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This study explores the impact of foot reflexology on infantile colic symptoms. Conducted at a Turkish hospital, the randomized controlled trial focused on infants meeting Wessel Criteria. Data collected using Infantile Colic Scale (ICS) and FLACC Pain Scale showed significant improvements in colic, pain perception, crying, and sleep. Study group infants demonstrated recovery and reduced crying, while control group showed no notable changes. Reflexology emerged as a potential non-invasive treatment for infantile colic.
THE EFFECTS OF FOOT REFLEXOLOGY APPLIED TO INFANTILE COLIC INFANTS ON COLIC SYMPTOMS 1Nimet KARATAŞ, Ayşegül İŞLER DALGIÇ2 1Süleyman Demirel University , Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Isparta/TURKEY 2Akdeniz University, Faculty of Nursing, Pediatric Nursing Department Antalya/TURKEY(aisler@akdeniz.edu.tr)
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Reflexology; is thescientificstudy of reflexesandtheapplication of specifictechniquesthatworkreflexes in a particularwaytoproduce a specificoutcome.Reflexologists do not diagnose, prescribe, treat, norcure. Thechiefoutcome of reflexology is torelaxthe body in ordertoimprovetheflow of blood, nerveimpulses, andbioelectricalenergythroughoutthe body toallowthe body tonormalize, balanceandhealitself. Stone, P. S. Therapeutic Reflexolog: A Step-By-Step Guide to Professional Competence. USA: Pearson. 2011. pg:16.
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Thepurpose of thisstudy is todeterminetheeffect of footreflexology on infantilecolic.
Materials and Methods -Single blinded (Parent) -RandomizedControlledTrial -Thestudywasconducted on a tertiaryhospital in Turkeyin June2016 – March2017. -Infantswhohad infantile colic with regard to Wessel Criteria -20 controland 20 studygroupfor a total of 40 infants
Data Collection Tools: • InfantileColicScale (ICS) • Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC)PainScale • Daily sleepfollowup form • Daily cryingfollowup form
Ethics: • The data were collected by the researcher through the data collection tools after written consent was taken from Ethics Committee, and the hospital where the research has been carried out.
Results-1 • After reflexology; • Infant Colic Scale average points, • FLACC average points, • Averages of crying time and violence • Averages of sleep time, • When feedback averages were analyzed, very meaningful differences were detected.
Results-2 It is detected on study group infants; • Their colic situation had recovery, • Pain sense decreased, • Crying time and violence decreased, • Sleep time increased, • 60% of infants did not have crying attacks from infantile colic, • Crying time and frequency decreased in 40% of them. There was no meaningful difference on control group infants in all parameters.
Negative medium strong relation was detected between crying and sleep times. When the crying time increased, sleep time decreased or vice versa interaction was defined.(PearsonCorrelation: -606).
Comparison of Point Averages of FLACC Scale at All Observations
C-Sleep S-Sleep C-Cry S-Cry C-CryViolence S-CryViolence C-ICS S-ICS C-FLACC S-FLACC Follow-1 Follow-2 Follow-3 Follow-4 Follow-5
According to their mother’s expressions, Curative Effects of Applications (Reflexology and Ineffective Touching) on Colic Attacks of Infants
Recommendations • Reflexology application becoming one of the separate roles of nurse, • Appointing bachelor’s degree nurses with reflexology certificate as authorized personnel to apply reflexology in Regulation on Traditional and Complementary Medicine Applications.
Thank you… Antalya/TURKEY