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Presentation of the round of general membership meetings focusing on protection against privatization, union rights restoration, and attraction and retention measures for FSSS unions in the public sector in Summer 2010.
Presentation of the agreement in principle Round of general membership meetings of FSSS unions in the public sector Summer 2010
TARGET 1:BETTER PROTECTION AGAINST PRIVATIZATION Our objective: Incorporate measures into our collective agreements to limit the use of contracting-out and P3s and to counter the proliferation of outside sources of labour in our workplaces. We want to protect public services and our jobs.
Agreement in principlePrivatization • Creation of a joint committee on contracting-out • Maintain quality public services and identify where savings can be made • Work to maintain and develop the expertise of employees in the public system • Safeguard jobs in the public system • Discuss concrete proposals for improving ways of doing things
Agreement in principlePrivatization The committee’s mandate is to analyse issues and address the following topics in particular: • Downsizing of administrative personnel • Contracting-out • P3s • Development of new services and transfers of services or parts of services • The joint committee is to prepare a report and make joint or separate recommendations to the bargaining parties after 12 months, with the possibility of a 12-month extension
Agreement in principlePrivatization 2. Process for countering independent labour: A joint inter-union committee (1 representative each from the FIQ, CSQ, APTS and FTQ, and two from the CSN) created within 6 months of when the collective agreement comes into force, charged with making recommendations to the MSSS, with a budget of $5 million a year for carrying out the selected measures and aimed in particular at: • reducing the use of independent labour • reducing overtime
TARGET 2:IMPROVING OUR UNION RIGHTS Restore the union rights we lost when the decree was imposed. In order to be able to do our work of representing our members properly, we have to have the appropriate means and resources. Our objective:
Agreement in principleUnion rights • Creation of a joint inter-union committee for personnel in Class 4 (FSSS, FP, APTS, FTQ, CSQ), charged with making recommendations on the establishment of organization of work projects, with a budget of $1 million a year 4. Local parties may agree to use general seniority across bargaining units 5. Establishment of a local labour relations committee within 60 days of when the collective agreement comes into force 6. Establishment of a process for settling disputes aimed at having the parties exchange information after a grievance is filed
Agreement in principleUnion rights 7. Increase in the employer’s contribution to the health insurance plan (cf. art. 23.12): • under $40,000: increases 90% in 4 years • $40000 or +: increases 50% in 4 years For example:
Agreement in principleUnion rights 8. An employee called in for a meeting with the employer can demand to be accompanied by her or his union representative. • Union leave and seniority for part-time employees: -Days of leave for union work to be included when echelon advancement is calculated for part-time employees
Target 3:Attraction and retention measures to counter the impact of labour shortages Establish attraction and retention measures for all personnel Our objective:
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 10. Increase in evening- and night-shift premiums for full-time employees and for employees who offer and honour minimum availability of 16 days out of 28, including the days involved in their position For employees who hold a position, all the additional availability must be offered on the evening or night shifts See an example
Example: ANNA’s situation Anna holds a 7 / 14position on the evening shift So to have access to the increased evening-shift premium, Anna must offer and honour additional availability of one day on an evening or night shift.
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention For employees who don’t hold positions, some or all of the minimum availability of 16 days out of 28 must be on evening or night shifts See an example
Example: NANCY’s situation Nancy doesn’t have a position (recall list) So Nancy must offer and honour some or all of her availability on the evening or night shifts. When she works evenings or nights, she will be entitled to the higher premium.
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention An employee who doesn’t meet the availability criteria will be entitled to a premium of 4% for evening shifts and between 11% and 14% for night shifts, in accordance with the current clause
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention Increased premiums for evening and night shifts
Examples of increases in the evening-shift premium Amounts per shift of work N.B.: The figures in the example are approximate, based on rates of pay on April 1, 2009
Examples of increases in the night-shift premium Amounts per shift of work N.B.: The figures in the examples are approximate, based on rates of pay on April 1, 2009
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 11. Initiation and training premium of 2% for -nurses -outpost/dispensary nurses For other job titles: Creation of an inter-union committee mandated to analyse the orientation and training work done by employees in the course of their duties and to make recommendations to the MSSS on extending the premium to all personnel
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 12. Clients presenting serious behavioural disorders Creation of a joint inter-union union committee within 60 days of when the collective agreement is signed, with a 12-month mandate to examine the specific work of employees working with clients presenting serious behavioural disorders. The budget is $8 million a year The MSSS applies the measures recommended by the parties. The measures are in particular for employees of youth centres and CRDIs (rehabilitation centres for persons with intellectual impairments)
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 13. New and increased premiums in critical care and complex critical care -The critical care premium is for full-time employees and employees who offer and respect minimum availability of 16 days out of 28, some or all of it in critical care, including the days involved in their positions -The availability offered must be in one of the following departments: emergency, intensive care, neonatal care, major burns or coronary care -The critical care and complex critical care premiums are for employees in Class 1, beneficiary attendants, social workers, occupational therapists and physiotherapists An employee who does not meet the above-mentioned criteria is entitled to a 5% premium
Examples of increases in the critical care premium Amounts per shift of work Examples of increases in the complex critical care premium Amounts per shift of work N.B.: The figures in the examples are approximate, based on rates of pay on April 1, 2009
