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Xth PANCAP AGM St MARTEEN 31th october-2nd november 2010. “ Setting up of a regional HIV observatory between French territories and other countries in the Caribbean ”. An information, support and action Platform for the fight against AIDS. Dr M.T.Goerger-Sow
Xth PANCAP AGM St MARTEEN 31th october-2nd november 2010 “Setting up of a regional HIV observatory between French territories and other countries in the Caribbean” An information, support and action Platform for the fight against AIDS. Dr M.T.Goerger-Sow University Hospital of GUADELOUPE Project Manager of Interreg HIV Project
INTERREG HIV Project financed by EU Including FDA’s and caribbean countries
Situation of HIV in the French Departments 1/2 • The epidemic is not controlled with a prevalence among pregnant women of more than 1% in Guyana and St. Martin. • In the OCTs, foreigners, especially from the Greater • Antilles, account for more than 70% of patients followed up in • French Guyana and Saint Martin, 30% in Guadeloupe and • 8% in Martinique. Among migrants, the female and pregnancy • rates are important and access to healthcare is difficult. • If the number of AIDS deaths decreased since 1996, Guyana is the first French department by its incidence of AIDS or HIV infection, the second is Guadeloupe, Martinique is a few seats away.
Situation of HIV in the French Departments 2/2 Among the patients followed by hospitals, in 2007 the sex ratio was : 1.7 men for every woman in Martinique, 1.14 men for every woman in Guadeloupe 1.14 in 1.0 in men for every woman Guyana and St. Martin, Those ratio show the importance of women in the epidemic of our french territories and the fact that HIV transmission is predominantly heterosexual. However, homosexual transmission is probably largely underestimated because homophobia and stigmatization in the region and it makes it difficult to evaluate.
Insure coherent regional response in compliance with PANCAP strategic framework. Objectives of the Interreg HIV project • Improve French Department of America capacities to fight HIV/AIDS. • Reinforce the synergy between FDA’s and • caribbean institutions and actors of HIV.
FDA have common problems with their neighbouring countries, like heterosexual transmission, gender ratios, migration, homophobia and stigmatization. Common problem
CARIFORUM/FDA/OCT/EU working group coordinated by PANCAP since January 2006. Commitments for regional and subregional responses • EU The EU/CARIFORUM* 2003-200 7 strategic development plan. • Regional cooperation conference CARIFORUM/ FDA/ OCT/ EU « Clovis Beauregard » which was held in Martinique in November 2005 etablished working group.
National French Strategic framework 2010-2014 AIDS National Council recommandations Each OCT’s regional HIV/AIDS health programs. Commitments for regional and subregional responses
Global care Treatment resistance surveillance Medical procreation assistance Expertises of french territories
« Know your epidemic, know your response » (UNAIDS). Lack of data on MARP. UNGASS indicators not used. Prevention often takes at random
Sharing and mutualising experiences / Exchanges between Health care providers The project brings 3 kinds of responses • Improving capacities: structuring projects for • hospitals. • Integration in regional response with NGOs: • Surveys on MARP & UNGASS indicators.
3 kinds of projects : type 1 Structural projects with hospitals: • In Guadeloupe : Assisted medical procreation. • In Martinique : capillary sequencer for resistance surveillance. In St Martin : virologic clinical unit.
Targets: MSM, Sex workers, migrants, crack addicts, Maroni population in french guyana with transversal studies on gender and marginalised youth. 3 kinds of projects : type 2 Surveys on MARP with NGOs in the french territories • Coordinated by Investigation Clinic Centers • Antilles-Guyane (CIC-EC) • Assisted by caribbean NGOs : COIN of • Santo Domingo.
Home care for patients with NGOs 3 kinds of projects : type 3 Sharing and mutualising experiences • Health care teams training. • Networks for prevention with health care • providers,NGOs of neighbouring countries.
In the Caribbean: Ambassy, Ministry of health, medical teams and NGOs… first step in 2006 :with a lot of partners to involve • In french territories : health care providers, NGOs, hospital directors, health and administrative regional and national institutions…
Haiti, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Surinam, Guyana, San Lucia, St Marteen, St Kitts, Anguilla, Saba, Montserrat, Bresil. A lot of caribbean countries in the interreg hiv project
With the help of : PAHO. The moral support of the regional hospitalisation agency director : Mr Stephane MANTION. The effective help of the director of the University Hospital of Guadeloupe, Mr Patrick HOUSSEL who accepts to support the project and provides us the assistance of a consultant with a strong methodologic method, Farid Abdelaziz. The Regional Council and the INTERREG Staff . The support of Caricom through PANCAP and his director Carl BROWN. the interreg hiv project starts officialy in july 2009
The project has been accepted in June 2010 Obstination leads to success
The actual project may be consulted on a website. “Setting up of a regional HIV observatory between French territories and other countries in the Caribbean” • All the results of our studies and projects will be implemented on a website and be translated in english and spanish at the end of 2012. • We hope to be ready for the presentation of the results of this project in the AGM of PANCAP in 2012 … in Guadeloupe? • www.chupap-interregvih.org
Welcome to Guadeloupe Candidate for the XIIth PANCAP AGM
Thanks to all partners Hospitals: medical teams, directors and their staff CHU de P.à P, CHU de Fort de France, CH de Cayenne, CH de St Martin. CIC-EC Antilles Guyane and specially Dr M.Nacher COREVIH of each DFA, their presidents: A.Cabié, M.Nacher, Dr Goerger-Sow and their teams NGOs: Entraides Gwadloup, Aides St Martin, Sld, Aides île de France, Initiative eco, Forces, CARRUD, Action Sida Martinique, Amvie, Fanm pou Fanm, Adpaas, Aliker, Admh, Entraides Guyane, Aides Guyane, Carrud Guyane, Arbre à fromager.
Thanks to all partners Institutions: Regional Council of Guadeloupe, Prefecture of Guadeloupe, Regional health agency of each OCT Private donator: MSD laboratory PAHO PANCAP and CARIFORUM