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Explore the power of individual motivation in financial management through the inspiring journey of David Goggins. Learn how mindset influences long-term success and discover strategies to achieve your goals. Join the discussion on motivation versus mindset and enhance your financial leadership skills.
CHANGE MOTIVATION For Financial Managers
Pre-Brief House Keeping • This is the first time I have ever presented a brief on Motivation • I am not a licensed professional in any medical field, social work, psychiatry, nutrition, fitness, public speaking or brain activity • Today’s discussion is based on my own personnel thoughts/views/experiences as well as those of motivational experts such as David Goggins, Daniel Pink, Morten T. Hansen, multiple AF Intel Officers I’ve worked for/with, and a few others • Expectation management. I expect everyone to have different thoughts and opinions as we go through this brief…..I’m not really talking about anything new, just trying to promote thinking…today’s topic means something different to each individual person • I will try and keep it interesting, I’ve got some pre-selected “Boring” monitors so if it gets ugly they will let me know. Also UM monitors. • This is a surface level discussion only, goal is to stimulate your mind to think about your Individual Motivations and your Mindset • WHO AM I? QUICK BACKGROUND BRIEF
Why Are we Talking about Motivation? • FM Conference Topics; Audit, FM Topics, Robotics, Leadership, Networks, Change, Budget, Change Management, Economics, etc. • All Great Topics……but……I’ve never been to an FM Conference and seen anything focused on Individual Motivation or Self Motivation or Individual Mindset • JT so what, why does individual motivation matter? • Good question, If I cannot motive myself how can I be a good Financial Manager….the best Financial Manager I can be, or a good leader, or a good teammate, or develop a workforce? • Dive Deeper…..how can I be the best father, or husband, or human? Am I truly the best I can be? • Deep Deep Dive……am I wasting my life/my time because I’m not where or who or what I want to be?
Ski Trip – My Journey “so far” • January 2019, 6 hours in the car with my family, listening to POD casts • Started with Moth Hour • Moved to some crazy haunted house stories • Settled in on Team Never Quit Pod Cast………………great POD Cast, highly recommend this POD Cast • Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell is one of the hosts • David Goggins was the guest on this particular day • He was a highly motivating figure/guest and really opened my mind to a new way of thinking I didn’t know was even possible. UNCLASSIFIED
David Goggins • Retired US Navy Seal • Endured Hell Week 3 Times • Also completed U.S. Army Ranger School and Air Force Tactical Controller Training (Only human to do all 3) • Ultra Marathoner – Currently in the Top 5 in the World • Author of Book “You Can’t Hurt Me.” • Motivational Speaker UNCLASSIFIED
David Goggins • Severely beaten both physically and emotionally by his father until he was 10 • Dad ran a roller rink and nightclub • David and his mother and brother worked at the rink everyday after school and did not return home until 4am, then he would go to school and repeat • Terrible stutter • Significant learning disability, cheated his way through school • Future Step Father was shot and killed the day after he proposed to his Mother when he was in 12 • 1 of only 2 African Americans at his Indiana School • Weighed 300lbs at age 17 UNCLASSIFIED
How did he do it? • ACCOUNTABILITY MIRROR: He looks in the mirror….he calls it his accountability mirror…and it never lies….it’s always about you and no one else…keeps him focused on tasks at hand and future goals (17 Years Old) • SELF ASSESSMENT: Over time he figured out his weaknesses, who he was and owned his past, identified areas he wanted to improve and focused on those areas (AF Combat Controller Failure) • CHALLENGED HIMSELF: relentlessly at every turn, never stopping to get better, improve himself, do things that suck, set and achieve goals, set more goals, push himself to the limit (Decision to become a Navy Seal) • TOTAL MINDSET CHANGE: First he doesn’t call it motivation…actually dislikes the word motivation…..for Goggin’s it’s all about controlling your mind and changing your mind set to push yourself to limits and results you thought were un-obtainable
Motivation vs. Mindset • Motivation • Task oriented • Temporary, cannot maintain it for long periods of time • When we apply it to larger issues or seek to use motivation to achieve long term goals we often get results of failure • Think Diets, Exercise, Communicate Better, Family Issues, Drink to Much, Go to Church every week, Do more in the community, etc. • Mindset • Long term • Control your thoughts/emotions……control your mind to reach your goals, dreams, etc. • Use this to achieve large or long term goals, goals that are tough to reach, difficult, uncomfortable • Motivation is a tool, utilized within Mindset • Consistently challenge your mind to overcome the “uncomfortable” UNCLASSIFIED
Biggest Take Away from Goggins? • 40% RULE • When your brain starts telling you, you are finished you are really only at about 40% of your true capability • Brain and mind are wired to protect you, to keep you comfortable • Brain and mind actively seek to avoid the uncomfortable and seek the comfortable • There is a lot of literature available on controlling your mind
Biggest Take Away from Goggins? • 40% RULE APPLIED • 15 credits per semester is the college standard, why can’t you take 18, 24, or even 36 credits… • The Badwater, Ultramarathon = 135 mile race in Death Valley • El Capitan Free Climb = See movie Free Solo • -36 Degree Marathon • 350 mile run • Atlantic Swim • Colonel Sanders • Jeffery Immelt, GE CEO, mastered the 100-hour work week • Clara Barton - Red Cross “What if you applied the 40% rule in your life………” UNCLASSIFIED
JT’s Journey • Know Yourself - examples • Overweight and out of shape, not where I wanted to be • Introvert and getting worse • Challenge yourself, take control of your mind • Ramped up running from 6+ miles a week to 15+ miles a week, increased intensity and variety of workouts • Increased # of pull-ups to 50+, push-ups to 125, abs to 150+ per session • Ran multiple 7 – 10 mile runs (5 since Feb) • Volunteered for speaking roles (like today), challenge myself at every opportunity to speak in front of people and conquer my fears by challenging myself to think and ask questions • BFAK, Be Fearless and Kind, Gen Peccia, AFMC Comptroller • Set goals and measure yourself • Goal #1: Go From 218lbs to 200lbs by January 2020…….currently at about 212lbs • Track work outs on my phone….average 5.5 workouts a week since Feb, up from 3 prior to change • Goal #2: BFAK, ask questions at all events/instances, don’t be afraid to speak up if I have a good thought • Speaking at the local PDI • Asked 7 questions during recent ACC Comptroller conference, last year I asked 1 • Sent several idea emails to higher level bosses (GO/SES) on issues I thought were relevant
Final Thoughts Every day thoughts – I’m in control • Attitude: It’s the only thing I can control every day • 24/7: I have 24 hours a day and 7 days a week…..how am I using it? • 80 Year Old Rule: When I look back on my life when I’m 80 what will I see? Did I reach my full potential did I let myself come up short • Make a Difference: Am I truly using my capabilities to make a difference for others? What else should I focus on, what goals should I set? • Church - am I focusing enough on my religious beliefs? What about the church community? • Volunteer – dedicate more time/effort/leadership to help others? • Job leadership - focus more on taking care of my boss and my employees • Job performance - how am I doing, do I need to make changes, improve, get more organized….. • Career - how am I doing? Where am I at? Am I on the right path? • Father - am I doing the best I can to raise my boys, set a good example, spend quality time with each of them • Husband - am I working on my communication and how am I doing, am I making sure I let my wife know how much I appreciate her and how much I love her, am I making efforts to cultivate our relationship
Now, What About You? https://youtu.be/nEVqbQHLykE