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A keyword planner is one of the tools that Google offers. Google keyword planner is an essential tool for anyone who wants to rank higher on Google. It helps to discover what keywords are most popular and how much competition they have. Here are the steps by step guide to using Google keyword planner.
Where does Google Keyword Planner come in handy? A keywordplanneris oneofthetools thatGoogleoffers.How doesitwork? With theKeyword Plannertool, marketerscan find relevantkeywordsas wellas information aboutthosekeywords,suchassearchvolume,competitiveness,andcostperclick. Whether you are just getting started with SEO or you are an experienced professional, keyword research is a good place to begin. When it comes to Google AdWords and you plan to integrate search advertising into your campaign, you should use the Google Keyword Planner,tobeginwith. Thefollowing explanation ofkeyword researchand itsimportance for bothorganic andpaid digital marketingcampaignswill allow ustounderstandKeywordPlannerand howit works.
What is keyword research and why is it important? Having a keyword research strategyin place for optimizingyour website for the SERPs is an essentialstepyoucantakeasanewcomerto searchenginemarketing. Identifying the top keywords within your industry or business is a key aspect of SEO that involvesdoingkeywordresearch. Businesses usually begin by identifying the keywords specific to their industry, but after you’ve compiled a list of keywords, you need to evaluate their suitability for each campaign and page. Researching keywords can help you determine how popular certain terms are and how competitive they are organically and paid-for. Your SEO strategy and optimization efforts will bemoreeffectiveifyoumakesureyouunderstandthecompetition.
Researching keywords will show you how users might use a particular language in the SERPs to locate products and information. This can be used to come up with new content ideas,understandyouraudiencebetter,andstaycurrentwith industrytermsand jargon. By creating targeted content based on keyword research, it is possible to create relevant contentthatwill drivevisitorsdirectlytoyourweb pages. In addition to the many keyword research tools at your disposal, one of the best places to beginisby usingGoogleAdwords’ KeywordPlanner.
Why should I use Google Keyword Planner? Keyword Planner by Google is a tool for researching search engine keywords. Using it, you can track keyword searches related to your business, find what kind of search volume each gets on a monthly basis, and see how much it costs to target each keyword. You can use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to: Identifying new search terms Looking at keyword search volume on a monthly basis Assisting in determining costs Setting up a new search campaign ● ● ● ●
Identifying new search terms Keyword Planner provides suggestions for related keywords when you begin researching keywords for your campaign. As far as finding keywords for your pages, this is great if you havenoideawheretobegin. In this case,try searching formoregeneralkeywords such as“children’st-shirts” or “t-shirts for kids,” and Keyword Planner will provide you with information and suggestions related to thoseterms. You will get more suggestions if you start with a broader keyword, but it is not recommended to start too specific or too general. If you want to sell kid’s v-neck t-shirts, youcouldstart with“kid’st-shirts”insteadof“kidst-shirts.”
Looking at keyword search volume on a monthly basis In addition to estimatingmonthly searches forkeywords, theGoogle to view their estimates. In order to be successful in your campaign, you should know how frequentlykeywordsinyourindustryaresearched. GoogleKeyword Keyword Planner Planner allows you It would be a waste of time and money to target keywords that no one uses but there is also no point in targetingkeywords with extreme searchvolumes for the simplereason that theyusually attractmorecompetition. Moreover, it allows you to determine which search terms are most commonly used by consumers when looking for certain products or information. A campaign and strategy must takeintoconsiderationhowyouruserswill searchfor yourproducts. An increasingly broad keyword will typically garner more monthly searches, while a more specific keyword will have fewer. You may want to focus more on the more specific queries to find peoplewithaninterestintheproduct.
Assisting in determining costs Another aspect to consider for your campaign is the cost of the keywords you intend to target. Fortunately, Keyword Planner gives you an estimate of how much it will cost your ad to show when a search is made for your chosen keyword, so you can choose the keywords that suit your strategyandbudgetbest. In general, if a search is done more frequently, the cost of that search will also be higher becausethecompetitionforthosekeywordsis sofierce. If you have a lower volume of monthly searches, however, the results are usually the opposite, dependingon yourindustry. It’s important to remember, however, that your keyword choice, budget setting, and Quality Scorewill affectthecostofyourPPC ads.
Setting up a new search campaign This tool was designed specifically for Google Adwords, enabling easy creation of keyword- based campaigns. You can create a campaign based on a recommendation or enter an individual daily budget for yourcampaign. If you implement your campaign, it will be available in Keyword Planner under the “Tools & Settings”iconso thatyoucanviewyourentirecampaignin oneplace. Designed primarily for use with Google Ads, it is still an important tool for researching and planningSEOkeywordsaswell. It is common for marketers to align their paid advertising campaign with their search engine optimizationcampaignso theycanoptimizebothmarketingstrategiesforthesamekeywords.
