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Advocacy in Germany – different experiences of a library director Barbara Lison (BM Bremen)

Advocacy in Germany – different experiences of a library director Barbara Lison (BM Bremen) Klaus-Peter Böttger (BM Essen) Gabi Ellmer (Goethe-Institut Portugal). The champagne glass is one of the most important tools in the hand of a library director .

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Advocacy in Germany – different experiences of a library director Barbara Lison (BM Bremen)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Advocacy in Germany – different experiences of a library director Barbara Lison (BM Bremen) Klaus-Peter Böttger (BM Essen) Gabi Ellmer (Goethe-Institut Portugal)

  2. The champagneglassisoneofthemostimportanttools in thehandof a librarydirector. Um dos maisimportantesinstrumentos de trabalhoparaosdirectores de bibliotecas é um copo de champanhe na mão. Das Sektglas in der Hand ist eines der wichtigsten Arbeitsmittel für Bibliotheks-direktoren.

  3. The worm must belikedbythefish, not bytheangler. A minhocatemqueagradaraopeixe e nãoaopescador. Der Wurm muss dem Fisch schmecken, nicht dem Angler.

  4. Who fights can lose, who doesn't fight has already lost. Aquelequelutapodeperder, mas aquelequenãolutaperdeusempre. Werkämpft, kannverlieren; wernichtkämpft, hat schonverloren.

  5. Many roads lead to Rome. Hámuitoscaminhosquelevam a Roma. VieleWegeführennach Rom.

  6. Haste makeswaste. • Depressa e bemhápoucoquem. • Gut Ding will Weile haben.

  7. One good turn deserves another. Uma mão lava a outra. Eine Hand wäscht die andere.

  8. Nothingsucceeds like success. Nada tem maissucesso do que o sucesso. Nichtsisterfolgreicherals der Erfolg.

  9. Strike while the iron is hot. • Deve-se malhar o ferroenquantoestáquente. • Man soll das Eisen schmieden, solange es noch heiß ist.

  10. Little by little one goes far. • Grão a grãoenche a galinha o papo. • Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen.

  11. A Roland for an Oliver. • Como fizerestefarei. • Wie du mir, so ich dir!

  12. Thankyouforparticipating!

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