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. Presentation at the international conference Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia Riga, 14 - 15 October 2004 organized by the Banking Institution of Higher Education
. Presentation at the international conference Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia Riga,14-15 October 2004 organized by the Banking Institution of Higher Education in cooperation with the UNDP Latvia, the Municipality of Riga, SPACE International Association - Network for Language and Business Studies, the Forward Studies Unit (Latvia), "Consort Ltd." (Latvia).
The Lisbon Strategy, set out in 2000, is a commitment to bring about economic, social and environmental renewal. • We, in Europe and Latvia, participate in a process to make the EU the world's most dynamic and competitive economy that will drive job creation alongside social and environmental policies to ensure sustainable development and social inclusion. This is the process towards Knowledge Societies of Europe.
To Bridge Knowledge Society Foresight and Latvia By Dr Arturs Puga Forward Studies Unit, Riga
WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY ? We can think about Knowledeg Society that it involves intersection of several interrelated trends We, our children lie and will live within intersection of these challenging trends and processes Why and how can we use Knowledge Society framework in research as well as in everyday’s practice? Knowledge Society thinking and research instrument – foresight activities
‘Foresight constitutes a systematic attempt to observe the long-term future of science, technology, society, the economy and their mutual interactions in order to generate knowledge with which to effectsocial, economic and environmental improvements based on well founded projections. However,it is not enough to establish a clear and efficient technology to conduct foresight. It isalso vitally important to ensure that foresight outcomes are taken into consideration in policy debates and decision making. Only in this way can its maximum benefits be obtained.’ EU foresight conference, Seville, 2002 Foresight – instrument for European policies, Lisbon strategy research and implementation
Forsaits (forsaita aktivitātes) • ir sistēmiska domāšana, • kopīga apspriešana, • vidēja un ilgtermiņa nākotnes priekšstatu un projekciju veidošana politikai un stratēģijām, • skatoties uz priekšu un • pielietojot starptautiski atzītas metodes Par Eiropas pieredzi: A. Puga. Forsaits un zināšanu vadīšana Lisabonas procesā. Priekšlasījums Saeimas Nākotnes attīstības apakškomisijā, 1.06.2004. http://apfstudies.blogspot.com
21.gs. zināšanu sabiedrība, kurā atrodamies un ko veidojam tālāk Lisabonas procesā
In the context of its four-year work programme, Analysing and Anticipating Change toSupport Socio-Economic Progress 2001-2004, the European Foundation for the Improvementof Living and Working Conditions undertook a foresight project (EUFORIA) concerning theEuropean Knowledge Society. • The project was coordinated and led by PREST at theUniversity of Manchester, and the process was jointly managed with project partners inFinland (Futures Research Centre), in Germany (Empirica) and Greece (Atlantis).
EU-US SEMINAR: NEW TECHNOLOGY FORESIGHT, FORECASTING & ASSESSMENT METHODS-Seville 13-14 May 2004XTREME EUFORIA: COMBINING FORESIGHT METHODSRafael Popper , Werner B. Korte • Project was designed to investigate a mix of living conditions, working conditions and industrialrelations with the purpose of identifying positive paths leading the EU15 countries towards aKnowledge Society (KS). • Within this context, EUFORIA was also linked to the Lisbonobjectives for the EU to become ‘the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-basedeconomy, capable of sustained economic growth with more and better jobs and greater socialcohesion.’ • The project’s three main objectives were to: (1) increase understanding of theforces shaping the evolution of the EU as a KS; (2) anticipate the potential impacts of the KSon living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations; and (3) identify and supportpaths to positive transformation (while avoiding those deemed to be unsatisfactory).
http://les.man.ac.uk/PREST/euforia/reports.htm • All the reports for the EUFORIA project on Knowledge Society Foresight, in one convenient place.Never in the field of Knowledge Society Foresight was so much written by so few in so little time...Ian Miles September 28, 2004http://fullyfledgedforesight.blogspot.com/
Handbook of the Knowledge Society Foresight Methodology Knowledge Society in Finland Knowledge Society in Germany Knowledeg Society in Greece
HANDBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY FORESIGHT http://les.man.ac.uk/PREST/euforia/handbook.htm http://les.man.ac.uk/PREST/euforia/documents/EFL_Handbook_April_2003.pdf http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/fsd.pps International Conference, the Banking Institution of Higher Education, 2003 The LNELS project (2003-2004) learning space
Full title of the interdisciplinary project Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy
Arturs Puga. Social challenges facing Latvia : problems of identification. Foresight research outputs. Latvia in Europe: Visions of the Future. Collection of articles. Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, LAS, Riga, 2004, pp.118 -141. Sociālie izaicinājumi Latvijā: identifikācijas problēmas. Forsaita pētniecības izraises. Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas. Rīga: LZA BSPC, 2004, 127.-147.lpp.
