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JIS Case Processing and Security. Jan Hickey, JIS Education Services. JIS Case Processing & Security. Filing criminal cases and adding victims Filing non-criminal cases and adding participants Filing juvenile offender and non-offender cases Processing protection-type orders
JIS Case Processing and Security Jan Hickey, JIS Education Services
JIS Case Processing & Security • Filing criminal cases and adding victims • Filing non-criminal cases and adding participants • Filing juvenile offender and non-offender cases • Processing protection-type orders • JIS security overview
JIS Person Business Rule 1.40Start in JIS for these causes of action & participants. For all other causes, start in SCOMIS. For all other participants, add in SCOMIS.
Adding Victims – Criminal VCT names added in JIS are not sent to SCOMIS.
Adding participants to non-criminal cases SCOMIS Names screen is updated.
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing • File case based on an existing referral in the Juvenile Department • File case and auto-generate a referral for the Juvenile Department
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing (based on a referral) In this process, the Juvenile Department creates the referral FIRST using JIS and JCS.
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing Using the referral number in the Navigator bypasses a search.
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing After filing, this message screen displays. The Juvenile Department will receive a notification in JCS about this case. Docket entries you make on the case will affect the JCS referral.
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing (auto-generated referral) In this process, the Clerk’s Office files the case FIRST and auto-generates a referral for the Juvenile Department.
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing You must confirm auto-generation of the referral if you file the case first.
Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing After filing, this message screen displays. The Juvenile Department will receive a notification in JCS about this case and the automatic referral. Docket entries you make on the case will affect the JCS referral.
Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing (based on a referral)
Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing After filing, this message screen displays. The Juvenile Department will receive a notification in JCS about this case and the automatic referral. Docket entries you make on the case will affect the JCS referral.
Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing(auto-generate a referral)
JIS Online Manual Superior Court Case Processing
J I S SCOMIS Protection-Type Orders
J I S WACIC NCIC Where does the order go? • Violation of a No Contact Order is a gross misdemeanor RCW 26.50.110(2). • Violation of a "no firearms provision" is a federal offense.
Order Screens • Order Add (ORDA) • Order Update (ORD) • With Pop-up Add Participant Window • Order Inquiry (ORDI) • Order Delete (ORDD) • Order History (COH/IOH)
Order Add screen (ORDA) for a criminal case when SCOMIS charge is DV = Y Order Type is NCO (prefills). Judge and expiration date are required. Decision is P (protected) or R (restrained).
Order Add screen (ORDA) for a criminal case when SCOMIS charges show DV = N Enter Order Type NCO or SXP. Judge and expiration date are required. Decision is P (protected) or R (restrained).
Order Add screen (ORDA) for a non-criminal case Specify Order Type. Edits based on cause and DV-Flag.
On the SCOMIS Basic screen ... Order Type and expiration date display from JIS.
On the SCOMIS Docket screen ... Order Type and expiration date display from JIS.
ORDA vs ORD • ORDA • Add Order • Modify Order • Add denied order • ORD • Add Order Participant • Terminate Order
For causes in Rule 1.50 and 1.60, convert case to JIS if there is an order
Security Application Security Signon Security (RACF) Cashier Security Authorization Security
Signon Security • A User ID and password are the first level of JIS security.
Application Security • The mainframe TPX Menu lists all applications a user is able to access.
Authorization Security JIS users authorization security is set by a local security administrator. • Screens (S) • Tables (T) • Case Types (C) • Utilities (U) • Family Relationships (F) • SCOMIS users authorization security is set by AOC at the request of a local administrator. • Commands • Case Types
Maintaining Signon (RACF) Security • Strictly control who is given a User ID. • Regularly review the User List generated by RACFADMN. • Regularly review the Active user List requested from AOC Customer Services. • Promptly reset signon passwords using RACFADMN. • Delete User IDs when necessary using RACFADMN.
Maintaining JIS Authorization Security • Control security on the ATHA and ATHX screens. • Regularly review each user’s Local Court Profile Security Report generated from the ATH screen. • Delete security authorizations using the ATHD screen when a person leaves court employment. • Keep the level of security consistent with job duties.
Request RACF IDs or Changes Online • Inside.Courts • Court Resources • Court Management • Manage JIS User IDs • Manage JIS User Access • Manage SCOMIS User Access
The RACFADMN Utility • ---------- RACF Administration Manager Menu Selection Panel ----------------- • USERID - S99AS99 • DATE - 03/14/2000 • TIME - 12:06 • OPTION ===> • 1 RESET PASSWORDS Assign temporary passwords for revoked JIS User IDs • 2 DELETE USERS Delete RACF user definitions in batch • 3 CREATE USER LIST Create a report of User IDs for site S99A • X EXIT Exit from RACF Administration Manager • Type your selection on the OPTION line and press ENTER. • PF1=HELP Use to Reset passwords, delete User IDs, and Create a Site User List