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NORWAY / TEACHERS Courses for history and civics teachers in Norway

Explore ongoing efforts to enhance human rights education in Norway, including teacher training courses, curriculum analysis, and initiatives for refugee youth. Discover the importance of empowering learners to protect and promote human rights.

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NORWAY / TEACHERS Courses for history and civics teachers in Norway

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  1. «Education for democraticcitizenship» meanseducation, training, awarenessraising, information, practices and activitieswhichaim, by equippinglearnerswithknowledge, skills and understanding and developingtheirattitutdes and behaviour, to empowerthem to exercise and defendtheirdemocraticrights and responsibilities in society, to valuediversity and to play an active part in democraticlife, with a view to thepromotion and protectionofdemocracy and theruleoflaw. «Human rightseducation» meanseducation, training, awarenessraising, information, practices and activitieswhichaim, by equippinglearnerswithknowledge, skills and understanding and developingtheirattitudesand behaviour, to empowerlearners to contribute to thebuildingand defenceof a universal cultureof human rights in society, with a view to thepromotion and protectionof human rights and fundamental freedoms.

  2. NORWAY / TEACHERS Courses for history and civicsteachers in Norway Foundings: 120 teachers: 40% thinkit’sdifficult to teach human rigths Fewoptions for teachers for upgradeknowledgelevel and teaching skills Teachers engaged and keen to learnactivepedmethods. Need for methodology National conferenceon HRE in 2014: manyyeardiscussionaboutthecreationof Forum ofHReducationists, but still there

  3. NORWAY / TEACHERS PhDstudyKnut Vesterdal 2015 Analysis oftextbooks: focusonviolationsof HR; largerfocusonsituation in othercountries More focusonrespect and tolerance, on horisontal interpersonal relations (not stateobligationsvsindividualrightsrelation) Lookonpedagogicaleducation in general: human rightsperspectiveincluded (newstandard for pedagogicaledu)

  4. NORWAY/ PUPILS High schools Freedomofspeech Culture = identity Prohibitionofdiscrimination International mechanisms/ institutions for protectionof human rights

  5. NORWAY/ REFUGEE YOUTH Course: Human rightsand interculturalunderstanding, integrationperspective, 5 days Background: Right to education –yes, but «parallell communities» in schools/localsocieties World Forum for Democracy, CoE, Strasbourg, November 2016

  6. NORWAY/ REFUGEE YOUTH Course: Introduction to human rights, 2 days Transitrefugee camp Minimum activities (sport, library, butvaries a lot) Hungry for knowlegde and meaningfuleverday, not wasteenergy and time Need for empowerement and to be seen and heard

  7. RUSSIA/ TEACHERS One yearprogramme (3 weekcourses and distantlerarning) in 7 regions Cooperation with regional competencecentres for teachers, Human Rights Ombudsmenn, NGOs Focusonverticalrelationstatevs individ. Challengingpolitical and societalcontext, but still Europe Participativemethodology Bilde fra kurs & Strasbourg

  8. RUSSIA/ Journalism students One weekcourses in Russia (part ofcurricula) and 3-4 dayscourse in Norway Cooperation withthe Russian Universities (Kaliningrad, St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod) and Journalismschools in Norway (Volda, Oslo) Focuson human rights, multiculturalunderstanding (powerofnaming), roleof journalists in a democraticsociety, journalist ethics (comparativeapproach), lawsonaccess to information

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