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Dive into the world of butterflies! Learn about their life cycle stages, differences from moths, and internet research skills. Collaborate with a partner to create a butterfly life cycle illustration.
1st Grade Butterfly WebQuest Julie Lawry
Introduction In this WebQuest you will be exploring the life and habits of butterflies!
Task During this WebQuest you will learn: the stages of a butterfly's life cycle the differences between a moth and a butterfly how to navigate the internet for resources about butterflies At the end of this WebQuest you will illustrate a picture showing the butterfly life cycle.
Process 1. We have already learned about butterflies in class through reading books about butterflies and viewing butterfly videos, now we are going to use the internet to gain more information. 2. 1st grade will be assigned a 2nd grade partner to work with on this project. 3. You and your partner will look at the WebQuest butterfly sites to see pictures of the life cycle of the butterfly and different kinds of butterflies. 4. After viewing the butterfly sites you will work together with your partner to come up with an illustration of the butterfly life cycle. 5. You will be presenting these pictures to with your partner to the class.
Task 1: The Beginning • Click on the following link to see photographs of a caterpillar coming out of its egg! Hatching Caterpillar • After viewing the pictures discuss with your partner what you saw.
Task 2: Growing Caterpillar • Click on the following link to see photographs of a caterpillar growing and changing! Growing Caterpillar • While on this site, look at the pictures and videos. • Discuss with your partner if the information you learned from this website match what we have learned in class.
Task 3: Butterflies, Butterflies, Butterflies! • Click on the following link to see photographs of a different species of butterflies. Butterfly Species • At the bottom of each picture you will learn the name of the butterfly you are viewing and a little bit about its life and habits. • Discuss with your partner which butterfly was your favorite and why.
Task 4: Butterfly Life Cycle Illustration • Your final task is to create an illustration with your partner that shows each step of the butterfly life cycle. • Teamwork is key here- talk out how you want to go about completing the project. • If you choose you may follow the following link to get pictures to print out and use for your illustration. Butterfly Life Cycle Color Pages
Resources Butterfly Life Cycle • Caterpillar Hatching from the egg: Caterpillar Hatching from Egg • Growing Caterpillar: Growing Caterpillar • Butterfly Species: Butterfly Species • Monarch Butterfly- learn all about the Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly • Parts of a Butterfly- wanting to know more about the parts that make up a Butterfly? This is the picture for you! Butterfly Parts • Butterflies up close and personal! A look at the Butterfly under a microscope. Up Close and Personal • Butterfly House Building- want to bring more Butterflies into your backyard? This site show you how! Butterfly House • Butterfly Videos- here are some more videos about Butterflies! Butterfly Videos
Evaluation • You will be evaluating your team effort as a team of partners. • You will be analyzing your effort and teamwork in the following categories: • Teamwork- on a grading scale of 1-3 rate your teamwork. • 1- We did not work together. • 2- We worked together most of the time. • 3- We worked together the whole time. • 2. Knowledge of the Butterfly Life Cycle • 1- We do not know any of the the stages of the butterfly life cycle (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly). • 2- We know less then 3 stages of the Butterfly Life Cycle. • 3- We can successfully name all 4 stages of the Butterfly Life Cycle.
Evaluation • 2. Knowledge of the Butterfly Life Cycle • 1- We do not know any of the the stages of the butterfly life cycle (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly). • 2- We know less then 3 stages of the Butterfly Life Cycle. • 3- We can successfully name all 4 stages of the Butterfly Life Cycle.
Evaluation • 3. Creation of the Butterfly Life Cycle Illustration • 1- We did not complete a Butterfly Life Cycle Illustration. • 2- We did complete a Butterfly Life Cycle but it contained errors on it as dictated by the teacher. • 3- We completed a Butterfly Life Cycle with no errors.
Conclusion • After this WebQuest you should be able to answer to following questions: • What are the four stages of the Butterfly Life Cycle? • What are two Species of Butterflies? • What are some of the challenges of working with a partner? • What are some of the benefits from working with a partner?