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 14. Arrangement of work time -Introduction of terms and conditions for the arrangement of work time for full-time employees, on an individual and voluntary basis: -Evening shift 9/14 -Night shift 9/14(application of Appendix L)or 8/14 -Rotating shifts, prorated -Application of the arrangement of work time: Using statutory holidays (12 days), sick leave (4 days) and annual vacation leave (maximum 10 days) For personnel on nights, the night-shift premium is converted into days, reducing the number of days of annual leave needed
Examples of arrangements of work time(for personnel on nights) For an 8 / 14 schedule: 0-5 years of seniority: 5-10 years of seniority: 10 or more years of seniority: The figures in the examples are approximate
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 15.Creation of a national workforce planning committee for beneficiary attendants
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 16. Attraction and retention measures for the Far North Creation of a joint FSSS committee within 30 days of when the collective agreement comes into force, for technicians and professionals in Classes 3 and 4 in Regions 17 and 18 of the Far North, with a budget of $5 million a year to carry out the attraction and retention measures on which the parties agree, to be applicable no more than 6 months after the collective agreement comes into force
Agreement in principleAttraction-retention 17.Regional disparities issues Creation of a joint FSSS committee to analyse and make recommendations on other regional disparity issues (Grand-Nord, Basse Côte- Nord, Côte-Nord, Île d’Anticosti, Fermont, Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Gaspésie-les-Îles ), including in particular problems in the attraction and retention of personnel, isolation and remoteness premiums, etc. -The committee has 12 months to do this work -It will report and make recommendations to the bargaining parties
Target 5:FAMILY-WORK-STUDY BALANCE Our objective: Adjust to new family realities
Agreement in principleFamily-work-study balance 19. Committee on family-work-study balance Creation of a joint inter-union committee on family-work-study balance within 6 months of when the collective agreement comes into force, to: -catalogue existing measures -analyse and identify measures -make recommendations to the bargaining parties 20. Leave for parental responsibilities: 10 days without pay instead of 6 (consistency with the Labour Standards Act)
Target 6:BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE AT WORK Our objective: Obtain a larger role in the organization of work, notably through the creation of joint committees on improving working conditions and the climate of work
Agreement in principleQuality of life at work 21. Committee for personnel working with clients in CHSLDs Creation of a joint FSSS committee within 3 months of when the collective agreement comes into force The committee’s mandate is to document and assess problems and issues faced by employees working in CHSLDs A budget of $5 million a year for the implementation of local, regional or national measures
Target 7:OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Improve our conditions for protecting our health and safety in our workplaces Our objective:
Agreement in principleHealth and Safety • Creation of health and safety committees Establishment of health and safety committees in institutions, with the role in particular of: -agreeing on workplace inspection methods and identifying hazardous situations (prevention) -recommending priority actions for the action plan -gathering relevant information about accidents that occur -receiving and examining statistical reports on work-related accidents and occupational diseases, etc.
23. Consistency with certain public policy statutes OTHER PROPOSALS 1. Clause 1.07c) of the collective agreement (consistency with the Labour Standards Act) 2. Clause 3.03 (consistency with the Civil Code) 3. Clause 11.21(consistency with the Labour Code) 4. Appendix G, clause 3.02 and Appendix N, Article 4 (time off in lieu of overtime) after 40 hours of work (consistency with the Labour Standards Act) • Changes for consistency on parental rights, as agreed at the central table
24. Budget for professional supervision for Classes 1 and 4 0.19% of total payroll for professional supervision 25. Creation of a shift rotation premium This new premium for the hours worked on the day shift will be half of the premium for the evening (days-evenings rotation) or night shift (days-nights rotation)
Incumbency (Class 1) Relieve an employee who holds a position in one institution of the obligation to hold a position in another institution. Apply the same rule for employees with teaching loads in an educational institution, and employees who are 55 or older 27. Atypical schedules: Possibility of agreeing locally to establish atypical schedules for shifts of more than 7.25 hours, up to 12 hours, with national guidelines
28. Medical arbitration Medical arbitration applies to all fields of medical specialties 29. Meal prices up from $4.00 to $4.20 / lunch and supper up from $1.75 to $1.85 / breakfast Prices will then increase in keeping with percentage increases in pay
Leave without pay to work in a northern institution It becomes available for all classes of personnel 31. Elimination of the Mont St-Antoine, assistant head educator premium(job title no longer used) 32. Clarifications regarding annual vacation quantum and recognition of years of service 33. Creation of a committee for employees who are off the rate or off-scale, to examine the clause to make sure that it is not discriminatory under the Labour Standards Act
34. For Class 1: recognition of additional education for nursing assistants 35. Temporary supplementary premium of 9% for biomedical engineering technicians and 13.5% for industrial hygiene technicians, until the salary relativity process is completed
Additional information: For all the committees established with budgets, any amounts not allocated for 2010-2011 are carried over and added to the amount for 2011-2012
Target 4:REVIEW OF THE LIST OF JOB TITLES AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS Proceed with a review of job titles, job descriptions and conditions for obtaining positions, and ensure union representation when job titles are created or changed, and remedy distortions in pay Our objective:
Agreement in principleJob titles • Change to the process for creating or making changes to job titles that provides genuine access to information and involves union organizations in the process • Creation of twelve job titles in Class 3, “breaking up” the job titles of administrative officer, Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 and creating separate job titles for medical secretaries, legal secretaries, secretaries to heads of university teaching departments and executive assistants • Legal secretaries obtain pay parity with legal secretaries in Legal Aid
Agreement in principle Job titles • Creation of job titles: -infection prevention and control nurse -sexologist -intervention officer in psychiatric settings • Change to the job title of pastoral care worker • Committee to continue work on the review of the List of job titles and job descriptions, in particular: -the creation of new job titles -the review of job descriptions and requirements -problems in conditions for obtaining positions
NO rollbacks in the collective agreement • and management DROPPED its • 42 demands for rollbacks, including: • reduction in days of sick leave • reduction in salary insurance benefits • etc.