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DEA LINK IPS. “DEA Link: the internet solution for accessing more than 600 databases and 22000 full text online journals, proceedings and standards” EAHIL WORKSHOP 2001 Cyberspace Odyssey Alghero, June 7-9 2001 Fabrizio Ligi DEA S.p.A. - Bernhard zur Lippe IHS Italy. What is?.
DEALINK IPS “DEA Link: the internet solution for accessing more than 600 databases and 22000 full text online journals, proceedings and standards” EAHIL WORKSHOP 2001 Cyberspace Odyssey Alghero, June 7-9 2001 Fabrizio Ligi DEA S.p.A. - Bernhard zur Lippe IHS Italy
What is? Is a new portal that, using a metasearch engine, allows cross searching on different online sources as, for instance, databases, electronic journals, Opac and websites. www.deanet.it/dealink
The avelable solution today in the market • Aggregators (EBSCO, SWETS, ROWE, etc.) • Information Provider • DEA solution: DEA LINK IPS
Journals Aggregators User Aggregators TOCs Links (4000/8000 Journals) Cross Ref (78 Publishers) 4000/8000Journals Abstracts Access by IP address o PW Access by IP address o PW
Information Provider Publishers Cross ref TOCs Journals User 10/1000 Journals Abstracts TOCs Journals 10/1000 Journals Abstracts Cross Ref (78 Publishers) TOCs Journals 10/1000 Journals Abstracts Access by IP address o PW
DEA LINK IPS DEA Solution DEA LINK IPS Journals Cross Ref SilverPlatter 300 database TOCs+Abstracts User ERL Silver Platter LINKs OVID 100 database TOCs + Abstracts+400journals OVID Journals@ovid LINKs IHS 800 database TOCs + Abstracts+4000 F.T. IHS - IEL, ERC LINKs TDnet 12000 link 22000 TOCs TDnet Cross Ref (Publishers) LINKs Aggregators Catchword Ingenta other Publishers LINKs Elsevier Springer other Opac,Portal, etc. LINKs University Library other LINKs Access by IP address o PW Access by IP address o PW
Information Portal Suite (IPS) - the first Standard SW to build Professional Information Portals Mission “to make high quality information accessible in a fast and user friendly way to the respective target groups”
Definition • standardized software to generate professional information portals (PIP´s) • standardized software means information integration without development knowledge • IPS was build to optimize the production process for PIP´s
Obyectives • IPS enables the intelligent access to dispersed information ressources (internal as well as external) • IPS personalizes information • IPS commercializes information
Intelligent access • structured and meta search capabilities in dispersed information resources • unified, freely customizable WEB user interface • Dynamic linkage • document availability • corresponding document information
Intelligent access distributet search • freely configurable gateways for HTTP, Z39.50 and SQL database sources • unified search method independent from the individual search syntax • structured field search using Boolean operators
Intelligent access one user interface • Dynamic generation of local views based on html templates • Independent formation of html sites by macros • Display of the results in a well-structured and coherent form
Intelligent access dynamic linkages • provides references to other relevant information sources • support of corresponding hyperlinks • connecting to commercial online services like AMAZON, BOL, JASON, etc. • easily integration of internal literature and database sources
Personalizing • user will have different portal indexes depending on: • location • view • user • user can choose from personal tools like: • views • download service • profile service
E-Commerce Charging individual users or groups for their content use • Billing Model: • Pay per search • Pay per view • Payment Method: • Creditcard • Invoice • Pre-Payment
SW Versions IPS-Standard metasearch and dynamic linkage IPS-Pro IPS Standard + personalized access + e-commerce
IPS Standard • Basicsoftware for searching and distributing information • Not personalized • Without e-commerce • Internal and external
IPS Pro • Like IPS Standard, but • unlimited locations • individual views and users • Personalized Login • E-Commerce
IPS Demosite German version http://www.i-portalsuite.de International version http://www.i-portalsuite.com Italian Version http://www.deanet.it/dealink
Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn Universitätsbibliothek Duisburg Universitätsbibliothek Trier Reference Customer
SW Platform - IPS-Pro • Library Portal for more than 500.000 students in NRW • Direct Access to over 30 specific databases/catalogues and full-text documents with over 100 mio references • customized views to free and licenced databases • integrated bookordersystem linked to Amazon, BOL and LOL • personalized accounting for license databases "Die Digitale Bibliothek Nordrhein-Westfalen wird wesentlich zur Verbesserung der wissenschaftlichen Informationsversorgung in unserem Land beitragen.“ Dr. Karl Wilhelm Neubauer Direktor der Bibliothek der Universität Bielefeld Projektleiter der Digitalen Bibliothek NRW