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Expo 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan is an International Exposition focusing on "Future Energy." Over 100 countries will showcase innovative energy solutions with global impact. Join us from June to September 2017.
Schedule [ʃedju:l]- кесте Venue [venju:]- соттың округі Concentrate [kᴐnsәntreit]- топтау Innovate [inᴐveit]- жаңалық енгізу Impact [impækt]- әсер ету Pavilion [pәviljәn]- шатыр Submit [sәbmit]- бағыну Trend [trend]- дамудың бағыты Steadily [stedili]- біркелкі Category [kætigᴐri]- категория
Expo 2017 is an International Exposition scheduled to take place in 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. On November 22, 2012 Astana was chosen by the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) as the venue to host EXPO-2017, which will focus on the theme "Future Energy". The theme is aimed to concentrate on both the future of energy, but also on innovative, but practical energy solutions, and their global impact. EXPO-2017 will be the first time that a major international exhibition of this kind is coming to a country from the former Soviet Union. More than 100 countries and 10 international organizations are expected to participate. Around 2-3 million people are expected to visit the international pavilions from June to September 2017. 25 hectares is planned for the pavilions of Expo 2017. The site has a convenient access to Astana’ s city center, the international airport and the railway station. The Expo Site is also linked with a network of Kazakhstan’s inter-city roads to ensure a quick access from all the country. Construction of the pavilions will begin April 2014 with 20 companies from Kazakhstan and 49 companies from around the globe. Currently, designs are being considered for the grounds of Expo 2017 from architects in the UK, USA, Germany, Austria, Netherlands and China. Astana will be submitting their registration bid to the BIE in December 2013.
EXPO-2017 -discover Kazakhstan It seems to me it is a common knowledge that International Specialized Exhibitions "Expo", which have a long history, are conducted to demonstrate the technical and technological advances, as well as the history, traditions and culture of the participating countries. All nations of the world show their best technological, scientific and cultural achievements at these exhibitions. They form a new agenda of global development.
a) Теміржол бекеті 1. global impact 2. international exhibition b) Болашақ қуаты c) Ғаламдық әсер ету 3. railway station d) Халықаралық жәрменке 4. technological advances 5. Future Energy e)Техникалық жылжу
True or false 1. International Exposition scheduled to take place in 2017 in Astana 2. December 22, 2012 Astana was chosen by the International Exhibitions Bureau 3. EXPO 2017 on the theme "Future Energy" 4. More than 100 are expected to participate. 5. 25 hectares is planned for the pavilions of Expo 2017.
Candidate cities. The following cities have bid to host Expo 2017:
The following cities had considered bidding to host Expo 2017: