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Standard 3: Movement. Do Not Copy WG-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on the Earth’s surface. Is this picture moving? Which of the two pictures on this page is an example of the theme of movement?.
Standard 3: Movement Do Not Copy • WG-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on the Earth’s surface. Is this picture moving? Which of the two pictures on this page is an example of the theme of movement?
Standard 3A: MovementDO 12/3 Bellwork • Describe the process of rumor spreading at school. Do not write the rumor or names, but just how it spreads. • Provide an example of an idea, fashion trend, or technology that has spread in the U.S. • Conclusion: Why are we discussing rumors and the spread of ideas, fashion & technology.
Standard 3A: MovementKNOW • MOVEMENT deals with the movement of people (daily transportation & migration), products & ideas. • Geographers look for local, national or global patterns telling us where people are moving & why.
Migrations are important in U.S. History starting with the Native Americans coming from Asia followed by the Europeans & African slaves after 1492. Standard 3A: MigrationsKNOW
Standard 3A: MigrationsKNOW Emigration vs. Immigration “E” for EXIT “I” for IN
Standard 3A: MigrationsKNOW PUSH PULL THEORY: Why people migrate? • Push factors refer primarily to the motives for emigration. • Pull factors refer to the motives for immigration. Quick ? Socrative question #1.
Standard 3A: MigrationsDO WORLD CAFÉ NOTEBOOK ASSIGNMENT What are some PUSH factors? How about PULL factors? Make two columns in your notebook. Title the left column PUSH, the right column PULL. List all of the push & pull factors you can. 2 minutes
Standard 3A: MigrationsKNOW • Add the following Push Factorsif they are not on your list: climate, drought/famine, escaping, criminal prosecution, natural hazards, no upward mobility, political & religious persecution, political unrest (civil war, revolutions), poverty, scarcity of land, unemployment, etc. • Add the following Pull Factorsif they are not on your list: climate, education, family, friends, food, HOPE, job opportunities, land, promise of freedom/rights, retirement, safety, upward mobility, wealth, etc.
Standard 3A: MigrationsDO • How can we define Culture? • A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Socrative Question #2
Standard 3A: MigrationsKNOW How does culture change & spread? • Innovation: creating something new. • DO:Innovation Video (1:21) • Diffusion: when people, ideas, culture & technology spread to other regions and/or people. • DO:Diffusion Video (1:32) • DO: The Deep Dive – Designing Innovation • Part 1 Video (9:55) • Part 2 Video (7:33) • Part 3 Video (4:36) Which of these pictures represents innovation, and which one represents diffusion? Why?
Standard 3A: MigrationDO • Socrative #2-5.
Standard 3A: MigrationDO • Notebook Assignment: Make a Shutter Fold comparing innovation and diffusion in our American culture. Use the inside flaps to provide examples. You may use the internet to help you if needed.
Standard 3: MovementDO • Can you identify this song. (Teacher Note: do not show youtube screen on SmartBoard. • Moving On Up – Theme song to The Jeffersons , a sitcom that aired from 1975 to 1985. • For this class, it will be the theme song for your MOVEMENT project.
Look Weezie, they’re making the move too! Standard 3: Movement DO MOVING ON UP PROJECT • In life, you will have to make many difficult, challenging decisions, none more so then moving your home. In this project, you will simulate moving from Columbia, S.C. to a destination of your choosing. Where will you go – a tropical island, the mountains, the rural countryside or a deluxe apartment in the sky! Your task is to make a presentation of your upcoming move.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • Historically, most immigrants have come from Europe & settled in the NE.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • After the Revolution, settlers from the east began to move west toward the Pacific with a sense of Manifest Destiny – meaning they believed it was their right & duty to settle the region.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • Pull Factors: Cheap or Free Land (Homestead Act), California Gold Rush (1848), New Business Opportunities, etc. • DO: MUSIC VIDEO BATTLE: Manifest Destiny Rap Video (3:24), Rock in the Classroom’s Manifest Destiny Video (4:36), & Elbow Room Video by School House Rock (3:02)
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO: Yertle the Turtle Read Aloud • Read Dr. Seuss’ Yertle the Turtle then discuss how this story relates to Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion. • Relevant Quotes: • “I know, up on top you are seeing great sights, but down at the bottom we, too, should have rights.” • “All the turtles are free, as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.”
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • Push Factors: Racism, violence, low paying farm jobs, segregated schools & voting restrictions. • Pull Factors: Jobs in industrial cities, better schools, & the right to vote. • The Great (or Black) Migration: From 1910-1930, 2 million blacks moved from the South to the NE, Midwest & West.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO • In this activity, read the children’s book Ruth and the Green Book to learn how African Americans traveled while avoiding racial discrimination. • Teachers: Print up the S3-Green Book Handout & S3-U.S. Road Map (not yet available). You can also print up the S3-Green Book Lesson Plan for more specific instructions on leading this activity. • Students: Answer the questions on the handout individually, and then as a group try to map out the route on a U.S. road map that the family traveled by using clues from the book & the document on the back of the handout. 1956 Green Book
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO • Notebook Assignment: Make a Concept-Map book about a specific American migration of your choosing such as the Native Americans, European Groups, Manifest Destiny, or the Great Migration. Provide a brief description and the push-pull factors for the migration.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO • GIS For History – Great Migration Map Activity: this investigation activity provides an interactive GIS map for studying patterns in historical census data over a period of time, a collection of historical documents chosen to help put the data into historical context, and lesson plans created by teachers and university instructors. There are 4 driving questions that students must answer. • http://www.gisforhistory.org/projects/greatmigration/
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO • Complete the Immigration Web Quest at icivics.org. Read the information on the left of the activity screen, and then click the link (usually a picture) on the right of the screen. Follow the directions, and then go back and answer the question at the bottom of the activity screen. • Answer the questions in your notebook. The questions appear on the next screen.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDOImmigration Web Quest Questions for Review 1-Introduction: Why U.S.? Why did this immigrants family decide to move to the U.S.? 2-Immigration: Push-Pull Factors How did the rise of American industry act as a pull factor for immigrants? Complete this chart in your notebook (do not print page): 3-Opening and Shutting Doors How did the American’s believe the immigration quota would maintain the character of the U.S.? 4-Are There Aliens Among US? Which two requirements for becoming a citizen do you think are most important?
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDOImmigration Web Quest Questions for Review 5-Are Green Cards Really Green? Why were these changes made? 6-Can YOU Pass The Test? Write down how many answers you got correct? 7-Facts and Figures How did the new citizens feel about their future in America? 8-Immigration Today Describe the differences between the views of conservatives & liberals on how to fix the “immigration problem.” 9-Youth and Immigration What does “The Dream Act” call for?
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • Whereas the NE is the most densely settled region today, the pop. is currently shifting to the South & the West. • Push Factors: Less jobs (decline of manufacturing ; jobs moving) & cold weather. • Pull Factors: New jobs & warm weather.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • Thousands of students from around the world come to study at our universities. • DO: Discuss the Push-Pull factors.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsKNOW • In 2009, there were approx. 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. • DO: Discuss the Push-Pull factors. • DO: Honors Immigration Essay & Discussion – Students will improve their understanding on the issue of illegal immigration in the U.S. by writing a persuasive essay and taking part in a discussion on the topic. See Word & Excel Documents for directions.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO • Learn who can legally enter the United States, and who cannot by playing “Immigration Nation” at icivics.org. Time Requirement: 15 minutes. Notes: sound is not necessary.
Standard 3B: American MigrationsDO The Geography of Cocaine • One of the concerns regarding immigration is crime, specifically the drug trade. • In this reading & map activity, students will learn about the cocaine industry and the movement (illegal trafficking) of drugs into the U.S. • There are no questions on the quiz from this activity; could be good for an assignment for a substitute.
Standard 3B: Movement & U.S. History DO • The theme of movement is evident throughout U.S. History regarding migrations TO our nation as well as WITHIN our nation. The movement of ideas was also influential such as the European Enlightenment on the formation of our government. • To gain a better understanding of the influence of movement on U.S. History, complete the U.S. History Guided Reading. “YESSSS! This is awesome – a reading with questions. It’s old school !”
Standard 3B: Movement & U.S. History • After you are finished , play the original Oregon Trail Game. • For home gaming, zombie lovers should try the Organ Trail at http://hatsproductions.com/organtrail.html
Standard 3B: Movement Film StudyDO • FAR AND AWAY is about Joseph Donelly, a tenant farmer, leaving Ireland in 1892 with his landlord's daughter, Shannon Christie after some trouble with her father. They come to the U.S. with the dream of owning their own land (upward mobility). • You will view this film and identify the various push and pull factors influencing the main characters. Teachers: see film assignment document.
Standard 3:Movement Medical FocusKNOW CASE STUDY: The Influenza Pandemic , or Spanish Flu , of 1918-1919 • It was the most devastating epidemic in recorded history killing 20-40 mil. worldwide, infecting 1/5th of the world as it followed the path of its human carriers, along trade routes & shipping lines. WWI with its mass movements of men probably aided its spread. • View 1918 Flu Video (2:37) and/or the Flu Song Video (2:19)
Standard 3:Movement Medical FocusDO In 1918 children would skip rope to the rhyme: I had a little bird, Its name was Enza. I opened the window, And in-flu-enza. Why were they singing of a bird? Does this rhyme remind you of anything? Source: http://virus.stanford.edu/uda/ How Viruses Work • How a Virus Invades Your Body Video (3:39) • How Flu Viruses Attack Video (3:48)
Standard 3:Movement Medical FocusDO • DO:Pandemic 2 Simulation • DO: Outbreak Film Study
Standard 3: Movement THE END Except for the quiz
STANDARD 3B: MIGRATION QUIZ 11. True (A) or False (B): The spread of the Spanish Flu pandemic was the result of troop movements during and after World War II. 12. Approximately, how many illegal immigrants are in the United States? A. over 10 million B. over 500 thousand C. Over 25 million 13. True (A) or False (B): The current trend in U.S. population movement is from the South to the Northeast. 14. Historically, which area of the world did the majority of immigrants come from to the U.S.? A. Africa B. Asia C. Europe D. Latin America 15. Why are people currently migrating within the U.S.? A. Education B. Human Rights C. Job Opportunities D. Religious Preferences 16. Which of the following was NOT a push factor of the Great Migration? A. Jobs in Industrial Cities B. Racism C. Segregated Schools D. Voting Restrictions 17. True (A) or False (B): Hostile Indians were a pull factor of Manifest Destiny? 18. What region of the U.S. is the most densely populated? A. Northeast B. Midwest C. Southeast D. West 19. What is a push factor for people leaving the Northeast U.S.? A. Education B. Job Opportunities C. Manufacturing Decline 20. In what migration did Blacks move from the South to the Northeast/Great Lakes regions? A. Amerindian Migration B. Bantu Migration C. Great Migration D. Manifest Destiny