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Dental specialist in mumbai

Fitting dental prosthetics (crowns or caps, veneers, bridges, implants and dentures) is also something that dental surgeons do. Those prosthetics, especially the dentures, need to be surgically fitted to a patient. We at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital have the most skillful dentists. The dental specialist in mumbai are capable to render services from the simplest tooth extraction to the most complex root canals and from aesthetic dentistry to severely impacted tooth removal. Have a look at our website https://www.hiranandanihospital.org/speciality/best-dentist-in- mumbai and contact us to know m

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Dental specialist in mumbai

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  1. Even before the inaugural stonewaslaidonthefoundationsofDrLH HiranandaniHospital,inthefirstflush ofthenewmillennium,everyone associated with it could see that it was a more sublime affair than mere brick and mortar. And with very good reason. When a yet-to-be-born hospital, however swanky, however massive, aspires to mirror the long and illustrious career of a titan in the field, the usual concerns of hospital management and business blue-printing are the first to go out of the window. Not a single act of its coming into being stays mundane; everything is inevitably a question of honour. One chooses the nobler and brighter optionsover practicaland gainful ones, choicesthatareworthy of thenameitisfoundedon. And when it is a tribute to an iconic father by his almost equally accomplished sons,iteventranscendsthequestionofhonour.Itbecomesanactof love. Introduction

  2. Dentalspecialistin mumbai

  3. Dentalspecialistinmumbai

  4. ServicesOffered ? Fixed braces, which can be standard or self-ligating and bemadeof metal,ceramic orplastic. ? Removablefunctionalbracesforjawcorrections ? Clearaligners ? Mini-implantsfordifficulttooth movements ? TMJsplints ? Removableandfixedretainers

  5. Dental-Centre for Advanced Dentistryisastate-of-the-art departmentsprawledover3000sq.feetwithsixindependent and well - equipped operatories, a modern sterilization room, dedicatedreception andbillingcounter toensureaqualitydental experienceinafriendlyandcomfortableenvironment. Here,at DrLHHiranandaniHospital'sDental - Centrefor Advanced Dentistry, the multi-specialty practice allows dental expertstoprovidecomprehensivepersonalizedtreatmentsoffull - range of internationallyaccepted preventive and therapeutic solutionstoallyourproblemsrelatedtoteeth,gumandrelated structuresto achieveoptimumfunctional andestheticoutcomes. Ourcommitment to excellence andlife-changingdentaltherapies using cutting edge technologies for all ages has nurtured meaningful and strong relationships with patients through generations.

  6. ? CallUs:+02271023500 ? Email: wecare@hiranandanihospital.org ? Address: Hill Side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai,Mumbai-400076. ? Website:https://www.hiranandanihospital.org/ ContactUs!

  7. ThankYou

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