Arturs Puga. Social challenges facing Latvia : problems of identification. Foresight research outputs. Latvia in Europe: Visions of the Future. Collection of articles. Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, LAS, Riga, 2004, pp.118 -141. Sociālie izaicinājumi Latvijā: identifikācijas problēmas. Forsaita pētniecības izraises. Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas. Rīga: LZA BSPC, 2004, 127.-147.lpp. Available online http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/projects3/Social_challenges_facing_Latvia.html http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/izraises.pdf
Why and how can we use KS framework and KSF in everyday’s practice? • http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/FSsitemap2004.html • http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/augsa.html • http://arturspuga.blogspot.com
The methods in the LNELS project • Environmental scanningBackground intelligence gatheringLiterature analysisPersonal interviewsStakeholders' mappingConferences/WorkshopsBrainstormingDelphiEuropean foresight best practice learning
KS - Why and how? • To develop a mindset and to act taking into account Knowledge Society developments • To understand issues, processes and KSF tools, particular attention to KS language • To use KSF instruments online and in mental, physical space (thinking, researching, debates, workshops etc.)
KS in a broad learning framework for a European citizen New fields of inquiries in the 21st century - to • research, • thinking, debating, shaping Knowledge Society • change and renewal
Rethinking the Lisbon strategy way in Latvia, we propose a particular kind of entrepreneurial foresight ‘module’ – a sort of Basics derived from experienceand research. http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/augsa.html
. • Reflection on interrelated trends and issues (we are within their intersection)can help to guide decision making related to the entrepreneurial mindset development, innovative learning and entrepreneurial actions
. • Reflection on interrelated trends and issues (we are within their intersection)can help to guide decision making related to the entrepreneurial mindset development, innovative learning and entrepreneurial actions to help in political decision-making and implementation
A bottom-up approach • By using and developing this model, a ‘learning European citizen’ can both anticipate themselves and interact with other humans, social actors and environment. • A framework suitable for future images, trends, maps, research, actions
Knowledge Economy plus... • http://arturspuga.blogspot.com/2004/08/latvia-knowledge-economy-assessment.html
Zināšanu ekonomikas 4 pilāri • Izglītības sistēma palīdz radīt zināšanām bagātu (orientētu uz pasaules līmeni ) humāno kapitālu • Ekonomiskais un institucionālais modelis veicina zināšanu pielietošanu uzņēmējdarbībā (visos sektoros) un high-tech izmantošanu industriālajā attīstībā • Nacionālā inovāciju sistēma vieno privātos uzņēmumus, universitātes, pētniecības centrus jaunu produktu un pakalpojumu radīšanā • Informācijas un komunikāciju sabiedrība spēj nodrošināt informācijas pārvadi un izkliedēšanu • http://arturspuga.blogspot.com/2004/08/latvia-knowledge-economy-assessment.html
Discussion on education and science development in Latvia Latvian TV-1, August 18, 2004 “Kas notiek Latvijā?” – in Latvian • Using the EFB framework, we can better understand what is possible in Latvia in the mid-term future
On a such foundation as EFB we can create a new virtual entity that would embrace • a process of interaction between individuals, organizations, enterprises; • opportunities to develop communities of practice; • innovative application of the Basics framework for thinking, knowledge (tacit and explicit) sharing, knowledge fusion and management aiming at possible futures for policies and strategies at all levels. • This initiative is called ENTREPRENEURIAL FORESIGHT NETWORK.
For the EFN instruments and infrastructure we see the challenging blog technologies. They are innovative, cheap and users friendly, available for all, easy to learn and apply in everyday’’s practice. • the blog opportunities let not only have dialogues at so-called Ba space with thousands of men from the past, the present and the future, but also let in a moment to post information or creative outputs that perhaps are important and suitable for other networkers and many unknown people.
"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself" Galileo Galilei
http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/FL/for-ris_en_29_30.pdf http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/conferences/2004/foresight/pdf/for-ris_en.pdf Example 5. Stakeholders mapping as a means for finding champions, supporters and initiators for foresight activities (Latvia) • In: BLUEPRINTS FOR FORESIGHT ACTIONS IN REGIONS. FOR-RIS. Experiences and ideas for developing regional foresight in a RIS/ RITTS project context “Extension of already formulated regional innovationstrategies using foresight techniques, or conducting foresight in parallel with future strategicpolicy activities, can produce new alternatives of regional development and contribute to abetter development of regional knowledge infrastructure favouring the development regionaleconomy and quality of life.”
HKSF • (p.10) "Knowledge Society” is one term that has been introduced in attempts to characterise some of the main developments in industrial societies in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.""...a useful way of thinking about Knowledge Society (KS) is that it involves the intersection of several related trends."
Create your employment options yourself by Knowledge Society / Knowledge Society Foresight instruments • Towards implementation of the Lisbon objectives in everyday’s practice
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