care of. Personal injury compensation Holiday accidents Cosmetic Beauty claims Your email We cannot possibly know how you are feeling but we can help you to start to deal with the legal process that you are facing and begin to feel in control of what the future holds for you again. Your number How can we help? T Y P E S O F S E R I O U S I N J U R I E S TRUSTSCORE 9.1 32 REVIEWS There are many injuries which are classed as serious and they are: See some of the reviews here. Please enter these letters Brain Injuries Head injuries 20 September Limb loss Confidence to get the b… Claim Now Serious neck and back injuries As soon as Joanne took over my case, I felt 100% confident that she always had my best interest at heart. Throughout she... Spinal injuries Each of these injuries will have a different impact on your life, and we will be able to help you to start to manage these changes and achieve the compensation you deserve to rebuild your life. S E V E R E N E C K I N J U R Y U P T O £ 9 7 , 5 0 0 S E V E R E H E A D I N J U R Y U P T O £ 2 6 5 , 0 0 0 H O W C A N Y O U H E L P M E ? You will have many things to think about during the transitional phase following your accident, but if you instruct us to help you with your personal injury claim, we will be able to use all of our years of experience to ensure that you get the outcome you deserve. This is to confirm that I received the cheque today. I must honestly say I am highly impressed by the professional, yet friendly way you dealt with this whole matter. I will put my response to the enclosed questionaire in the post tomorrow. Firstly, you must consider your recovery and rehabilitation and we will help you to get the help you need to move towards your recovery. In addition to your recovery, you may need to consider adapting your home so it is suitable for you when you leave hospital or if it cannot be adapted, it might be necessary to move house. We will secure an interim payment from the other party’s insurer to pay for your rehabilitation and adaptations as a starting point, and this interim payment can also help with ongoing household costs too, like the mortgage and utilities bills for example. Dr O, London We will then proceed with your claim as quickly as we possibly can so you can begin converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
to plan for the future. LATEST NEWS YOUR GUIDE TO SELECTING THE RIGHT HAIRDRESSER FOR YOUR NEEDS W H Y C H O O S E S H I R E S L A W ? In the UK, close to a quarter of a million people are employed in the hair and beauty industry –… There are many different personal injury firms who you could choose to instruct, be we know that we have a different approach to many of the law firms out there. We will come and visit you in your home so that you feel as comfortable as possible when we discuss your claim with you and it will help us to get to know how the accident has impacted on you and your family. We will explain in detail how you will be able to fund your claim and we will talk to you about how the claims process will work from start to finish so you will feel fully informed. READ FULL ARTICLE » FIRST AID TREATMENT FOR A FIRST- DEGREE BURN DUE TO LASER HAIR REMOVAL: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Our experienced team of personal injury solicitors will use all of their experience to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve and to make sure that you get the best outcome possible. We also offer you a free initial consultation so you can meet us and feel happy that we are the right firm to represent you. Whilst you may already know that there are different types or levels of burns, you may not be fully aware… READ FULL ARTICLE » C O N T A C T U S T O D A Y A LIST OF WAYS TO DEAL WITH SCARRING FROM A LASER HAIR REMOVAL PROCEDURE If you want to speak to a caring but professional law firm who always puts you first, you should call us on 0800 285 1266 or complete our Free Online Enquiry Form and we’ll be in touch shortly. There are some scars that are hardly noticeable or are in ‘hidden’ locations in, and most of us don’t mind… READ FULL ARTICLE » Regulated and authorised by the SRA number 556074. S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M T O D A Y » C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 Shires Law is a trading name of Shires Law LLP, a limited liability partnership. The case study referred to (above) is a real case, but the image does not show the actual individual involved and their name has been changed [for the purposes of confidentiality]. converted by Web2PDFConvert.com