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Zeměpis na II.stupni - CLIL výuka. Číslo operačního programu: CZ.1.07 Operační program : Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název výzvy: Středočeský kraj Výzva č.3 pro GP - oblast podpory 1.1 Název prioritní osy: Počáteční vzdělávání Název oblasti podpory:
Zeměpis na II.stupni - CLIL výuka Číslo operačního programu: CZ.1.07 Operační program : Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název výzvy: Středočeský kraj Výzva č.3 pro GP - oblast podpory 1.1 Název prioritní osy: Počáteční vzdělávání Název oblasti podpory: Zvyšování kvality ve vzdělávání Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.06/03.0094 CLIL - PRE - 04
WorldHeritageSites in the United States 17 natural sites in the USA
CahokiaMoundsStateHistoricSite, Illinois: BetweenA.D. 900 and A.D. 1500 theCahokiasitewastheregional center fortheMississippian Indian culture. NamedfortheCahokiaIndianswhocameafterthem, Cahokiafeaturesthelargestprehistoricearthenconstructions in theAmericas, a testament to thesophisticatedengineeringskillsofMississippianculture.
CarlsbadCavernsNational Park, New Mexico: CarlsbadCavernsNational Park is a network of more than 80 limestonecaves, includingthenation'sdeepest—1,597 feet—and thirdlongest. TheLechuguillaCaveisparticularlynoteworthyforitsbeautifulstalagtites and stalagmites.
ChacoCultureNationalHistorical Park, New Mexico: Between A.D. 900 and A.D. 1100, theAnasazibuiltlargemultistory stone villages and animpressive 400-mile roadsystem in Chacocanyonexemplifyingtheirengineering and constructiontalents.
EvergladesNational Park, Florida: TheEverglades, or “River of Grass” as theSeminolescalledit, isformed by a riveroffreshwater 6 inchesdeep and 50 mileswidethatflowsslowlyacrossthe expanse oflandofsawgrassmarshes, pine forests, and mangrove islands. More than 300 species ofbirds live in the park as well as alligators, manatees, and Florida panthers.
GlacierBayNational Park and Preserve, Alaska: The park is made up of a hugechainofgreattidewaterglaciers and a dramaticrangeoflandscapes, from rocky terrainrecentlycovered by ice to lushtemperaterainforest. Brown and blackbears, mountaingoats, whales (includinghumpbacks), seals, and eaglescanbefoundwithinthe park.
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: The Grand Canyon is among Earth's greatest ongoing geological spectacles. About 65 million years ago in Earth's shifting, a huge area of land was lifted a mile and a half above sea level, forming what is now the Colorado Plateau. For the last 6 to 10 million years, the Colorado River has been slowly carving its way down through the center, exposing the many colorful strata of rock
Great SmokyMountainsNational Park, North Carolina/Tennessee: “Place of Blue Smoke” wasthenamegiven by theCherokeeIndians to these AppalachianHighlands. Theforesthereexudeswatervapor and oilyresidueswhichcreate a smoke-likehazethatsurroundsthepeaks and fillsthevalleys. The park isoneoftheworld'sfinesttemperatedeciduousforests.
HawaiiVolcanoesNational Park, Hawaii: ItisthoughtthattheHawaiianislandswerecreatedwhenmolten rock pushedthroughEarth'scrust, formingvolcanoes. Thetwo most spectacular live volcanoes are Kilauea and MaunaLoa.
MammothCaveNational Park, Kentucky: MammothCave, as itsnamesuggests, istheworld's most extensivecavesystem, with 345 milesofpassages. Waterseepingintothecavecreatesstalactites, stalagmites, and whitegypsumcrystalformations. Rare and unusualanimals, such as blind fish and colorlessspiders, demonstrateadaptation to theabsoluteblackness and isolation.
MesaVerdeNational Park, Colorado: In thesixthcentury, theAnasazi, or “AncientOnes,” establishedvillages on thehigh, flatland in southwestern Colorado. In thelate 1100s theybeganconstructingmultistory stone apartment houses, orpueblos, tucked on ledges and under rock overhangs.
OlympicNational Park, Washington: The park encompasses not onlysnow-capped Mount Olympus, glaciers, alpinemeadows, and rocky PacificMountaincoastline, but alsooneofthefewtemperaterainforests in theworld. Theluxuriantforestiscreated by thewarm, moisture-laden air fromthePacific meeting themountains, resulting in a dense, green, jungle-likeworld.
Papahanaumokuakea: Thisstringofisolatedislandsisthelargestconservation area in the United States and oneofthelargestmarineconservationareas in theworld. Itcovers 139,797 square milesofthePacificOcean. Theextensivecoralreefsfound in Papahanaumokuakea are home to more than 7,000 marine species, one-quarterofwhich are foundonly in theHawaiianArchipelago. Many oftheislands and shallowwaterenvironments are importanthabitatsforrare species, such as thethreatened green seaturtle and theendangeredHawaiianmonkseal. Papahanaumokuakeaisalsoofgreatculturalimportance to NativeHawaiianswithsignificantculturalsitesfound on theislandsofNihoa and Mokumanamana. Source: http://papahanaumokuakea.gov.
RedwoodNational Park, California: RedwoodNational Park containsthetallestlivingthings on Earth, evergreen treesthatgrow to 350 feet. Descendantsofthegiantevergreensthatgrewduringtheageofthedinosaurs, redwoodstake 400 years to mature. Someofthesurvivors are more than 2,000 yearsold.
Taos Pueblo, New Mexico: Pueblo de Taosisthought to haveappearedbefore A.D. 1400 and isthebestpreservedofthepueblos (communalhousing) northoftheborder. Taosis a remarkableexampleof a traditional type ofarchitectural ensemble fromthepre-Hispanic period oftheAmericas and isunique to this region. TodayTaosisinhabited by theTaos Pueblo Indians, and itisstillanactivecommunity.
Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, Montana: Thetwoparkssustainanexceptionally diverse habitat, includingwolves, bears, and mountainlions. Italsofeatures a wide variety ofwildflowers and wildlife, includingbighornsheep and baldeagles.
Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska: Thepark is made up ofgargantuanicefields and about 2,000 glaciersthathavecreated a sculptedlandscapeofvalleys, peaks, and lakes. Thispremierwildernesscontainsextensivebird, animal, and marinemammalhabitatswheretrumpeterswans, Daalsheep, bisons, and sealionsdwell.
YosemiteNational Park, California: Yosemite, located in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains, containsbreathtakingpanoramasofruggedscenery and a huge variety of plant and animal life. Duringthe last Ice Age the granite bedrockwasgouged and shapedinto bare peaks, sheercliffs, roundeddomes, and hugemonoliths.
How many natural sites are in the USA? • Write down at least 5 states, where you can find a natural site? • Which natural park is on the border between the USA and Canada? • Which park contains the tallest living things on Earth? • What is Papahanaumokuakea? • The Cahokia site was the regional center for the…… • Another name for Anasazi. • Name two volcanos on Hawai. • The nation's deepestand third longest limestone caves are in what park? • “Place of Blue Smoke” was the name given by……
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