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Contextual search is defined as a search technology that focuses on the context of the query as well as the intent of the user to fetch the most relevant set of results. It has changed the way search engines view data. A contextual search engine is pulled from your search history and made to suit your search intent.
A couple of months back Google updated how searches and search history affect your search results tryingtomakeitasconvenientforyouaspossible. Suggestionswillbemadebasedonyourmostrecentsearch/activity. Recommendations based on recent activity. Google declared earlier last year, “can determine that you’relookingtolearnmoreaboutpreparingandservingaturkeyandwe’llprovideyouwithahelpful suggestionatthetopofyoursearchresultspagetogetyoutowhatyouwereactuallylookingfor.” For example, if you search for the recipe for pie, and later search for apples, it will suggest recipes for applepietoo. Itdisplaysabluetextthatsays“suggestedbasedonrecentactivity” So in addition to the usual results, you will also get additional results based on the most recent activity.
Carousel searches: Though this is an older update, Google now is publicly talking about how it understands the language. They have developed a system to understand search intent and language andcombinethemtogiveusbetterresults. Simply put if you search for apple pie and then mango pie, it will later also suggest results based on bothappleandmangopies. People also ask: This again is not a new feature. But what is amazing about this is, earlier if you searched for“howtosetatable”Google would haveshown results onlyonthat question andmaybea little extension of how to set an outdoor table. Now that you have apple pie and mango pie in your search,itwill showresultsonhowtosetatablewithpieinthe“peoplealsoasksection”.
Keyword vs contextual search 3rdisearch says, “Contextual search is defined as a search technology that focuses on the context of the query as well as the intent of the user in order to fetch the most relevant set of results. It is different from the traditional keyword-based search technology that only focuses on keyword matchingwhenfetchingresults.” Traditionally keyword search has been the bulk of how illegal searches happen. There is certainly a place for it but until you add the power of context to it a user will really not have the best experience with just keywords. The resultsare goingto be both over and under exclusive and the data is going to befalsepositives.Basicallymanythingsyoudon’twantwithyoursearches.