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JIS Case Processing and Security

JIS Case Processing and Security. Jan Hickey, JIS Education Services. JIS Case Processing & Security. Filing criminal cases and adding victims Filing non-criminal cases and adding participants Filing juvenile offender and non-offender cases Processing protection-type orders

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JIS Case Processing and Security

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  1. JIS Case Processing and Security Jan Hickey, JIS Education Services

  2. JIS Case Processing & Security • Filing criminal cases and adding victims • Filing non-criminal cases and adding participants • Filing juvenile offender and non-offender cases • Processing protection-type orders • JIS security overview

  3. JIS Person Business Rule 1.40Start in JIS for these causes of action & participants. For all other causes, start in SCOMIS. For all other participants, add in SCOMIS.

  4. Criminal JIS Case Processing

  5. SCCA Screen

  6. Adding Victims – Criminal VCT names added in JIS are not sent to SCOMIS.

  7. Non-Criminal JIS Case Processing

  8. CIVA Screen

  9. Adding participants to non-criminal cases SCOMIS Names screen is updated.

  10. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing • File case based on an existing referral in the Juvenile Department • File case and auto-generate a referral for the Juvenile Department

  11. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing (based on a referral) In this process, the Juvenile Department creates the referral FIRST using JIS and JCS.

  12. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing Using the referral number in the Navigator bypasses a search.

  13. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing After filing, this message screen displays. The Juvenile Department will receive a notification in JCS about this case. Docket entries you make on the case will affect the JCS referral.

  14. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing (auto-generated referral) In this process, the Clerk’s Office files the case FIRST and auto-generates a referral for the Juvenile Department.

  15. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing You must confirm auto-generation of the referral if you file the case first.

  16. Juvenile Offender JIS Case Processing After filing, this message screen displays. The Juvenile Department will receive a notification in JCS about this case and the automatic referral. Docket entries you make on the case will affect the JCS referral.

  17. Juvenile Diversion JIS Case Processing(based on a referral)

  18. Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing (based on a referral)

  19. Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing

  20. Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing After filing, this message screen displays. The Juvenile Department will receive a notification in JCS about this case and the automatic referral. Docket entries you make on the case will affect the JCS referral.

  21. Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing(auto-generate a referral)

  22. Juvenile Dependency JIS Case Processing

  23. JIS Online Manual Superior Court Case Processing

  24. J I S SCOMIS Protection-Type Orders

  25. Types of Orders in JIS

  26. J I S WACIC NCIC Where does the order go? • Violation of a No Contact Order is a gross misdemeanor RCW 26.50.110(2). • Violation of a "no firearms provision" is a federal offense.

  27. Order Screens • Order Add (ORDA) • Order Update (ORD) • With Pop-up Add Participant Window • Order Inquiry (ORDI) • Order Delete (ORDD) • Order History (COH/IOH)

  28. Order Add screen (ORDA) for a criminal case when SCOMIS charge is DV = Y Order Type is NCO (prefills). Judge and expiration date are required. Decision is P (protected) or R (restrained).

  29. Order Add screen (ORDA) for a criminal case when SCOMIS charges show DV = N Enter Order Type NCO or SXP. Judge and expiration date are required. Decision is P (protected) or R (restrained).

  30. Order Add screen (ORDA) for a non-criminal case Specify Order Type. Edits based on cause and DV-Flag.

  31. On the SCOMIS Basic screen ... Order Type and expiration date display from JIS.

  32. On the SCOMIS Docket screen ... Order Type and expiration date display from JIS.

  33. ORDA vs ORD • ORDA • Add Order • Modify Order • Add denied order • ORD • Add Order Participant • Terminate Order

  34. For causes in Rule 1.50 and 1.60, convert case to JIS if there is an order

  35. JIS Online Manual: Process Protection Orders

  36. Security Application Security Signon Security (RACF) Cashier Security Authorization Security

  37. JIS Online Manual: Security

  38. JIS Online Manual: JRS Security

  39. Signon Security • A User ID and password are the first level of JIS security.

  40. Application Security • The mainframe TPX Menu lists all applications a user is able to access.

  41. Authorization Security JIS users authorization security is set by a local security administrator. • Screens (S) • Tables (T) • Case Types (C) • Utilities (U) • Family Relationships (F) • SCOMIS users authorization security is set by AOC at the request of a local administrator. • Commands • Case Types

  42. Maintaining Signon (RACF) Security • Strictly control who is given a User ID. • Regularly review the User List generated by RACFADMN. • Regularly review the Active user List requested from AOC Customer Services. • Promptly reset signon passwords using RACFADMN. • Delete User IDs when necessary using RACFADMN.

  43. Maintaining JIS Authorization Security • Control security on the ATHA and ATHX screens. • Regularly review each user’s Local Court Profile Security Report generated from the ATH screen. • Delete security authorizations using the ATHD screen when a person leaves court employment. • Keep the level of security consistent with job duties.

  44. Security Task Overview

  45. Request RACF IDs or Changes Online • Inside.Courts • Court Resources • Court Management • Manage JIS User IDs • Manage JIS User Access • Manage SCOMIS User Access

  46. The RACFADMN Utility

  47. The RACFADMN Utility • ---------- RACF Administration Manager Menu Selection Panel ----------------- • USERID - S99AS99 • DATE - 03/14/2000 • TIME - 12:06 • OPTION ===> • 1 RESET PASSWORDS Assign temporary passwords for revoked JIS User IDs • 2 DELETE USERS Delete RACF user definitions in batch • 3 CREATE USER LIST Create a report of User IDs for site S99A • X EXIT Exit from RACF Administration Manager • Type your selection on the OPTION line and press ENTER. • PF1=HELP Use to Reset passwords, delete User IDs, and Create a Site User List

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