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If youu2019re a regular player of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), youu2019ll know that it<br>has a particular ranking system. An important component of the game, this ranking<br>system motivates players to reach higher levels by developing their gaming skills and<br>abilities.<br>But when youu2019ve spent hours trying to rank up in Competitive CS: GO, youu2019ll realize that<br>climbing up the ranking ladder isnu2019t as easy as youu2019d thought it would be.<br>To make it to high ranks in CS: GO like Legendary Eagle Master and Global Elite, who<br>better to take tips from than CS: GO pro players themselves?<br>Thatu2019s why we decided to ask high-ranked players how theyu2019d climbed several skill groups<br>and reached the top. As per our findings, most of the pro players recommend playing CS
HowToGetUpOnProPlayers shopcsgoaccounts.com/how-to-get-one-up-on-pro-players September11, 2019 Released in 2012, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) is one of the most popular FPSgamesintheworld.Atleast372kplayersinvesttheirtimeandmoneyinplayingthis game, as of April2019. What areCS GO ranks? What makes this game so much more exciting is its ranking system. There are 18 competitiveormatchmakingranks(MMR) inCS:GO.Playersaresortedintoranksbased on their gaming skills. If you’re a beginner, you’ll get a rank between Silver Elite I (SE1) and Silver Elite Master (SEM). A player is ranked between Golden Nova I (GN1) and MasterGuardianElite(MGE)ifheorshe’sskilledenough. The best and advanced rank from Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) to Global Elite (GE).ThehighestCSGOrankistheGlobalElite,whereyou’llfindmostoftheprofessional players. Butbeforereachingthehightierranks, youneedtogettoyourfirstrank.Andyoucan do that only after winning your first 10 competitive matches. Plus, you can’t win more than2matchesperdayduringthisprocess.It’sfrustrating,right? Anyway, the highest first rank cs go lets you achieve is Legendary Eagle Master (LEM). Beyondthat,youcanrankuponyourownbyteamingupwithotherrankedplayersand winningcompetitivematches.Butlosethematches,andyourrankdecreases. HowcanyoufightproplayerswithCS:GOranked accounts?
AlmostallCS:GOgamerswanttocompetewithproplayers.Butmostofthemare clusteredaroundthemosteliteranksinthegame,liketheGlobalEliteandSMFC. SotheonlywaytogetatthemistorankupinCS:GOtillyoureachtheeliteranks. However, that takes a lot of time, spanning over months, if not years. Of course, this doesn’tapplyifyougettoLEMafteryourfirst10wins.Butthere’stheprospectoflosing yourrank,too,beforeyougetachancetofightwithproplayers. An alternative option is for you to buy cs go accountsthat are already ranked. For example,ifyou’vealreadyreachedtherankofDistinguishedMasterGuardian(DMG)or Legendary Eagle (LE), and you want to get to the Global Elite (GE), you can buy a Global Elite Ranked Account. This CS: GO ranked account comes in both Prime and Non-Prime versions. TheGlobalElitePrimeAccountcostsaround$43,whilethepriceoftheGENon-Prime Account is about $24. Once you buy it, your rank as a Global Elite is guaranteed. So is yourchancetocompetewithproplayers! You’llalsogettheaddedbenefitsonbuyingthisrankedaccount,likeover30wins,and an email with theaccount. Howcanyouprotectyourselffromproplayers’smurf accounts? Sometimes, high-ranked players may create CS: GO smurf accounts. They do this to get rewardsforlevelingup,butwithoutputtinginmuchofaneffort.Thesegamersmayalso include some proplayers as well. Usingsmurfaccounts,suchplayerstargetlower-rankedplayers,usuallythoseholding
Silverranks.SincetheseSilver-rankedgamersandotherplayersatthelowerranksare generallyinexperienced,thesmurfseasilywinmatchesagainstthem. SobuyingCS:GOrankedaccountsensuresthatyougetahigherrankinthegame.If you’re no longer at the lower ranks, you won’t fall prey to smurfs as you would otherwise. Back at ya, proplayers! Howcanyoupreventproplayersfromloweringyourself- esteem? WhenyoupurchaseCS:GOrankedaccounts,youalsofeelmoreconfidentwhenfacing professional players in competitive matches. Since your rank is guaranteed by the account,allyouneedtodoisimproveyourCS:GOgamingskills,andyou’rethere! Seeingyourhighrank,proplayersandotherswillthinktwicebeforekickingyou. As you can see, CS: GO accounts are beneficial for you when you’re pitted against pro players.Gettingahigherranktocompetewithproplayersmakesforasuperthrilling gamingexperience!