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Problem in hearing the sound is called the Hearing loss. Hearing loss is also known as the hearing impairment. <br>For more visit:- https://www.hearingsol.com<br>
HEARING LOSS Everyone knows what is hearing. Hearing is the important part of our life and we know that hearing is only the feeling. It does not exist physically. But there are some people that can’t hear or hear mild. Problem in hearing the sound is called the Hearing loss. Hearing loss is also known as the hearing impairment. Hearing impairment means the problem in the part of one ear or ears. This problem occurred as the age increases. As we know that 10 million of people in America having the problem in hearing.
HOW HEARING WORK? • As we know that our ear is divided into the three sections: • Outer ear • Middle ear • Inner ear Source:- Hearing Loss
Outer ear : – Outer ear receives the waves from the outside environment and then transfers them into the middle ear through the ear canal. • Middle ear : – Middle ear receives these waves and these waves hit the eardrum in the middle ear. Eardrum starts to vibrate and generates the three tiny bones in your ear. • These bones are called hammer, anvil, stirrup . • Inner ear :- In the Inner ear the sound is generated with the help of these tiny bones. • Source:- Hearing Loss
TYPES OF HEARING LOSS • Conductive Hearing Loss • Sensorineural Hearing Loss • Mixed Hearing Loss • Neural Hearing Loss
CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS • Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with the way sound is conducted to the inner ear or cochlea. • The problem may lie in the outer ear (pinna or ear canal), eardrum (tympanic membrane).
SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS • Sensorineural (sen-sory-nuhral) hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with the sensory receptors of the hearing system, specifically in the cochlea of the inner ear. • Sensorineural hearing Loss occur in the inner ear.
MIXED HEARING LOSS • Mixed hearing loss occurs when a person has an existing sensorineural hearing loss in combination with a conductive hearing loss. • It is, very literally, a mix of sensorineural and conductive hearing
NEURAL HEARING LOSS • Neural hearing loss occurs when the auditory nerve that carries impulses from the cochlea to the brain is missing or abnormal. • It is difficult to determine the exact location of neural hearing loss.