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Double Diplomation: Program Development Process in China and Vietnam

Learn about the process of developing double diplomation programs in China and Vietnam, including identifying partners, program agreements, and resource sharing.

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Double Diplomation: Program Development Process in China and Vietnam

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  3. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Le cégep Marie-Victorin a développé son premier partenariat en Chine en 2002; Les premiers enseignants du Cégep ont été envoyés en Chine en 2006; 1er partenaire- Université Kaifeng; programme en techniques de comptabilité et gestion;

  4. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION 1ière Année : 60 étudiants Maintenant: environ 400 étudiants. Nouvelles ententes: Polytechnique de Binzhou Institut technologique de Nanchang Collège technique de Zhenjiang Université technologique de Ho Chi Minh Ville – Vietnam ;

  5. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Partenariats en développement: Collège technique de Xi An – Chine; Collège technique de Liaocheng- Chine; Collège technique de Jinan – Chine; Collège des relations économiques étrangères – Ho Chi Minh Ville- Vietnam; Collège technologique de l’ouest de Saigon- Ho Chi Minh Ville – Vietnam

  6. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Processus de développement de partenariat: Identification de partenaires potentiels; Échange de documents et informations préliminaires; 1ère Visite: Discussions générales; Ententes sur le programme et le type de collaboration; Entente sur le partage des ressources

  7. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Processus de développement de partenariat: Partage des grilles de cours Étudier la grille de cours du programme étranger et vérifier la concordance entre les titres de cours et sélectionner les cours pouvant potentiellement être jumelés; Intégrer les deux programmes dans la même grille.

  8. management AND accounting– XYZ Polytechnic (China) April 15, 2008


  10. Accounting and Management– XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 24, 2011

  11. Accounting and Management– XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 25, 2011

  12. Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: The courses in white in the grid are those I did not change. They will be given by XYZ teachers toward the Chinese program, and Marie-Victorin College will not credit them. The courses in blue in the grid are courses that would be given by the XYZ teachers; however, Marie-Victorin College will credit them toward our Canadian diploma. Marie-Victorin may request some changes in courses or course contents. Accounting I: We do not request any change. We will give students the credits attached to our own Accounting I course. Computer: We are ready to recognise two of our own courses for this one course from the Chinese curriculum. However, we would like the XYZ teacher to integrate some of our content into the course. I will be visiting our partners sometime this year, and I will ask to meet the teachers of the courses we recognise.

  13. Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: Accounting 2: We do not request any change. We will recognise this one as equivalent to our own course. Cooperating Capability: We would request that this course be changed for Cash Flow and Budget Management. We feel that the financing courses do not meet the requirements of our program about budget management. This course is in blue because we would provide XYZ with course material and let them choose one of their own teachers to give this class. Human Resources Development and Management: We are willing to change our Customer Service and Technical Support course for this course in the Chinese program.

  14. Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: Financial Cost Management: We would request that this course be changed for Budget Management and Benchmarking for the same reasons as before. This course is in blue because we would provide XYZ with course material and let them choose one of their own teachers to give this class. International Trade: We also have an International Trade course in our program. Our course is 60 hours and focused on International Transactions, so we would like to request your course be replaced by our International Trade Transactions course. Once again, we would provide the additional material to the XYZ teacher who usually teaches this course.

  15. Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Explanation of changes proposed: Business Start-Up: This course is not part of the XYZ curriculum, and we would request its addition. However, the resources and regulations governing the start-up of a business are very different in China than in Canada. Marie-Victorin proposes to give the course material and academic support for XYZ to adapt this course content to the Chinese reality. The courses in green in the grid are courses given by Marie-Victorin teachers. We are requesting to take charge of four courses from the XYZ curriculum to make sure that our learning objectives are met. Contract Law: The Marie-Victorin curriculum also has a course with similar content. Our Business Law course counts more hours, so we would request that the Marie-Victorin course replaces the existing Contract Law course.

  16. Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille Accounting 3: We believe it is important that we share in the accounting training of our students, and the students will have had several English courses by the time we send a Canadian teacher to teach them Accounting 3. Accounting 3 (second one): Our program is focused on the management of production facilities, among other things, and we feel it is important for them to learn Cost Production Accounting. We would request that your second Accounting 3 course be replaced by our Cost Production Accounting course. Auditing: The Chinese program counts two Auditing courses of 90 hours. We would like to propose the replacement of the second one with our Total Quality Management course which, once again, is tied to the reality of a production facility.

  17. Exemple de notes envoyées au partenaire avec la grille The Marie-Victorin courses: Those nine courses have no equivalent in the XYZ program, so our College proposes to send our teachers in the third, fourth and fifth semesters. The courses are the following: Research and Processing of Management Information English Update 1 English Update 2 Supply and Inventory Management English in Accounting 1 (technical language course) English in Accounting 2 (technical language course) Project Management Business English 1 Business English 2

  18. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Obtenir les plans de cours et les descriptifs de cours pouvant potentiellement être jumelés; Comparer les objectifs de formation des cours similaires provenant des deux programmes; Sélectionner les cours du programme étranger pouvant être crédités dans le programme canadien et faire l’exercice inverse (cours à proposer au partenaire);

  19. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Réorganiser la grille du programme conjoint pour éliminer les doublons et maintenir la cohérence dans la progression de l’apprentissage.

  20. Accounting and Management– XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 26, 2011

  21. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Si nécessaire, rééquilibrer la grille de cours en termes d’heures de cours par session

  22. Accounting and Management– XYZ Polytechnic (China) and Marie-Victorin College - March 28, 2011

  23. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Faire une analyse financière selon le nombre de cours offerts par des enseignants québécois et le nombre de cours offerts par des enseignants étrangers; Proposer une entente financière au partenaire tenant compte des coûts du programme en établissant un seuil minimum pour le nombre d’étudiants; Négocier et signer l’entente financière précisant le partage des revenus du programme.

  24. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Recrutement des étudiants; Inscriptions; Embauche des enseignants; Préparation des enseignants en fonction du contexte particulier de l’enseignement (clientèle différente, niveau de compréhension de la langue, adaptation à une nouvelle culture, formule très intensive.); Évaluations annuelles et ajustements si requis.

  25. DOUBLE DIPLOMATION Clés du succès: Vision des leaders du collège; Adhésion de la direction; Ouverture et flexibilité au niveau des modifications à apporter aux programmes réguliers; Développement d’une relation de confiance avec les partenaires; Patience et persévérance; Du personnel motivé et disponible.

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