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Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. 1. 5. 9. $100 Question. 1. $8000 Question. 2. 6. 10. 2. 3. 7. 3. 11. 4. 8. 12. 1. 5. 9. $200 Question. 1. $16,000 Question. 2. 6. 10. 2. 3. 7. 3. 11. 4. 8. 12. 1. 5. 9. $300 Question. $32,000 Question. 1. 4. 2. 6. 10. 2.
1 5 9 $100 Question 1 $8000 Question 2 6 10 2 3 7 3 11 4 8 12 1 5 9 $200 Question 1 $16,000 Question 2 6 10 2 3 7 3 11 4 8 12 1 5 9 $300 Question $32,000 Question 1 4 2 6 10 2 3 7 3 4 8 1 5 9 $400 Question $64,000 Question 1 4 2 6 10 2 3 7 3 4 8 1 4 1 5 $500 Question $125,000 Question 2 2 3 3 4 1 4 $1000 Question 1 5 9 $250,000 Question 2 2 6 10 3 3 7 1 4 8 $2000 Question $500,000 Question 2 1 5 9 3 2 6 10 3 7 1 4 4 8 $4000 Question $1,000,000 Question 2 1 3 3 2 4
For $100 The type of account you take money out of by writing a numerical figure on a piece of paper is called: Roth IRA Savings Account A. B. Checking Account Mom, I need $$$ C. D.
For $100 The president on the $1 bill is Abe Lincoln George Washington A. B. Thomas Jefferson Bill Gates C. D.
For $100 American currency is referred to as Yen Pound A. B. Lira Dollar C. D.
For $100 Protection from losses is covered by: Insurance Mom and Dad A. B. Donations Prayer C. D.
For $100 The Insurance movie shown in Basic Business was called Rain From Heaven Rainman A. B. D. The Rainmaker Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head C.
For $100 The safest place to keep your money is in Your Mattress Ricky Stocks A. B. D. Overseas Investments Savings Account C.
For $100 Your signature on the back of a check is called Endorsement Signature A. B. D. Testimonial John Hancock C.
For $100 A check should always be written in Magic Marker Pencil A. B. D. Crayon Pen C.
For $100 The Dollar is what color? Yellow Green A. B. D. Orange Red C.
For $100 Investing should not be more important than Pet Grooming Modern Clothes A. B. D. Newest Hairstyle Shelter C.
For $100 According to legend, Santa Clause lives where? North Pole South Pole A. B. D. Antartica Iceland C.
For $100 According to legend, what famous character cut down the cherry tree? John Muir Joyce Kilmar A. B. D. Paul Bunyan George Washington C.
For $200 How many companies make up the DJIA? 10 30 A. B. 15 50 C. D.
For $200 This bill does not exist $2 $3 A. B. $10 $20 C. D.
For $200 The Chairman of the Federal Reserve system is: Alan Greenspan George Bush A. B. Paul Simon Richard Cheney C. D.
For $200 The fee for insurance is called a Coverage Premium A. B. Policy Robbery C. D.
For $200 Which of the following markets is bad? Bear Bull A. B. Pig All of them C. D.
For $200 The fee a bank charges for handling a checking account is Check Service Charge A. B. Deposit Minimum Balance C C. D D.
For $200 The terrorist attack on NY, D.C. and Pennsylvania, occurred on what date? October 11, 2001 September 11, 2001 A. B. May 11, 2001 September 11, 2002 C. D.
For $200 A comparison of two like products to determine the best buy for your money is called Consumer Report Wise Shopping A. B. Demonstration Not really fun C. D.
For $200 An easy way to keep track of a checkbook is by Recording the checks on the back of your checkbook Recording the checks on your hand A. B. Recording your checks on an electronic spreadsheet Never recording your checks C. D.
For $200 This agency protects your money up to $100,000 FCID FICA A. B. FDIC ICFD C. D.
For $200 The newest American dollar that comes in coin form is the color: green silver A. B. gold copper C. D.
For $200 In a standard game of tic-tac-toe, how many x’s o’s do you need in a row to win? 1 2 A. B. 3 4 C. D.
For $300 Good times in the stock market are referred to as: Bull Market Bear Market A. B. Deer Market Swine Market C. D.
For $300 Insurance coverage pays for Fire Theft A. B. Accident All of the Above C. D.
For $300 The worst day in the DJIA was in the year 1929 1987 A. B. 2000 2001 C. D.
For $300 40 is correctly spelled fourty fourtey A. B. forty fortey C C. D D.
For $300 What does FDIC stand for? A. B. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Federal Deposit Investment Corp. C. D. Free Deposit Insurance Corp Financial Dependency Insurance Corp.
For $400 In what year did the stock market crash? 1926 1915 A. B. 1929 1919 C. D.
For $400 Anything that may possibly cause a loss is called a Property Risk Negligence A. B. Risk Hazard C. D.
For $400 The widest range of financial services is provided by: Mutual Savings Bank Check Cashing Outlet A. B. Commercial Bank Investment Co. C. D.
For $400 What information should not appear on your checks? Social Security # Date of birth A. B. House Number Phone Number C C. D D.
For $400 Which of the following is the safest investment? Horse race bets Stocks A. B. Money in mattress CD C. D.
For $500 This investment is Tax Free when you withdraw it. Certificate of Deposit US Savings Bond A. B. Roth IRA Individual Retirement Account C C. D. D
For $500 If you have American currency with 1 picture of Washington, 1 picture of Hamilton, and 1 picture of Lincoln, how much money do you have? 3 Dollars 16 Dollars A. B. 11 Dollars 13 Dollars C C. D D.
For $500 Items most likely to be stored in a safe deposit box are: Cash Bonds A. B. Food Your Checkbook C C. D D.
For $500 The man in this photo Is George Bush Richard Cheney A. B. Richard Gebhardt Bill Clinton C C. D D.
For $500 Which of the following is a non-economic loss? heirlooms car A. B. home jewelry C. D.
For $1000 How many companies in the DJIA make up the Dow Jones Transportation Index? 15 30 A. B. 12 5 C. D.
For $1000 Bonds issued by state and local governments are called: Municipal Bonds U.S. Savings Bonds A. B. Corporate Bonds Common Bonds C C. D D.
For $1000 The set amount that the policyholder must pay per loss on an insurance policy Premium Risk A. B. Debt Management Deductible C C. D D.
For $1000 Tax freedom day is in what month? February March A. B. September May C C. D D.
For $1000 When you request a payment for a loss that you are covered for, what is this called? A. Insurance Commission Premium B. Claim Policy C. D.
For $1000 The woman in this photo is Leslie Stahl Cookie Roberts A. B. Barbara Walters Jane Morley C C. D D.
For $2,000 The man in the photograph is: Rudolf Guliani John McCain A. B. Richard Cheney Bill Bradley C C. D D.
For $2000 A bankruptcy stays on your credit record for how many years? 3 years 5 years A. B. 7 years 10 years C C. D D.
For $2000 How much can you invest in a Roth IRA in the year 2001? $1000 $2000 A. B. $5000 Any Amount C. D.