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If you have suffered due to the negligence of your saloon then Shires Law can help you claim compensation. We operate on a No Win No Fee basis, you will not be out of pocket whether you win or lose.
R E Q U E S T A C A L L B A C K C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M » ABOUT TYPES OF CLAIMS NO WIN NO FEE COMPENSATION CALCULATOR FAQS NEWS CONTACT W A X B U R N S Many modern beauty treatments require the use of chemicals that are potentially harmful if the correct precautions have not been taken. Salon owners have a duty of care to protect their customers, if you have been burned during a beauty treatment and it could have been prevented then you are legally entitled to compensation for your injury. Have you been injured in the last 3 years? Did you seek any treatment for your injuries? Was the incident reported to someone? Answered "YES" to these then you could claim C O S M E T I C B U R N C L A I M C O S M E T I C B E A U T Y C L A I M S H O W M U C H I S M YC L A I M W O R T H ? Cosmetic burn claim Beauty salons present a variety of cosmetic burn hazards, including the chemicals used in procedures and hot liquids such as wax causing wax burns. It is your salons duty to make sure that you are safe whilst receiving beauty treatments by taking the utmost care with hot liquids and providing preventative measures, such as skin patch tests. If you have been burned due to neglect then Shires Law can help you claim compensation Allergic reactions S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M Damaged hair compensation N O W Your name We operate on a No Win No Fee basis, you will not be out of pocket whether you win or lose. Your email C O M M O N C A U S E S Your number TRUSTSCORE 8.9 29 REVIEWS Common causes of cosmetic burns include: See some of the reviews here. How can we help? Incompetent/undertrained beauticians Lack of concentration whilst performing procedures 20 September Confidence to get the b… Neglect to carry out safety procedures (i.e. skin patch test) Please enter these letters As soon as Joanne took over my case, I felt 100% confident that she always had my best interest at heart. Throughout she... S Y M P T O M S Injuries that commonly arise include: Claim Now Burned scalp Chemical burns W A X B U R N U P T O £ 5 , 0 0 0 Scalds and burns People affected by cosmetic burns are often left with scarring and disfiguring marks, whether permanent or temporary this can often result in emotional or psychological trauma. If you have experienced an allergic reaction to beauty treatments then please see our page on ‘allergic reactions’. This is to confirm that I received the cheque today. I must honestly say I am highly impressed by the professional, yet friendly way you dealt with this whole matter. I will put my response to the enclosed questionaire in the post tomorrow. F A C I A L B U R N S U P T O £ 6 , 0 0 0 H O W M U C H C O U L D Y O U C L A I M ? Dr O, London Awards vary depending on the injury, the area affected and whether it has emotional consequences. A burn on a lower leg from hot wax leaving a scar could receive around £4,000 to £5,000. Payouts for chemical peel burns could be high if the burn is disfiguring for an extended period and emotionally damaging. A burn to the face could be awarded up to £6,000. LATEST NEWS WHAT ARE THE CLINICIAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES IN LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT? YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED L E N G T H O F C L A I M The length of a claim is largely dependent on the situation; less serious injuries can converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
usually be dealt with quicker whilst more severe injuries may require more extensive medical evidence. Other factors can take an effect, such as whether the other party admits liability straight away or whether the case needs to go to court. Laser treatment, specifically, treatment for the permanent or long-term removal of hair, has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. After… H O W D O Y O U M A K E A C L A I M ? READ FULL ARTICLE » DO YOU HAVE SCARS FROM LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT? WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CLAIMS To claim compensation for burns you can start by calling us on 0800 285 266 or via our Live Chat facility. More and more people are undergoing laser treatment for various reasons, but most notably for the removal of hair on… W H A T Y O U C A N D O T O H E L P Y O U R C L A I M Seek medical attention immediately for an initial prognosis of your cosmetic burns If you haven’t already, ensure that the salon is aware of what has befallen you as a result of your treatment READ FULL ARTICLE » WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED TO GATHER FOR A BEAUTY TREATMENT INJURY CLAIM? YOUR ESSENTIAL GUIDE Keep a diary of your injury, including pain levels and other ailments as a result of your suffering Log any losses you have incurred as a result of your cosmetic burn (i.e. income losses and mileage travelling to the GP) All kinds of beauty treatments are very common and readily available nowadays. From waxing to facial peeling to hair dyeing,… READ FULL ARTICLE » Regulated and authorised by the SRA number 556074. S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M T O D A Y » C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 Shires Law is a trading name of Shires Law LLP, a limited liability partnership. The case study referred to (above) is a real case, but the image does not show the actual individual involved and their name has been changed [for the purposes of confidentiality]. converted by Web2PDFConvert.com