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Charge of the Task Force. Convene an Interprofessional Task Force with broad representation to examine Professionalism and Academic Integrity at RFUMS and draft a White Paper with the task force findings (what we have) and recommendations (what we may want to have)Process. . Task Force Members. Marc AbelRebecca DurkinSarah GarberKen KesslerCathy LazarusMonica OblingerNancy Parsley.
1. Academic Integrity Task Force
Summer Quarter 2008
2. Charge of the Task Force
Convene an Interprofessional Task Force with broad representation to examine Professionalism and Academic Integrity at RFUMS and draft a White Paper with the task force findings (what we have) and recommendations (what we may want to have)
3. Task Force Members Marc Abel
Rebecca Durkin
Sarah Garber
Ken Kessler
Cathy Lazarus
Monica Oblinger
Nancy Parsley
Neal Patel, student representative
Wendy Rheault
Sandra Salloway
Renwick Taylor, student rep.
Sally Venus
John Vitale, Task Force Chair
4. Contextualizing the Issue
5. Definition Academic Integrity encompasses:
(Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson
“The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity”)
6. Academic Integrity Data Center for Academic Integrity Data: 75% of college students cheat at least once and more than half don’t think it is a serious offense
Cheating at all levels: grade school through to professional programs
7. College Cheating:Comparison of 1963 to 1993
8. Methods of CheatingMcCabe et al
9. Research on Professional Schools 84% of undergraduate business students and 72% of engineering students cheated at least once (Mohr et al presentation)
10. Medical Professions
Rennie and Crosby reported 2% to 56% of medical students would engage in unethical behaviours- forging MD signature (9%) or falsifying notes (32%)
Previous cheating in high school predicted cheating in medical school
50% of pharmacy students admitted to being involved in activities traditionally defined as dishonest; however only 16% said they cheated (Mohr, Mabey, Fell & Ingram)
11. Does College Cheating Transfer to the Workplace? Academic dishonesty is associated with workplace dishonesty
Harding et al: “past behavior can be a strong indicator of future behavior”
Harding et al reported that 62% of students who cheated in high school also cheated in college
64% who cheated in high school violated workplace policies
12. Transfer to Medical Practice Unprofessional behavior in medical school is associated with disciplinary action by a state medical board
Three unprofessional behaviors:
Poor reliability and responsibility (8x more likely)
Lack of self improvement (3x more likely)
Poor initiative and motivation
(Papadakis M, Teherani A et al, NEJM, Dec 2005)
13. Why Do Students Cheat? According to McCabe- peer behavior has the most influence
Peer approval increases cheating and peer disapproval decreases cheating
Students who don’t cheat feel disadvantaged
14. Why Do Students Cheat? McCabe et al reported that certain characteristics lead to cheating:
Pressure for grades
Parental Pressure
Poor self image
Lack of responsibility
15. Why Do Students Cheat? Faculty issues as reported by students:
Faculty look the other way
Too much homework
Trivial assignments
Faculty do a poor job in the class
Faculty don’t remove opportunities to cheat
16. Why Do Students Cheat? Outdated policies on cheating
Weak punishments
Institutions don’t try hard enough to stop cheating
Students aren’t involved in making the policy and the judicial process
(Mohr,Mabey, Fell & Ingram, 2008 presentation)
17. Student Views on Faculty Teacher should pay attention to gestures (etc)
Give different forms of exam
Have more proctors
Teachers shouldn’t leave exams in office
All personal items stashed away
Students shouldn’t be allowed to leave the room
Students should know consequences of cheating
(Mohr,Mabey, Fell & Ingram, 2008 presentation)
18. Honor Codes McCabe et al found that academic dishonesty was higher in institutions with no honor code, and was less at schools with an honor code
Peer behavior and acceptance had a significant influence on cheating
Student involvement is the key to successful implementation of honor codes
19. Honor Codes Stress responsibility of students
Policies are clearly delineated
Includes written pledges by student
Institution clearly communicates policies campus-wide regarding dishonesty
Students play significant role in judicial process
20. Academic Integrity at RFUMS
21. RFUMS Student Council (Honor Council)
Educational Affairs Committee
Profession/School Specific Codes of Professionalism and Academic Integrity
Draft Standards for Student Conduct Policy – Student Affairs
Draft Code of Conduct for “all University faculty, staff, volunteers, and others who exercise authority on behalf of or in affiliation with the University.” – Compliance Office Artifacts of Academic Integrity
22. Academic Integrity as core University value
Academic integrity is a shared responsibility of students, faculty, staff and administration
Clarify expectations for students
Reduce opportunities for cheating
Prompt and equitable enforcement of policies
Draft Recommendations
23. Questions & Comments