1. Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Surveillance University of Central Florida
Andrew Miller, Brandyn White, Arslan Basharat, Jingen Lieu,
and Dr. Mubarak Shah
2. Overview Code Split
Knight System (+ SVM classification)
White Knight (PSO and ICD)
Abstractions, Python Interface
3. Earlier Work KNIGHT System
Object Detection (Background Subtraction)
Multi-frame Correspondence Tracking
Classification (Recurrent Motion)
Shadow Removal
4. Automatic Parameter Tuning Prepare ground-truth segmentations
A particle’s position represents a parameter configuration
Use swarm equations to update particles
Social and Cognitive forces
5. Illumination Change Detection Problem: illumination changes cause long-term artifacts
Linear regression over time (30 frames)
Correlation coefficient indicates trend of illumination change
Temporarily increase learning rate
6. SVM Classification Nine-dimensional feature vector
Eight edge-orientation histogram bins
Aspect ratio
Linear classifier
7. Results VACE Core (September 2006)
Mean MOTA: Mean MOTA: 51.5% (Unofficial result)
CLEAR (May 2007)
(KNIGHT) Mean MOTA: 53.3% MOTP: 55.9%
(WKNIGHT) Mean MOTA: 22.5% MOTP: 63.7%
Didn’t finish coding White Knight
Simple tracking and classification
How much does background subtraction matter?
The goal of evaluations is to learn how to answer this question rapidly and methodically
8. Results: MOTA Boxplots Statistically Significant?
High degree of per-sequence variation
9. Results: Per-Sequence Comparison? Precision vs Accuracy
Mean Absolute Difference vs Mean Difference?