If you wish to use the Keyword Planner, you must have set up your Google Ads campaign,ad group,andads themselves,with yourGoogleAds, accountalready. Alternatively,youcanadd anURLto theKeywordPlannerandlook forkeywordideas. Adding keywords to your ad groups is a simple process. Simply click the “+” sign next tothosekeywordsand add them.
How to use Keyword Planner You can use Google Adwords Keyword Planner for free. However, you must first create a Google Adwords campaignin ordertoaccessthetool. It shouldn’t be a big deal if you plan on using Keyword Planner to create paid search campaigns, in which case setting up a campaign shouldn’t be a problem, however even if you aren’t planning on runningads,youstill havetodoit. Ifyou use theKeyword Planner tocreatepaidads, thenyou can bypass thecreatecampaignprompts, so let’sassumeyouaredoingso. Youhavetwo optionsonceyouhaveaccessto thekeywordplanner: The“FindKeywords”option Obtain searchvolumeandforecastsby clickingon“GetSearchVolumeandForecasts” ● ● This tool enables you to enter keywords and find match-ups matching your products or services to prospects.
You can use this tool to get historical search results and forecasts of future performance based on yourchosenkeywords. Using Google’s search tool, you enter specific words, phrases, or URLs that relate to what you do, anditreturnsyoursearchtermsalongwithsuggestedkeywords. In addition to the number of search results, competition, and cost per click on top of the page ads, thesesuggestionsincludeinformationontheaveragemonthlysearches,aswell. Additionally, you can use this tool to check out the keyword strategies of your competitors. If you usea URLratherthana keywordorphrase,youwill beable tostealkeywordsfromyourcompetitors. To find all the keywords that are targeted on a website, you simply need to switch over to start with aURLandpasteit in. A keyword suggestion isn’t included in the search volume and forecast option. In actuality, it shows you how many impressions and clicks you may expect when you advertise on Google Ads with the keywordsyouchoose.Thereis also acostestimate,as wellas aper-clickand click-throughrate.
Utilizing the Keywords Results Page For best results, sort and filter the Keywords Results Page results to get the most from the KeywordPlannertool. For a keyword search results page, you can target by four criteria: Geographic locations, Languages,Searchengines,andDateranges. Selecting the location enables you to market to a particular country or country. Unless you plan on targetingusersoutsidethedefaultdemographics,youcanusuallyleavetheseoptionsalone. You want information about a particular language based on the keywords. In most cases, you will be leaving these options alone because the default language in the United States is automatically English. Ifyou areutilizing onlyGoogle’s search network or oneoftheirpartners,you willbe advertising only onGoogle.In general,a12-monthtimeperiodis set,and itis usuallyadvisedto leavethatalone.
Above the suggested keywords you see an option to Add Filter. In addition to the keyword text filter, thereareoptionstofilter outadultterms,excludekeywords, compete,andviewthetopofthepage. In addition to organic impression share and position in the organic search results, keyword planner offers organic impression share and organic average position. The only requirement is to connect yourGoogleSearchConsole accountwith yourGoogleAds accountin ordertoaccessthesefeatures. A few filters thatarecrucial when youareresearching general keywords arekeyword text,theaverage numberofsearchespermonth,and competition. Searching for keywords with or without specific words or phrases is made easier with the keyword textoption.A specificshirt colororstylecanbefoundusingthismethod. If you don’t want to see brand names in your keyword list, you can filter it for question terms like the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why) or exclude brand names from the list to find things your competitionis usingliketheexampleswementionedearlier. This feature allows you to filter terms with a high volume of queries or low volumes of queries. It is also unlikely you will want to target extremely high search volume searches because there will be a greatdealofcompetition.
In the same way, you might not think it’s worth targeting those keywords if the search volume is extremelylow. These results can be filtered as well, so you can see competition categorized as a low, medium, or high. However,youshouldrememberthatthetoolwascreatedspecificallyfor GoogleAdwords. As such,theresultswill notbe accurateforSEO,so werecommendnot leavingitblank. There are also options for placing bids at the top of the page. With this filter, you are able tochoose low orhighranges. You will be able to see here how much you are going to spend to have yourad appear above the page for that keyword. This will help you find keywords that suit your strategy even if you have a limited ad budget. With your new understanding of how to filter and use Keyword Planner’s various tools, you’ll be able to better analyze the keywords available under the ideas section and find which onesare most appropriate toyourcampaign. With Keyword Planner, you can discover new ways toreach users and potential customers, whether you areusingpaidads orsearchengineoptimization.