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Learn from Peter's experience how life's challenges can test our faith and tempt us to follow from a distance. Embrace genuine faith to stand firm and overcome spiritual indifference. Understand the importance of prayer and genuine faith in building a strong relationship with God.
RECLAIM! God wants you back!
FOLLOWING FROM A DISTANCE From Peter’s experience we learn that the realities of life are powerful enough to shake our faith in God, influence discouragement, and induce us to become spiritually indifferent and disengaged.
THE SIFTING Satan was seeking to shake the disciples violently as one sieves wheat and cause them to fall. Many young people who are members of the Church are under the devil’s attacks. Their spiritual interests and involvement in the Church are getting weak and Faith in God is being ambled for a season of pleasure and exchanged for the popular demands of a secular and materialistic world.
Satan utilizes the most appealing methods to attract attention and influence Christ’s followers to gaze, and become disinterested in spiritual things (1 Peter 5:8). He was successful in influencing Peter.
He felt that if he followed from afar, many would not recognize him as one who is a follower of Jesus and might escape criticisms and eventual persecution. He even adopted and manifested behaviors of the secular crowd to demonstrate that he was not a follower of Jesus. Peter did not understand Jesus’ comment “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it” (Matt. 16:25).
Jesus is looking for young people who will identify with Him and not deny Him irrespective of the consequences. He enables such young people to stand for Him. He wants them to be loyal supporters who are His voice, to witnesses to others of his grace, so that they may accept Him as their Savior.
When the eyes of Peter and Jesus met; Peter did not see anger, reproach or condemnation. Instead he saw grief, mercy, love, forgiveness, compassion acceptance and tenderness. Then he remembered the words. “But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not: And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” Luke 22:32.
Ellen White said; “He had denied his Lord, even with cursing and swearing; but that look of Jesus’ melted Peter’s heart and saved him. He wept bitterly and repented of his great sin, and was converted, and then was prepared to strengthen his brethren” (Early Writings, p. 169).
Why Do People Follow Froma Distance? Peter’s distance was both physical and spiritual. It was about self preservation, weakness and fear, because he had an innate desire to be with Jesus just like many who are here today. For Peter, it was about living in two worlds at the same time.
Jesus wants us to live in the spiritual world with Him and to identify with Him at all time as we journey through this secular world.
Prayer is still the way forward in helping to overcome these human maladies.
Jesus extended to him an open arm. He affirmed him and embraced him. Today, that affirmation and embrace are also extended to every youth, child, and adult. Whatever the reality of our situation, these words should be like music to our ears: “I have prayed for you.”
Hebrews 7:25 says, “Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them”. • And in 1 Timothy 2:5 he says, “For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”.
Emotional Faith vs Genuine Faith • Emotional faith is a spontaneous outburst of confidence that is not established on a solid foundation. • Ellen White said; “An impulse, an emotional exercise, is not faith or sanctification” Signs of the Times, March 24, 1890 paragraph 3.
“All should constantly seek for the true faith that works, not by an earth–born, emotional element, but by love that purifies the soul. This love cleanses the soul–temple from pride, and expels every idol from the throne of the heart” (Review and Herald, March 11, 1902 Paragraph 3).
Faith in God without a personal ongoing relationship with Him is emotional faith that will not and cannot hold in the time of storm, tests, and turbulence.
Genuine faith comes through dependence upon God. It is not self–made. Human beings do not create it. • We pray for it and must be patient for the acquisition.
Jesus is willing to endow every young person as well as children and adults with this genuine faith that will enable them to stand tests and trials and be courageous to identify with Him as their Savior and Lord.
Strengthen The Brethren There is a place for everyone in the kingdom of God. Today he calls the children, youth, and adults and those who have been following from a distance to come near. Accept His forgiveness, love, and grace and be catalysts in extending the same to others.
Discussion Questions 1. What are some specific incidents that Adventist young people face that could be considered sifting? 2. Why did Peter align himself to the vibrant group of Jesus’ accusers and neglect Jesus—was it because he had greater interest in being popular with the crowd than to be bored in a relationship with Jesus? 3. What role did faith play in Peter’s reaction in this scenario? 4. Differentiate between emotional and genuine faith. Is there a place for emotional faith in the Christian experience? 5. How can Adventist young people be involved in strengthening others, both within and outside of the faith?