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Dental implants are the best solution for missing tooth along with dentures. Know how dental implants can improve your life even without having your own teeth.
The magic of dental implants that you never knew about! In the world of dentistry, dental implants are the latest solution for missing teeth. In this procedure also, artificial teeth is fixed but before that, a strong screw made of titanium is drilled inside the jawbone so that the artificial teeth can be easily fixed, surgically. Dental implants not only solve the issue of damaged or missing teeth but also acts as a support to loose fitting dentures. Hence sometimes it is also called denture implants. You may have a broken tooth or two and think it to be fine enough to leave it like that, it won’t harm you. In reality, having broken or missing teeth for too long is not right. The reasons are : 1. Takes care of your appearance- Almost everyone is concerned about our appearances in front of others. Surely, you wouldn’t want to lose your best smile because of broken/damaged teeth. Moreover, missing teeth can have a psychological effect on your well-being. It can invite emotional stress and shatter your confidence levels, affecting both your personal and professional life. This is where successful Implant Dentistry in Edmonton wield its magic! Since there is no visible difference between your natural teeth and the artificial ones, dental implants automatically boost up your confidence levels and make you look beautiful again every time you smile. 2. Takes care of your oral health- Every tooth contributes towards the maintenance of your complete dental structure balance. An absence of any tooth will disturb this balance and give rise to various oral problems, especially if the distorted alignment of your teeth interferes with your chewing abilities. Hence dental implants are required to bring back the lost balance of your dental structure. 3. Ensures comfort- There is no better feeling than when you have all your teeth present inside your mouth. Not only does a full perfect set of teeth beautifies your appearance but also provides comfort while chewing. Suppose you have your favorite dish in front of you and all you can do is stare at it because you don’t have enough teeth that can help you to chew. So with dental implants, you can properly chew your
food again and even don’t have to give up on your favorite food. What is the success story of dental implants with people? In dentistry, dental implants are considered to be one of the most rewarding dental procedures. There has been a survey that shows 95 % of lower jaw implants and 90% upper jaw implants have been successful among people. In addition, the highest success rate for dental implants include placement of an implant at the back of the lower jaw. A new alternative for implant dentistry Dental implant services in Edmonton have come up with a new alternative called mini implant. This type of implant is suitable for fixing small teeth as well as incisors. Also known as narrower implants, this type of treatment is suitable for those who have pre- molar teeth or a missing tooth that was formerly located in a narrow area or when the lower jaw dentures require balance. Some essential features of mini implants are: • • • Mini implants are affordable. This procedure is solid inspite of the absence of a screw. There is no complete submergence of the implant during the procedure. Conclusion- Dental implants are indeed an intelligent solution for missing or broken teeth. But for a successful dental implant, it is always wise to go to a qualified and trained implant dentist for better results in the long run. Source:http://www.shoredentureclinic.com/the-magic-of-dental- implants-that-you-never-knew-about/ Shore Denture Clinic 780.428.0786 lkassian@shaw.ca www.shoredentureclinic.com