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INTRO LOGIC. Derivations in SL 2. DAY 10. Review. We demonstrate (show) that an argument is valid by deriving ( deducing ) its conclusion from its premises using a few fundamental modes of reasoning . Initial Modes of Reasoning.
INTRO LOGIC Derivations in SL2 DAY 10
Review We demonstrate (show) that an argument is valid by deriving (deducing) its conclusion from its premises using a few fundamental modes of reasoning.
Initial Modes of Reasoning Modus (Ponendo) Ponens(affirming by affirming) –––––– Modus (Tollendo) Tollens(denying by denying)–––––– Modus Tollendo Ponens (1)(affirming by denying)–––––– Modus Tollendo Ponens (2)(affirming by denying)–––––– aka disjunctive syllogism
Example 1 (review) S ; RS ; RT ; PT ; PQ / Q 1. write all premises (1) S Pr (2) R S Pr (3) R T Pr 2. write ‘show’ conclusion (4) P T Pr (5) P Q Pr 3. apply rules to available lines (6) : Q DD (7) R 1,2, MT (8) T 3,7, MTP1 4. box and cancel(high-five!) (9) P 4,8, MTP2 (10) Q 5,9, MP
other high-fives Tek gives Manny a high-five Tek gives A-Rod a high-five
Rule Sheet provided on exams don’t makeupyourownrules available on courseweb page(textbook) keep this in front of you when doing homework
Rules of Inference – Basic Idea • Every connective has • (1) a take-out rule • also called an: • elimination-rule • OUT-rule • (2) a put-in rule • also called an: • introduction-rule • IN-rule
if you have a conjunction & then you are entitled to infer –––––– its first conjunct Ampersand-Out (&O) if you have a conjunction & then you are entitled to infer –––––– its second conjunct ‘have’ means ‘have as a whole line’ rules apply only to whole linesnot pieces of lines
if you have a formula and you have a formula then you are entitled to infer –––––– their (first) conjunction& Ampersand-IN (&I) if you have a formula and you have a formula then you are entitled to infer ––––––their (second) conjunction &
if you have a disjunction and you have the negation of its 1st disjunct then you are entitled to infer –––––– its second disjunct Wedge-Out (O) if you have a disjunction and you have the negation of its 2nd disjunct then you are entitled to infer –––––– its first disjunct what we earlier called ‘modus tollendo ponens’
if you have a formula then you are entitled to infer –––––– its disjunction with any formula to its right Wedge-IN (I) if you have a formula then you are entitled to infer –––––– its disjunction with any formula to its left
if you have a conditional and you have its antecedent then you are entitled to infer –––––– its consequent Arrow-Out (O) if you have a conditional and you have the negation of its consequent then you are entitled to infer –––––– the negation of its antecedent What we earlier called ‘modus ponens’ and ‘modus tollens’
THERE IS NO SUCH THING ASARROW-IN (I) Arrow-Introduction what we have instead is CONDITIONAL DERIVATION (CD) which we examine later
Double-Negation (DN) • if you have a formula • then you are entitled to infer ––––– • its double-negative if you have a double-negative then you are entitled to infer ––––– the formula rules apply only to whole linesnot pieces of lines
Direct Derivation The Original and Fundamental -Rule • : • ° • ° • ° • DD In Direct Derivation (DD),one directly arrives at the very formula one is trying to show.
Example 2 S;R S;R T;P T;P Q/Q (1) S Pr (2) R S Pr (3) R T Pr (4) P T Pr (5) P Q Pr (6) : Q DD (7) R 1,2, O (8) T 3,7, O (9) P 4,8, O (10) Q 5,9, O
Arrow-Out Strategy • If you have a line of the form , • then try to apply arrow-out (O), • which requires a second formula as input, • in particular, either or . have find or deduce
Example 3 S;R S;R T;P T;P Q/Q (1) S Pr (2) R S Pr (3) R T Pr (4) P T Pr (5) P Q Pr (6) : Q DD (7) R 1,2, O (8) T 3,7, O (9) P 4,8, O (10) Q 5,9, O
Wedge-Out Strategy • If you have a line of the form , • then try to apply wedge-out (O), • which requires a second formula as input, • in particular, either or . have find or deduce
Example 4 (P Q) R;[(P Q) R] R;(P Q) (Q R)/Q (1) (P Q) R Pr (2) [(P Q) R] R Pr (3) (P Q) (Q R) Pr (4) : Q DD (5) R 1,2, O (6) P Q 1,5, O (7) Q R 3,6, O (8) R 5,7, O
Example 5 (P Q) S ; (R S) T) ; P /T (1) (P Q) S Pr (2) (RS) T Pr (3) P Pr (4) : T DD (5) P Q 3, I (6) S 1,5, O (7) R S 6, I (8) T 2,7, O
Wedge-In Strategy • If you need • • then look for either disjunct: • find • OR • find • then • apply vI • to get
Example 6 P Q ; R (Q S) ; R T ;T & P / Q & S (1) P Q Pr (2) R (Q S) Pr (3) R T Pr (4) T & P Pr (5) Q & S DD (6) T 4,&O (7) P (8) Q 1,7, O (9) R 3,6, O (10) Q S 2,9, O (11) S 8,10, O (12) Q & S 8,11, &I
Ampersand-Out Strategy • If you have a line of the form • &, • then apply ampersand-out (&O), • which can be applied immediatelyto produce • • and •
Ampersand-In Strategy • If you are trying to find or show • & • then look for both conjuncts: • find • AND • find • then • apply &I • to get &